Aussie Growers Thread

@ruby, (btw is that a reference to Ruby Tuesday, like see you next Tuesday), You think you've got friends because you get a little stroke on your cock with a 'like'. You got no friends mate, if they were true blue friends they'd pull you aside and say "listen mate, ease up your talking complete shite, and this chap has not really deserved it" but they don't do that because they think being a mate means giving you a 'like' but that won't do you any good, a true mate know that sometime you'll need a little tough love. They don't want to say that now because they've (mostly but not all) jumped in too quick and now they're committed.

Ironically you cunse question whether I'm Australian, you're all a fucking disgrace to what a true Aussie really is. Like that chap who came in and told you all...

He sounds like he should be taking more responsibility here, but I think he feels an obligation to not break ranks. A real man can admit when he was wrong.

This is what you turds do not realise, I was shocked that I got welcomed with an image of a bunch of underage looking girls with their shaved cunts. Don't you realise the damage you are doing to someone like Venus55, then you talk about jerking off to her profile photo, she's a fucking 37 year old woman with a husband and kids, and you say that. You remind me of that scene in Trainspotting where to two dickheads are bragging in front of LuLu about their time in Amsterdam and the red light district. I can't find it on youtube but this will do.

U didnt get welcomed with that pic ...pic was posted after we all realised what a total cockfuck you are

Can any of you Master Growers, give me some advice on soil. Stuff that's available in Australia, I've got a little White Widow photoperiod, I'm not particularly fussed about it it's more of a hobby grow, I'm wanting to keep it in a pot in the garden and with a bit of luck mainline it to keep it very small. Here's a shot it's nearly two weeks old looks fine but it's growing really really slowly. It's in Osmocote profession seedling and cutting mix, and in one of those post that keeps a little pool of water at the bottom, I thought that's good for flooding it to check the pH and the ants won't be able to get in. The local hydro shop didn't have a decent mix.
But you know "only teens add tobacco". You can ask but I don't feel like wasting my time answering ignorant questions
It was an ignorant question? My turn to say “really”?
Ok well here’s how ignorant it really was. The only time I’ve seen people spin their weed was in high school. And the purpose for it was to “make it last longer”.

Now for a man who just trimmed 10 pounds by himself I can’t see that ^^ being the reason you spin it.

So I asked the genuine question. But ok let’s just roll with “I’m ignorant”, cos that’s easier than answering the straight forward question posed to you.
My son told me it was so it lasted longer when he brought it lol
It's gotta be more than that tho man, my mate has more dope than he can smoke in a lifetime and he still smokes mix, i dont get it. Can anyone shine a light on it for me, I truly curious no hate at all lol, as if I could give a fuck haha.
U didnt get welcomed with that pic ...pic was posted after we all realised what a total cockfuck you are

Whoosh. I didn't mean it was posted for me, someone just used my comment 'bald cunts' to a previous comment about old cunts or something. The point was exactly that it was posted. Furthering the myth that guys like shaved cunts. This used to be a minority fetish and I've got no problem with it per se, but teenage girls who mothers don't understand anything, do not have the resources or knowledge. They are just going to follow the crowd. Pretty soon it will be all there is.

And you want to know where it goes from there? Female Genital Mutiliation Lite, otherwise known as labiaplasty.

Here's another one of the fuckwad professors I'm going after, Dr Gemma Sharp

Last year, a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found a growing number of doctors had received requests from girls younger than 18 for cosmetic surgery on their labias.

They have to do a study because they are puzzled by this sudden rise in FGM lite.

Guys this is not a fucking joke.
Dickwad reckons "you want to get into venus55's pants. Mega Roffle.

When we met I was 32 and she was 18 she told me sometime later that she was concerned that she'd think "hmmm when I'm 28 he'll be an old crotchety cunt at 42. Well she's 49 now and will spontaneously dance for me, and no one else. I advised to nix the skipping rope move and one other modification. This is what Michael Jackson does, if you watch his dance moves he gradually removes some that don't work, you see it evolve over time.

Not sure how long youtube will leave it up, due to their music recognition software, but here it is (with permission) I was going for that silhouette looks like the Apple ads.

In case you were wondering, no I'm not Jay Gareth it's just a name I pulled out of my arse for you tube.
Fucken yuck.
Lol dark room no face and at 1m 20 the slag kicks her leg up to reveal a basket of 4 inch hairs hanging down to the floor lol
Your a twit
Fucken yuck.
Lol dark room no face and at 1m 20 the slag kicks her leg up to reveal a basket of 4 inch hairs hanging down to the floor lol
Your a twit

Care to give me an honest opinion on that quote from the sick cunt Ruby? Do you have a daughter by any chance, would you want to teach her that? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

What's your opinion about shaved cunts, seeing as like your opinion is worth more than some guy with no experience.

Imagine as a mother that you had a 15 year old daughter, would you be comfortable with her believing that what the sad fuck Ruby, has said below. Should be an easy question to answer

Fucken yuck.
Lol dark room no face and at 1m 20 the slag kicks her leg up to reveal a basket of 4 inch hairs hanging down to the floor lol
Your a twit

So bit of a misogynist as well, women too much for you, little girls more to your taste. You sound like a fucking rock spider.
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Whoosh. I didn't mean it was posted for me, someone just used my comment 'bald cunts' to a previous comment about old cunts or something. The point was exactly that it was posted. Furthering the myth that guys like shaved cunts. This used to be a minority fetish and I've got no problem with it per se, but teenage girls who mothers don't understand anything, do not have the resources or knowledge. They are just going to follow the crowd. Pretty soon it will be all there is.

And you want to know where it goes from there? Female Genital Mutiliation Lite, otherwise known as labiaplasty.

Here's another one of the fuckwad professors I'm going after, Dr Gemma Sharp

Last year, a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found a growing number of doctors had received requests from girls younger than 18 for cosmetic surgery on their labias.

They have to do a study because they are puzzled by this sudden rise in FGM lite.

Guys this is not a fucking joke.
You are a fucking joke though lol
jzs147, Papasmurf99 and giglewigle like this. #62752

Are these three who like the shot going to call you out you fuckwad @ruby course not because they are not men, a man has integrity he tells the truth are they going to be honest now, or is it more important to support their mate even when they know he's wrong.

Gutless fucking cowards. The exact opposite of what women want.

True or not @Venus55
Care to give me an honest opinion on that quote from the sick cunt Ruby? Do you have a daughter by any chance, would you want to teach her that? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

What's your opinion about shaved cunts, seeing as like your opinion is worth more than some guy with no experience.
Ok here’s my opinion. And it’s only mine.

If a guy is grossed out by a woman who doesn’t WAX her pussy, then I say he’s an immature wanker and fuck him off.

This whole topic IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be about “what a man likes/wants”!! The body belongs to the woman herself!! If she likes her clit buried under the rubble than good for her. If she likes the easy access and added sensitivity than that’s good for her too.

The end.

Here I'll prove that I can discover on youtube what a dedicated team of 6000 are unable to find.

I wrote to Michael Wending but they were not interested. And the article just talks about **comments**. You Tubes thousands of specialists employees cannot discover what I can. I'll this is just a smattering of the work I do to protect young teens. I do the work that no on in the world knows how to do. Check out this screenshot, I want to you see that I'm not even signed in. See how it's mixed up with normal news. This is nothing there's worse going on. So even being not signed in your kids can find links to hard core pornography on you tube. I think these were up for a couple of weeks.

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