How much longer should I wait to flush her?

To give an answer to your original question it has a month to go aprox before flushing nutes is on the table, don't believe these guys saying it's urban myth, some people choose not to and it may up the potency by boosting a tiny bit in the last week or 2 but it practically smashes any flavor profile and the plant breaks down the nutes so all that is being done is cutting off the nutes so it uses up the remaining, I'd say it's a bigger deal for chemical nutes than organic tho
You just admitted in another post to being a noob. And yet, here you are claiming to know better than everybody else - "don't believe these guys".

So how about providing a link to back up what you claim? Could you please explain in scientific terms how opting not to flush "practically smashes any flavor profile"?
Woah this topic really gets people fired uppp
Because this poor horse has beaten to death. I flushed for years before studying it more in depth. I run low ppm nutes and found that flushing doesn't change a thing in the final product. I run multiple flowering rooms, so I'm able to do side by side comparisons. Did the same thing with silica a while back, and aside from being a handy substitute for PH up, it's basically useless.
You got a good month to go on that plant. Just a rule of thumb I use, when you start getting orange hairs, you have about 4-5 weeks to go. I do not "flush". I rarely add anything but water + calmag to my soil grows. Hydro, I lower the EC the final week or 2, or just RO water because they are basically done growing and just need to finish ripening and dont need a lot of added nutrients to do so.
Woah this topic really gets people fired uppp

You ain't seen shit sister! LMAO... This is nothing.....Several of us here (with l-o-n-g term experience, and schooling) have been down right threatened by "flushers".......

Nutrient companies (some) perpetuate the MYTH for profit !!! They make "flushing" compounds...While some are for removing nutrients from media's...These Bozo's still say you "need" to do it in hydro...Remove all those unwanted nutrients from the plant.....I guess the marketing dept. Missed those parts of Botany 101 and 102...

In reality, Plant botanical reality. You can't "flush" nutrients from a living plant!
As someone said, It's all in a proper dry and cure....

Many are right. You over did the N. They are glossy.... I also see the plant saying it wasn't stable when it went into flower... While the single leaf set is whats saying that to me...I suspect an odd light timing sched. was part of her issue...

For the fox tailing...Combo things contributing it's warmer then it needs, the N helped, and the lighting issue... Not a biggie though....

The raising of P should be a careful thing....Many Nutrient company's, drop the N too much and raise the P too much, too early....

Good luck and run her out 4+ more weeks...
Nutrient companies (some) perpetuate the MYTH for profit !!! They make "flushing" compounds...While some are for removing nutrients from media's...These Bozo's still say you "need" to do it in hydro...Remove all those unwanted nutrients from the plant.....I guess the marketing dept. Missed those parts of Botany 101 and 102...

I also see the plant saying it wasn't stable when it went into flower... While the single leaf set is whats saying that to me...I suspect an odd light timing sched. was part of her issue...

I call them marketing companies because they can put anything in a bottle, make unbelievable claims, and sell product to people believing the nonsense.

That plant looks like it had it's flowering schedule disrupted at some point and started to reveg.
You should back off the nitrogen in your nutes but don't stop feeding. What type of nutrients are you using? You got an unusual fox tail thing going there do you have heat issues?
Ancient earth and big bud and there's no nitogen so idk and I'm also using led so really no heat .. I think this plant is just messed up
Ancient earth and big bud and there's no nitogen so idk and I'm also using led so really no heat .. I think this plant is just messed up
Do you have a big light leak then? Usually you don't get those weird 1 bladed leafs unless something is wrong (like reveg or some type of heat issues) . Check your timer too, make sure it's running 12/12 and no little extra somewhere mid dark cycle.
Well hell, let me throw my two cents into the mix. While i do believe in flushing but not in the way other believe in it. Sense you r in soil its a lil different then hydro in terms of flushin, if you are doing organics then i agree flushing is useless as the plant is just a big storage unit and collects the nutrients to use at a later date. So if you over feed it, it has an over abundance of nutrients that will be left after harvest no matter how much you flush.
You just admitted in another post to being a noob. And yet, here you are claiming to know better than everybody else - "don't believe these guys".

So how about providing a link to back up what you claim? Could you please explain in scientific terms how opting not to flush "practically smashes any flavor profile"?
Lol buddy, not saying I know better, just said not to listen to the people saying it's bs cuz I believe it has benefits, mostly in the case of chemical nutrients, is a very nice general reference site, you can find flushing on there and as far as being a noob, hell yeah I'm gonna tell anyone right off the bat because bottom line unless you study the subject like it's your career, it's all opinions so they should be taken with a grain of salt, but any who my personal line of logic is that in the very final moments, the point where it's ready and you stop nutes just long enough to have the plant use up the remainder and not have a plant full of chemicals that haven't had enough time to fully break down, now everyone thinks differently but the way I see it there's a lag between nute uptake at the roots and actual effects of them (growth etc). So in the last 2 weeks nutes are still being used but it's leeching the plant of them, and this part idk for certain but I feel like one might be smoking chemicals somewhat, but that might not be true because the roots manage nute uptake so there would not be actual man made Chemicals within the plant if that stacks, but when a plant has reached the end and it's harvest window, it's probably about as big as it's gonna get, so the remaining nutrients within are enough to last it the last week or so. Also nutrients change the flavor of the smoke is claimed on that site. Hope that got the gist
Woah this topic really gets people fired uppp
Oh yeah, this seems to be one of the worst subjects on this site and let me tell you, the anti-flush people act like you killed one of their children if you mention flush. It is insane how crazy they get over someone else growing their plants the way they want to grow them. If you want to flush, by all means flush, most of the reasons they give to not flush don't make sense anyway. It might not help your plant, but in no way does it hurt your plant either. In most cases you will be cutting it down within about a week of flushing anyway.
Oh yeah, this seems to be one of the worst subjects on this site and let me tell you, the anti-flush people act like you killed one of their children if you mention flush. It is insane how crazy they get over someone else growing their plants the way they want to grow them. If you want to flush, by all means flush, most of the reasons they give to not flush don't make sense anyway. It might not help your plant, but in no way does it hurt your plant either. In most cases you will be cutting it down within about a week of flushing anyway.
^ This is mostly incorrect information that should be ignored.

And you ask why experienced growers get triggered when it comes to this subject?
I was planning on feeding plain water for 2 weeks. Starting maybe next week?? What do you guys think?

I think the plants should of vegged longer lol. Ittle babies lol. You got some time like others have stated. At least a month and a couple weeks maybe. Never heard of flushing really unless you’re trying to purge your medium but cutting off nuets and use water only for a couple few weeks seems to be effective for most. They also have cleaning solutions you can add to your water every feeding as well. Florakleen or keepItkleen etc are a couple. Never used them though so can’t comment much more on them.
Newer growers should learn to finish with nutrients till the end.

The fade was for pros, until you manage to finish with fully green plants and leaves you shouldnt bother to try fading.

When you get this then you can do whatever its all cool :-)
Lol buddy, not saying I know better, just said not to listen to the people saying it's bs cuz I believe it has benefits, mostly in the case of chemical nutrients, is a very nice general reference site, you can find flushing on there and as far as being a noob, hell yeah I'm gonna tell anyone right off the bat because bottom line unless you study the subject like it's your career, it's all opinions so they should be taken with a grain of salt, but any who my personal line of logic is that in the very final moments, the point where it's ready and you stop nutes just long enough to have the plant use up the remainder and not have a plant full of chemicals that haven't had enough time to fully break down, now everyone thinks differently but the way I see it there's a lag between nute uptake at the roots and actual effects of them (growth etc). So in the last 2 weeks nutes are still being used but it's leeching the plant of them, and this part idk for certain but I feel like one might be smoking chemicals somewhat, but that might not be true because the roots manage nute uptake so there would not be actual man made Chemicals within the plant if that stacks, but when a plant has reached the end and it's harvest window, it's probably about as big as it's gonna get, so the remaining nutrients within are enough to last it the last week or so. Also nutrients change the flavor of the smoke is claimed on that site. Hope that got the gist

There are people with college degrees in the agriculture field, botany, horticulture, etc... that say flushing does nothing. It's those without any formal education or have never grown any plant other than cannabis that push the flushing nonsense. Them and nutrient/marketing companies trying to sell as many bottles of whatever they market for "Flushing".

But I don't really care if someone else wants to starve their plants.
Lol buddy, not saying I know better, just said not to listen to the people saying it's bs cuz I believe it has benefits, mostly in the case of chemical nutrients, is a very nice general reference site, you can find flushing on there and as far as being a noob, hell yeah I'm gonna tell anyone right off the bat because bottom line unless you study the subject like it's your career, it's all opinions so they should be taken with a grain of salt, but any who my personal line of logic is that in the very final moments, the point where it's ready and you stop nutes just long enough to have the plant use up the remainder and not have a plant full of chemicals that haven't had enough time to fully break down, now everyone thinks differently but the way I see it there's a lag between nute uptake at the roots and actual effects of them (growth etc). So in the last 2 weeks nutes are still being used but it's leeching the plant of them, and this part idk for certain but I feel like one might be smoking chemicals somewhat, but that might not be true because the roots manage nute uptake so there would not be actual man made Chemicals within the plant if that stacks, but when a plant has reached the end and it's harvest window, it's probably about as big as it's gonna get, so the remaining nutrients within are enough to last it the last week or so. Also nutrients change the flavor of the smoke is claimed on that site. Hope that got the gist
Theres not a difference between organic & synthetic as far as the plant is concerned. Plants don't use up anything, what you put in it stays there. Plants can be deficient and shuffle "mobile nutrients" from old growth to new growth it doesn't disappear.

Pay attention to what you're feeding and forget this idea you can wash it away. You and your plants will be healthier for it. Cannabis is a plant that is able to absorb toxic amounts of metals and store it. Most of those metals are immobile in the plant, meaning the plant can't shuffle them around even if they were needed somewhere else. You can't stuff a dozen big macs down your throat a day then eat a salad once a month and think you'll be healthy. Read the link about cannabis sativa.
Plants don't use up anything, what you put in it stays there. Plants can be deficient and shuffle "mobile nutrients" from old growth to new growth it doesn't disappear.

Your study cntradicts you in a small way -

Phytovolatization is a technique in which metals from the soil are taken up by the plant roots and by the process of transpiration they are released in the environment.

This would suggest that one or two do dissapear through volitile reaction possibly with air/light idk.
