RCMP bust pot grow-op 2 days after cannabis legalized

Not trying to be a dick here but you cant really say you havent seen an inexperienced smoker go to shit after a single hit. I dont think they should be on the road, just like a drunk. Worse yet someone that had a little booze, below the limit, and took a poke before heading off.
Dont rain on their fairy tale. Soon they will be cruising fucked up everywhere without worry
What in the fuck are you talking about? I've been toking and driving for forty years without so much as a speeding ticket - you can't convince me I'm more dangerous than a soccer mom on the road. There is obviously a learning curve and a newbie won't want to drive. I smoke all day, every day and I drive - I'm not about to change anything. The fact is they can not prove impairment by the mere presence of thc regardless of the ng/ml level. If I'm impaired, I don't drive - I don't get impaired often or for very long.
Dont rain on their fairy tale. Soon they will be cruising fucked up everywhere without worry
I drive slower and just fine medicated. 5 nanograms is a joke, I probably wake up with more than that in my blood stream.

I don't think newbies should toke and drive. There is a point where you consume long enough, it just feels normal. Edibles however, fucking wreck me because I don't do them often. Im an adult, so i know better than to ingest edibles and drive. Smoking merely takes the edge off, but im not wrecked behind the wheel. Until science can prove impaired or not, I am against impaired driving laws that pertain to cannabis use.
I drive slower and just fine medicated. 5 nanograms is a joke, I probably wake up with more than that in my blood stream.

I don't think newbies should toke and drive. There is a point where you consume long enough, it just feels normal. Edibles however, fucking wreck me because I don't do them often. Im an adult, so i know better than to ingest edibles and drive. Smoking merely takes the edge off, but im not wrecked behind the wheel. Until science can prove impaired or not, I am against impaired driving laws that pertain to cannabis use.
This is good discussion.
How do you decide what is and isnt enough? Maybe a sobriety test is enough... I dont know.
I do know i dont want to be on the road and get hit by some baked rook and have it passed off as an accident. In my car or on foot
Actually that is a good point. I've known alchies who could drink all day and not get drunk or impaired.
What is your point?
Not sure why this is even a question. Drunks get charged with vehicular manslaughter, sober it is an accident.
so when am I impaired at 2 or at 800 ng/liter of blood? lmao

riddles....................... wee man in the boat! ;)
This is good discussion.
How do you decide what is and isnt enough? Maybe a sobriety test is enough... I dont know.
I do know i dont want to be on the road and get hit by some baked rook and have it passed off as an accident. In my car or on foot
I think we all agree nobody wants impaired folks on the roads. But busting folks who aren't impaired should also be a crime.
That isnt what was said. Maybe your comprehension is impaired. Reread and get back to me
and again..
I doubt you think its a bad thing that people get charged for impaired when they are not impaired..
simple shit wwee man in da boat! ;)