Well-Known Member
Hi Skoal!I plan on using organic soil.
How much would a 400 watt MH bulb cost a month to run? Probably about $30 extra right? And if you run an LED you could probably cut that cost in half.
I'll let the others respond to the LED.
Was going to ask what size MH lol.
I grow organic with a 400w MH in my veg 3x3 veg tent.
I'll probably go to 2 x qb288's next summer.
I'm getting a qb soon for a grow comp and will try it in my veg tent afterwards.
When you plant it in the soil keep the soil moist? But does it need a light at this point?
To answer these two.
Definitely keep the soil moist. Dry soil is the fastest way to kill it when putting it in soil.
The 1st 24 hours won't matter if it doesn't have much light after peeking.
After that it only requires low lighting for 2 or 3 days while hardening off.