RCMP bust pot grow-op 2 days after cannabis legalized

and again..
I doubt you think its a bad thing that people get charged for impaired when they are not impaired..
simple shit wwee man in da boat! ;)
I never disagreed with your original post except for 2 items. A 16 year old selling in school, and an impaired driver. I am not ok with either, the rest of the charges sounded silly. I guess you have something invested in this due to your inability to read what i actually said. I apologize for raining on your wet dream.
I never disagreed with your original post except for 2 items. A 16 year old selling in school, and an impaired driver. I am not ok with either, the rest of the charges sounded silly. I guess you have something invested in this due to your inability to read what i actually said. I apologize for raining on you wet dream.
round and round

Ya missed what IMPAIRED IS FOR POT foolish one!.
My issue isn't with the kid being charged as he would have been anyway before legalization of recreational cannabis. My issue is that now he's far worse off being charged AFTER legalization of all things.

If the punishment outweighs the crime it's an unjust law. Just like it was before legalization. 16 year olds make stupid mistakes but their futures shouldn't be ruined for a non violent offence with no victim for nothing more than a legal cash grab(possession of illicit cannabis). Glad the government is protecting the kids though.......
Government gets first dibs on children under 16 don't you know that? They will take them away and put them in unsafe multi-dwellings, give them to various religious orders, and make the parents visit under the tyranny of some watchful dyke. Progress...
Finally. Some sense. If me smoking a joint in the car in the passenger seat can impair the driver (@ 7ng/L) then the cops have made the obvious argument that the federal limits are bullshit.

Anyways that was going to be easy enough to do regardless.
Finally. Some sense. If me smoking a joint in the car in the passenger seat can impair the driver (@ 7ng/L) then the cops have made the obvious argument that the federal limits are bullshit.

Anyways that was going to be easy enough to do regardless.
Same as an open container... Bad argument. You can wait? cant you?
Same as an open container... Bad argument. You can wait? cant you?
No are you an idiot, this whole conversation has been about the fact that we are medical, and many times in pain and anywhere I can take medication including as a passenger in a private vehicle I should be allowed. Go back to the station Sgt. Stadanko.
-Thread title
More than 12 people have been charged under the Cannabis Act since recreational marijuana became legal

Do you see medical mention anywhere? I see recreational

Not trolling, just having discussion.
I hope you smoke weed in small or copious amounts until you pass as normal.

Other than that, you must be a bit sad as a human so I will not attack you, but honestly weed can help you sort things out.

Hope you get your glory sgt.
If my saying that children shouldnt sell pot in schools, and driving under the influence is not o.k. I am o.k with being abnormal.

Have a good nite
You are the one who has said that since # 1 post. So good luck with your fairy-tail of inferring that we think those activities are ok...lol
Actually that is a good point. I've known alchies who could drink all day and not get drunk or impaired.
What is your point?
there are many that get just blasted off of one drink too...usually late stage alcoholic's
its like there are stages in the life of a daily drinker... in the beginning they can get impaired with a normal amount of drinks.
then on the the ever increasing tolerance level, where the amount of drinks becomes obscene at some point.
then they level off into a "perma drunk" by having a daily maintenance usage. or dosage ...where amounts start to mean less and less.... until thru the body breaking down from years of abuse they will only require one or two drinks to appear to be fully impaired.

Any connection between alcohol and cannabis is a stretch....since there is zero to compare..... where usually the drinker will be the one who tries to make the ties to cannabis,,, in order to show the harms,,,, since their substance of choice has many years in a row been way up towards the top, on the list of substances people party with and their harm index....
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