Aussie Growers Thread

I had heaps more luck switching to an aero bucket. Cost me fuck all to make but get a heaps better strike rate and they don't need misting and shit. Just tap water and leave the cunts be for a week or 2, i have the pump on 30/ off 30 mins. Just a pump with a popup sprinker attached. Ya can use yoga mats from cheap as chips to hold the clones i prefer the turbo klone plugs

Yeah or even just a bucket with an airstone works. Leave the cuts just above the water line and all the bubbles rising and popping mists the stems.
Yeah I know it's unorthodox but my mate
Takes his cuttings dips em in manuka honey puts them in a small stem vase on the kitchen windowsill and gets a decent strike rate. Much to my disbelief and amazement, these plants can adapt to almost anything take a bit of abuse and still survive and thrive. I'm still as amazed by them as I was the day I started growing because every grow teaches me so much new shit like that.
I’ve used honey before