Personally, I think you got your shit in line more than 99% of the other "growers".
I think lowenfells acts like a jackass and elane ingrahm is myopic in her vision and education of others. What I have seen of both, they leave gaping holes in every recorded conversation, they use the broader sense of nature and ecology in their methods, but they themselves do not understand fully why it works, same goes for clackimass and others. They are working within their domain and are generating solutions that work no doubt, but there is much more going on here than a single annual cycle, benifits and deficets are compunded over time and creating sustainable gardening and farming practices is not a simple thing. We (humans) were trying to figure out the riddle, thats how we ended up going down the synthetic fretilizer route when IMO we need to go back to the beginning and look at each ecosystem both wholey and for its individual components.
Steps off soapbox...