Aussie Growers Thread

Cali girl has 24 tops now. Thats probably where i will leave it. Another round of topping would give me 48 and i think that would be a bit crowded in the 1.2m tent.

I will throw a screen over the top and train the branches out until they are evenly spaced


Golden goats will look a bit stalled for a moment because i topped them all as well

Hay dan I use one of those sheets with the elastic around it as a shade cloth fuck I think I have an old one I’m gunna test it tomorro
One of my step fathers is a Dr. Little secret: Majority of Dr's are drunks. Your welcome to think other wise but you would be wrong. As an X hospital worker, all medical centres are dirty.
My point stands. Kill two birds with one stone- properly.
Lol bullshit ...I can't see one doctor in my clinic being an's not like the old days
My soils are fully composting now theres a really good earthy smell about them,
Worms are thriving been slowly adding worm teas and beneficial bacteria, turning it twice a day to encourage aerobic bacterium and eliminate the anaerobic ones ph is now consistently 6.4 across the board and this is all very encouraging because I now know its pulsing with all kinds of life in those pots which will benefit these plants throughout the season.
I'd be fucked
Imagine the fun writing out yer own scripts :)
Fuck yeah
I got my own dr feelgood lol she writes me what I ask for, she says as long as she doesn't see any signs of abuse or dependency I'm an adult if I say I need this or that she will agree within reason.
Doing shift work and having good sleeping pills and a doctor with common sense is a lifesaver
I'm gonna up pot my hibernate take the chance it's a fem but I wanted a fucken male ffs
I think up potting will help it sex quicker it looks to have stalled so is prob root bound
Colloidal silver is supposed to send them to seed aye .. not sure if it's too late for ya but maybe look into that