Well-Known Member
looks like it's pelletized. Not sure. gypsum pellets are pretty small. I'd turn them into powder / dust to break them down faster. I've used gypsum pellets years ago. They take longer to break down. That was long before I started doing full no till or even knew what no till was. I was recycling soil and using compost back then but I was removing the roots lol.
Gypsum is not completely necessary. The first few years I was running no till i was using just bentonite and basalt rock dusts. Don't use bentonite, that shit clumps up when it gets wet like diatomaceous earth does
Where do you get your gypsum?
The brew store or the garden store ?
The brew store sells powder gypsum
The garden stores around here only sell pelletized or lime and shit like that .
Il just order from the brew store. 5/lb.
Il let ya know how many cups per lb. Im guessing maybe two.
Im thinking 20gal soma sips and two plants per box .
You say one cup per cu ft.
So a little over two cups per box.
Im making Ten boxes so. 20cups
Is what it is i suppose. Cannada is slackin on the easly findable amendments haha