Aussie Growers Thread

Anyone ever seen or heard of the strain ABC (Australian bastard cannabis) that CSI Humboldt and Painted Forest Farms are working on IG? They say they got them from Australia and were grown "in the mountains".

Ive never heard of it but looks super interesting and unique...


2nd last pic looks similar to the old "bindi eye bud" that guys used to grow but haven't seen it in a decade or more.
Harvested two Strawberry amnesia tonight and up potted a WW X BB and a Northern lights and put into the flower tent.
The C99 (first pics) is still going went to 12/12 on the 23 or 27 of the 8th. No sign of hermi yet.

Nice root balls on the repots. This is the WW x BB canopy and ball.

Dad left today thank fk. Between him and my sister they went thru far to much smoke.
Not yet bro. I’ve been crook the last few days. I’ll definitely do it in the next couple of days and tag you
No hurry mate, just been allot of posts and ive been playing catch up and didn't want you to go to all the trouble and me not see it. A bottle of wine always makes me feel better.