Aussie Growers Thread

This is what I was going to post yesterday. Remember though that I'm not comparing the vipar spectra to anything other than LED's in that price range and I'm referring not to big growers but to someone who just wants one or two plants in a small space and doesn't want to spend at least double the cost.

FWIW, the ChiLED's are way out of my price bracket, but that's what I'd get if I could afford it.

I'm using the Viparspectra PAR 700 in a 60x90 makeshift room with one side open (ha try doing that with a non autoflower) and a fan blowing over the top. It already has a bunch of 7500K white and 3000K white LEDs which I use on their own at half power for seedlings. Not sure if you know or not but white LEDs are made with Blue LEDs that have been coated with a phosphors. Being blue they have more energy so they can be stepped down as it were with the phosphors. This means they will still have their blue peak, and the overflow energy is transformed into white by adding green and red. RGB = W. White LEDs are the cheapest. As you know plants do use greenish/yellow light, but they do not use it as efficiently as they do either blue or red.

The extra cold 7500K rather than the 5500K of sunlight, and the extra warm of the 3000K mix together to produce a nice spectrum that can have more or less red depending on the balance. If my vipar was all white it would be as *generally* as good as a white COB but it *would be less efficient* in making light.

But Are We Not Men, did we not work out how to land a fucking car on Mars. Did we not work out how to put fish genes into a tomato. And equally can we improve upon what nature provides. Of course we can.

Plants are more efficient at using red light so it makes sense you want a lot of that, and they are very efficient with blue light so you want that too. What you refer to as Blurple are often just red and blue, and I can have that if I want by turning off the 3000K and 7500K. So I do have White light I just add other light. In the same way you can take your grow room that has white LEDs and add some red and some blue and it will not make your white light less, it will then be 'blurple' but it will still be the same white LEDs underneath that you have grown to love.

Now take these people for example they use white LEDs and they talk about Red White and Blue light, and they have a PhD blabbing on. However read carefully what they say, and you see that they give the correct information about each colour but they are a little bit slippery in that they keep implying that 'the jury is still out' 'we don't really know', so they give you the right information then they try and scare you, so you are lead to believe that 'yes they are talking about Red and Blue so they are not tricking me, they must be using white because as Donald Trump would say 'who knows', "who knew health care could be so difficult" "Hilary knew you, fucking Orange Tool"

But the fact is that White LEDs are the cheapest.

If I could afford it I'd be using a DIY self assembled kit from have you seen their youtube channel, they can put their LED fixture in a tank of water and run it.< eek gif> After you've recovered from that they put the entire fucking power supply in the tank as well. So if you are living in Atlantis you'll be sorted. Point is that they care. If you go to their do it yourself spectrum tool page, you can watch what their light looks like when you turn the red all the way off, it looks just like the best white light spectruma. They are not putting extra red lights in there because it's cheap. But what has impressed me most about their lights is that their blue lights have an extra UV bump at 380nm and the purpose of this is explained in their literature, it's to force the plant to protect itself by producing more suncream, also known as THC containing resin.

Because of that I'm looking to buy some 380nm LED from ebay and give my plants some extra UV.

They are actually using too much green which plants use but they don't use it as efficiently are either red or blue.


This might explain...
You could have spent the same amount of money of a hlg diy kit and doubled your yield.
Nah bro if ur gunna come making claims u no how it works proof or it’s not real
I've already proved it to myself, and I posted that proof maybe you missed it. I'm not trying to convince anyone, here's the proof that satisfied me, whether you care to make anything of it or not is up to you. The 'morning after' is 10 hours later with 4 of those in darkness.

before.jpg defol.jpg morning after.jpg
I wouldn’t mind doing it one more time and then I’m done with kids, if he grew up an only child he would most likely be a cunt so he needs a brother or sister
Haha i was like nah im never having kids then i got Dog to try out a little responsibility and i was like fucking hell no im definitely never having kids and cut my own balls off hahah
Here's a shot I just took, so three days later, Day 33 except there's been some more light defoliation. I've got more leaves and more heads at the canopy than before the defoliation three days earlier. Again I say, I'm just sharing what I use to convince *myself*, it's up to you what you make of it. But one thing is for certain, it did not slow my particular plant down. I've got tips showing at the canopy now that I'd normally have lollipopped out of existence. Go figger.

But for defoliation to work, you have to have a plant in tip top condition.

Day 33.JPG
Here's a shot I just took, so three days later, Day 33 except there's been some more light defoliation. I've got more leaves and more heads at the canopy than before the defoliation three days earlier. Again I say, I'm just sharing what I use to convince *myself*, it's up to you what you make of it. But one thing is for certain, it did not slow my particular plant down.

But for defoliation to work, you have to have a plant in tip top condition.

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Your amazing, teach me will you?
Yeah mate. But keep it sealed tight. Leave a little bit out in a disposable cup or something overnight and you’ll understand why. I keep mine in a sealed bucket with a damprid tub
Kk it’s confusing cuse like how many balls is to many or how many is not enough I try n aim for an even number
Here's a shot I just took, so three days later, Day 33 except there's been some more light defoliation. I've got more leaves and more heads at the canopy than before the defoliation three days earlier. Again I say, I'm just sharing what I use to convince *myself*, it's up to you what you make of it. But one thing is for certain, it did not slow my particular plant down. I've got tips showing at the canopy now that I'd normally have lollipopped out of existence. Go figger.

But for defoliation to work, you have to have a plant in tip top condition.

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What sort of exhaust are you running?
Kk it’s confusing cuse like how many balls is to many or how many is not enough I try n aim for an even number

Don’t worry. Over on the manufacturers thread he’s mentioned that it won’t make a difference as long as you have some of both in he mix each time. If your making small batches (<10L) I’d recommend using a liquid stock solution to dose out of instead for the powder, more precise imo
Nice plant think I see a bit of bite burn there be carful shame to do that to a beautiful looking plant might wanna back of the nutes a bit

No it's just an effect of the lights. Next Tuesday when I change the reseviour, I'll post a shot in natural light, but I can assure you that under normal lights all the leaves look just like the ones I just posted a few posts up of the older fan leaves I removed to improve ventilation. They are perfect right to the tip of the tip. People get confused because plants shot under non white LED's often look weird.

Yesterday I was convinced I had a fungus or powdery mildew and even I thought I saw a spider mite web, I had to cut the leaf off and bring it out and examine it. It was all an effect of the light, all the stuff I saw was in my mind. I think this often confuses people.
What sort of exhaust are you running?

My ventilation is I only have three walls, lol. This is another reason I love the auto flowers. To control the humidity, I leave the door to the room it's in either open or closed. No good for a big grower but works a treat fro me.


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Don’t worry. Over on the manufacturers thread he’s mentioned that it won’t make a difference as long as you have some of both in he mix each time. If your making small batches (<10L) I’d recommend using a liquid stock solution to dose out of instead for the powder, more precise imo
I do 20 it’s awsome don’t have to ph think today I fed around 7grams put ex around 8
I say this with respect but don't tell me what to do. You can take any information I post and wipe your arse with it if you like. Are you telling me the majority is always right? That's the most lame reason for believing anything of all time.

Knowledge either stands or falls on it's own merit, it doesn't matter who says it or who believes it or how many people agree with it. That was the point of my earlier post about the breaking of the weak force. The entire physics community agreed it was in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, "utter nonsense". However it was correct. I can give dozens of examples of that and I already did. If you don't bother to understand my posts then you'd be better off not bothering to answer.
Man, I try to just let it be but you are a epic fuckin tool hey.
Don’t worry. Over on the manufacturers thread he’s mentioned that it won’t make a difference as long as you have some of both in he mix each time. If your making small batches (<10L) I’d recommend using a liquid stock solution to dose out of instead for the powder, more precise imo
I have scales also I have a feed chart with it