Aussie Growers Thread

Ok here’s my opinion. And it’s only mine.

If a guy is grossed out by a woman who doesn’t WAX her pussy, then I say he’s an immature wanker and fuck him off.

This whole topic IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be about “what a man likes/wants”!! The body belongs to the woman herself!! If she likes her clit buried under the rubble than good for her. If she likes the easy access and added sensitivity than that’s good for her too.

The end.

Look venus55 all adults can do what they want. All I want to do is get the correct information out to the teens who need it. I am preparing a sexual education course for schools all over the world. Unfortunately the people who should be helping me, the academics are themselves immature wankers who cannot get over their own ego. I care for the teens because I can remember when I was a teen. They don't have the resources to work this out for themselves. Unfortunately Ruby, is only a representation, of these immature wanker. And the guys who like the playboy photo I put up and too scared to be real men and tell the truth to their mate.
I'm doing all this work alone. I don't even get help from women who agree with me. You should have called them out for posting that bald cunt image. I understand it's difficult. But remember, my target is the professionals, because it's their fucking job.

If I said I can find stuff that the reporters at the BBC cannot find and Google themselves with all their tech and staff and algorithms cannot find, you'd no doubt call me delusional. But I have posted the evidence. it's right there in front of you. #64521
It was an ignorant question? My turn to say “really”?
Ok well here’s how ignorant it really was. The only time I’ve seen people spin their weed was in high school. And the purpose for it was to “make it last longer”.

Now for a man who just trimmed 10 pounds by himself I can’t see that ^^ being the reason you spin it.

So I asked the genuine question. But ok let’s just roll with “I’m ignorant”, cos that’s easier than answering the straight forward question posed to you.
For me I use to smoke a pack a day of cigs so, I don’t smoke darbs anymore but I guess I get my nicotine hit from the sprinkle I put it, it’s so small it looks like red hair haha straight joints are good tho just the bong is too much
@Venus Believe you me, it would be far easier for me to kick back and enjoy my life without doing anything other than sitting under a tree. I don't need to do all this work, cop all this abuse (not here, from the professionals). Why do I do it then? Because it's the right thing to do and if I don't no one will.

I truly don't need this shit, but it's my duty.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. —Edmund Burke

P.S, thanks for being honest, I'm proud of you, I know that was not easy for you.
Look venus55 all adults can do what they want. All I want to do is get the correct information out to the teens who need it. I am preparing a sexual education course for schools all over the world. Unfortunately the people who should be helping me, the academics are themselves immature wankers who cannot get over their own ego. I care for the teens because I can remember when I was a teen. They don't have the resources to work this out for themselves. Unfortunately Ruby, is only a representation, of these immature wanker. And the guys who like the playboy photo I put up and too scared to be real men and tell the truth to their mate.
No teens here fuckwit fuck off your getting ignored again because you dribble shit about wanting to teach teens your a pedo you sick fuck
@Venus Believe you me, it would be far easier for me to kick back and enjoy my life without doing anything other than sitting under a tree. I don't need to do all this work, cop all this abuse (not here, from the professionals). Why do I do it then? Because it's the right thing to do and if I don't no one will.

I truly don't need this shit, but it's my duty.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. —Edmund Burke

P.S, thanks for being honest, I'm proud of you, I know that was not easy for you.
What work? You sound like your Trying to start some sick cult, Charles Manson brother over here
Well the first msg would be to teach girls to do what THEY like!! Teach them that what a man wants is insignificant to what makes them happy.

I can tell you right now I wax because I LIKE IT that way. Aesthetics. Never once in my teens was I under the impression that I should wax because that’s a how a man likes it. That’s the mistake you’re making. You’re not considering that women are making their own choice to do it. I couldn’t give two shits if my man likes it or doesn’t. If he told me tomorrow he’d like it if I grew “it” out, I’d say oh yeah that’s nice baby but not gonna happen sorry. And to flip it round - he shaves his nuts. Not cos he likes it, he doesn’t, but because I DO. So go figure that one.

Please stop asking for my opinion I’m no expert. I’m just a chick on a weed forum who likes chatting with like minded people.
@Venus Believe you me, it would be far easier for me to kick back and enjoy my life without doing anything other than sitting under a tree. I don't need to do all this work, cop all this abuse (not here, from the professionals). Why do I do it then? Because it's the right thing to do and if I don't no one will.

I truly don't need this shit, but it's my duty.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. —Edmund Burke

P.S, thanks for being honest, I'm proud of you, I know that was not easy for you.
Hey what huh??!!

You just said being honest is not easy for me!!? Wtf!! You don’t know me from the next person and you just said I have trouble speaking the truth??
For me I use to smoke a pack a day of cigs so, I don’t smoke darbs anymore but I guess I get my nicotine hit from the sprinkle I put it, it’s so small it looks like red hair haha straight joints are good tho just the bong is too much
What about when u were smoking cigs, did u still spin it then and what for?
on the subject of spin, im green all the way but when i was younger and a heavy pot smoker i used to use spin, i can honestly say i just did it cause thats the way it was done when i first tried pot. you know it was just the way you do it, never even questioned it
on the subject of spin, im green all the way but when i was younger and a heavy pot smoker i used to use spin, i can honestly say i just did it cause thats the way it was done when i first tried pot. you know it was just the way you do it, never even questioned it
Soo we could get an extra round of cones I guess ahahah some of my mates spin it too much, I won’t even ask for a cone these days
I spin my weed because I'd always done it growing up. Everyone I knew from weekend tokers to major dealers had a bit of spin. I can smoke green if I have to but I cough and thats shit so I add tobacco. I dont add a lot these days but I still do. Old habits and all that
Thank you!! That’s all I wanted to know.