Aussie Growers Thread

@Venus, let me explain further. I fully understand the sentiment you expressed which was basically, if someone is completely over the top and vile to you for no reason, it doesn't mean you should be vile back, you can be better than that.

OK on the face of it that sounds very reasonable. However this is what happens in the real world, once someone does that to someone like me who did not deserve it, I may have made some posts they disagreed with but I'm not slagging any one off. And FFS do we always resort to personal attacks if someone disagrees?

So what happens if I'm 'bigger than that', you know maybe I can impress you Venus by showing you how marvellous I am by just standing there while various forum members who have now been energised by someone who felt like dumping on me, also now start at it. BTW this is a well know Flame Warrior from Mike Reed's wonderful series. Look up Flame Warriors. Then look up Big Dog, and Little Dog.

All that will happen is that I then have a posse of insecure people all attacking me. Sorry, that is not acceptable to me. So what should I do? This is where Game Theory comes in, and this is used in War, and it's used throughout the animal kingdom and has proven in computer simulation to be the best Game to play. Tit for Tat. It even beat Tit for Two Tats, it beat every other contender every other complicated algorithm. And by 'beat' I mean it gave the best outcome for *everyone*.

By doing nothing it does nothing good. What then I just piss off because of the abuse, I should let two or three people ruin it for the hundreds who lurk here? Is that the 'right' thing to do? OK so I just pack up and go. Then the forum is not only worse, but the cabal is strengthened only to await the next interloper. This is not the right thing to do. I have spent my whole life standing up to bullies.

Anyway so I play Tit for Tat, but it's deliberate, because I can only respond in kind as I've already shown that not responding is bad for me bad for you bad for any newcomers and frankly this is not their fucking forum.

So I respond in kind, now in my mind, that is the end of it. Now if the other person thinks, 'shit I really was way over the top, and they feel bad about it, they might just stop. They bashed me I bashed them back and we're done. Now say I'm not playing tit for tat, say that I'm the sort of person who once I've been attacked for no reason, will hold a "righteous grudge" for life. So they bashed me I bashed them, then they decide to leave it at that but I now keep on bashing and bashing because I tell myself 'they started it'. That's what happens if I'm not playing tit for tat.

But if I'm playing tit for tat I give the other person room to back off, to end it, they started it, I responded it's over. If they then do the right thing and either apologise (unlikely) or just ignore me (not a bad tactic) they will find that lo and behold I would act as if nothing had happened. Now you can't tell someone this you can only do what you yourself can do, you can't tell someone what they should do, that's the beauty of Game Theory.

It works well in the animal kingdom because of the lack of ego. But remember I don't really have a choice in the matter. Well I do have a choice of course but it's a choiceness choice. I certainly have no choice in their decision to abuse me. But for me to take it, to turn the other cheek as it were, while being a very "christian" thing to do is in fact cowardly and it does not create the best outcome for everybody.

The devil's in the detail.
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Yes well this is the point I want to make. I bought this pH meter quite some time ago. But I was getting confusing readings with my liquid drops and the meter. I used the buffer powders it came with to calibrate it but I used tap water, doh!

Anyhow I bought some proper pH7 lab grade buffer solution and recalibrated the meter. Then yesterday I finally got my packet of new calibration powers pH 6.86 and pH 4.01, I learned a little bit more and found out that the bulbs need to be stored submerged in the pH7 buffer to keep them in good order. The used buffer is good enough.

Then I went down to Coles and bought some of that Purea water that is distilled, which is what I was supposed to use in the first place. Right so I mixed up the correct dilution of the pH 6.8 and pH 4.01 powders. I then calibrated the meter to the pH7 buffer, it was almost spot on anyway. then I dipped it into the pH 6.86 powder and it read 6.9 and I was very pleased. OK it's a cheap meter and only has one calibration point.

In this case it's recommended to use the one that closest to what you want because it can't to a slope. That was naturally the pH 6.9. Now I'm thinking to myself but is it going to be accurate to read 5.9. Well I thought may as well put it in the 4.01 and see what it reads, that's 1000. times more acidic so I wasn't expecting much from a 7.50 meter with free shipping.

It read exactly pH 4.0 in the pH 4.01 buffer solution after calibrating to the lab standard 7 and then reading 6.9 in the 6.86 buffer.

In other words this cheap meter was fucking spot on.

The kicker is I was at the local hydro shop yesterday and they had the same fucking meter with the little brass screw in the back, for... wait for it... $65

So the point of what I'm saying is... well you know what I'm saying.
Cool story bro
It's clear that you think you are superior to anyone else here furry cup. Are the paragraphs really necessary? No one cares buddy, im here to grow pot and talk shit.
@Venus, let me explain further. I fully understand the sentiment you expressed which was basically, if someone is completely over the top and vile to you for no reason, it doesn't mean you should be vile back, you can be better than that.

OK on the face of it that sounds very reasonable. However this is what happens in the real world, once someone does that to someone like me who did not deserve it, I may have made some posts they disagreed with but I'm not slagging any one off. And FFS do we always resort to personal attacks if someone disagrees?

So what happens if I'm 'bigger than that', you know maybe I can impress you Venus by showing you how marvellous I am by just standing there while various forum members who have now been energised by someone who felt like dumping on me, also now start at it. BTW this is a well know Flame Warrior from Mike Reed's wonderful series. Look up Flame Warriors. Then look up Big Dog, and Little Dog.

All that will happen is that I then have a posse of insecure people all attacking me. Sorry, that is not acceptable to me. So what should I do? This is where Game Theory comes in, and this is used in War, and it's used throughout the animal kingdom and has proven in computer simulation to be the best Game to play. Tit for Tat. It even beat Tit for Two Tats, it beat every other contender every other complicated algorithm. And by 'beat' I mean it gave the best outcome for *everyone*.

By doing nothing it does nothing good. What then I just piss off because of the abuse, I should let two or three people ruin it for the hundreds who lurk here? Is that the 'right' thing to do? OK so I just pack up and go. Then the forum is not only worse, but the cabal is strengthened only to await the next interloper. This is not the right thing to do. I have spent my whole life standing up to bullies.

Anyway so I play Tit for Tat, but it's deliberate, because I can only respond in kind as I've already shown that not responding is bad for me bad for you bad for any newcomers and frankly this is not their fucking forum.

So I respond in kind, now in my mind, that is the end of it. Now if the other person thinks, 'shit I really was way over the top, and they feel a bad about it, they might just stop. They bashed me I bashed them back and we're done. Now say I'm not playing tit for tat, say that I'm the sort of person who once I've been attacked for no reason, will hold a "righteous grudge" for life. So they bashed me I bashed them, then they decide to leave it at that but I now keep on bashing and bashing because I tell myself 'they started it'. That's what happen if I'm not playing tit for tat.

But if I'm playing tit for tat I give the other person room to back off, to end it, they started it, I responded it's over. If they then do the right thing and either apologise (unlikely) or just ignore me (not a bad tactic) they will find that lo and behold I would act as if nothing had happened. Now you can't tell something this, that's the beauty of Game Theory.

It works well in the animal kingdom because of the lack of ego. But remember I don't really have a choice in the matter. Well I do have a choice of course but it's a choiceness choice. I certain have no choice in their decision to abuse me. But for me to take it, to turn the other cheek as it were, while being a very "christian" thing to do is in fact cowardly and it does not create the best outcome for everybody.

The devil's in the detail.
The funny part is you're playing with yourself haha
Got any more "true stories" for us Pinocchio ?
reactive drops or litmus strips will always be better than one of those cheap metres. mine ended up in the bin in a week.

I actually quite like the drops, but you have to calibrate the drops because they are not quite colour accurate, but once you know the colour, then they are great. But if you read my post you'll see that I was astounded to see how accurate this 7 dollar meter was. That is read the 4 correctly after being calibrated to the 7 is as good as you can get. You cannot get better than that. A $2,000 meter cannot get better, sure it can give you three decimal places of accuracy but we don't need that.

Mainly what is most important is peace of mind, with a cheap meter I'd always be wondering, is it right. But once I've checked that indeed when calibrated at 7 it really will be correct at 6 because it is reading 4 correctly, then my peace of mind is complete. I know it's correct and all I then ever have to do is to check the calibration once a week with the buffer. If it starts to give me unstable readings I throw it away and buy another, but so far, it's been perfect. I *know* it's accurate. Believe me I almost spent 150 bucks, but when I saw the same meter in the hydro shop for $65 I laughed to myself.

I bought two lots of paper strips but, they are too weird. If my meter ever breaks I'd quite happily use the drops now.
I actually quite like the drops, but you have to calibrate the drops because they are not quite colour accurate, but once you know the colour, then they are great. But if you read my post you'll see that I was astounded to see how accurate this 7 dollar meter was. That is read the 4 correctly after being calibrated to the 7 is as good as you can get. You cannot get better than that. A $2,000 meter cannot get better, sure it can give you three decimal places of accuracy but we don't need that.

Mainly what is most important is peace of mind, with a cheap meter I'd always be wondering, is it right. But once I've checked that indeed when calibrated at 7 it really will be correct at 6 because it is reading 4 correctly, then my peace of mind is complete. I know it's correct and all I then ever have to do is to check the calibration once a week with the buffer. If it starts to give me unstable readings I throw it away and buy another, but so far, it's been perfect. I *know* it's accurate. Believe me I almost spent 150 bucks, but when I saw the same meter in the hydro shop for $65 I laughed to myself.

I bought two lots of paper strips but, they are too weird. If my meter ever breaks I'd quite happily use the drops now.

piss yellow is pretty easy colour to identify
Yeah I kinda just ignore
Seriously dudes why be so...... there’s def sub forums on riu known for hostility towards anyone new or anyone with new views. I didn’t think aussies were known to be so unwelcoming. In fact tourists give us an awesome wrap because WE ARE so friendly.
This dudes done nothing wrong but say hi and go on a bit of a vague rant, but has shown pics of his grow etc.
I don’t know, it’s thru this site that I went thru the exact same thing and it’s shit!! I know it’s just online forum shit shouldn’t take it to heart but some people will always be more sensitive than others.
I reckon everyone deserves to be shown a little respect until or unless they prove otherwise.
I love this thread and the people in it but I get funny when new guys get attacked for no apparent reason.
I know my stalker has had a million reincarnations but I’m 100% confident this isn’t one of them so I’m happy to welcome.

Anyway sorry shark week approaching so I’m a little over sensitive LOL:oops:
I just keep scrolling .I know where your coming from.i haven't been on in a while so it's not my beef.unless it's uncle buck fuck that cunt haha
It's clear that you think you are superior to anyone else here furry cup. Are the paragraphs really necessary? No one cares buddy, im here to grow pot and talk shit.

I just do what is right, I don't really run my life based on trying to manipulate or care about what people think of me. I've had people all my life telling me how I should live my life, that I'll regret not having kids, that I'll regret not owning a home that I should do this and I should do that. I should get superannuation, I'll regret it when I'm 55, guess what I'm 62 and I don't regret it.

Any decisions I make that affect me where I have to suffer the consequences, I make myself. There's no point saying as I've heard people often say to someone who gave them bad advice, "I *knew* I shouldn't have listened to you" blah blah then they blame that person. People forget, it's your life, if you make a bad decision you're the one whose going to pay and blaming someone else won't make it better. So right or wrong it's always best to remember that you are the one who pays the price for your decisions. I'm not interested in telling people what to do. I can suggest courses of action and give some reasoning and whether they want to take that on board or not is their business.
I actually quite like the drops, but you have to calibrate the drops because they are not quite colour accurate, but once you know the colour, then they are great. But if you read my post you'll see that I was astounded to see how accurate this 7 dollar meter was. That is read the 4 correctly after being calibrated to the 7 is as good as you can get. You cannot get better than that. A $2,000 meter cannot get better, sure it can give you three decimal places of accuracy but we don't need that.

Mainly what is most important is peace of mind, with a cheap meter I'd always be wondering, is it right. But once I've checked that indeed when calibrated at 7 it really will be correct at 6 because it is reading 4 correctly, then my peace of mind is complete. I know it's correct and all I then ever have to do is to check the calibration once a week with the buffer. If it starts to give me unstable readings I throw it away and buy another, but so far, it's been perfect. I *know* it's accurate. Believe me I almost spent 150 bucks, but when I saw the same meter in the hydro shop for $65 I laughed to myself.

I bought two lots of paper strips but, they are too weird. If my meter ever breaks I'd quite happily use the drops now.
Mine reads 7 when I calibrate it so I’d say mines accurate
I just do what is right, I don't really run my life based on trying to manipulate or care about what people think of me. I've had people all my life telling me how I should live my life, that I'll regret not having kids, that I'll regret not owning a home that I should do this and I should do that. I should get superannuation, I'll regret it when I'm 55, guess what I'm 62 and I don't regret it.

Any decisions I make that affect me where I have to suffer the consequences, I make myself. There's no point saying as I've heard people often say to someone who gave them bad advice, "I *knew* I shouldn't have listened to you" blah blah then they blame that person. People forget, it's your life, if you make a bad decision you're the one whose going to pay and blaming someone else won't make it better. So right or wrong it's always best to remember that you are the one who pays the price for your decisions. I'm not interested in telling people what to do. I can suggest courses of action and give some reasoning and whether they want to take that on board or not is their business.
LOL you quoted my post, but you obviously didn't read it.