She is just filling in reeking of blueberries.
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Pink pheno of Star Pupil x Goji OG jus dumping frost out early in flower. Debating on swapping out the CNC to the other tent. And putting this pink pheno under the samsungs. They make the plants out out alot more frost. And seeing this one frost up under a shitty light gives me hope for this pheno.
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So far I think I got 2 goji males, 1 taller pheno and 1 shorter pheno so that's a plus but on a sad note we recently had a few days where temps stalled out in the 50s and I didn't keep the room warm enough and the girls (goji and bubbas gift seedlings and clones) in veg are not happy. Temps are reasonable again so I figure they'll get back to their thing, really only 2 plants are pissy but all of them want the 80 degree temps back for sure, lol.

One of these two black dogs will be in the next round of chucks, most likely #3 because it is the nicest looking and so much louder on the blackberry smells.
#2, short shout indica structure, not much stretch great coloring so far but the weakest bberry smell of the 3.
#3, stretched the most but more og looking than 2, a little more sativa style structure, some coloring starting but the smell is superb blackberry on the dot. Super pleased so far and these girls will rock mixed with the goji.
She is just filling in reeking of blueberries.
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Pink pheno of Star Pupil x Goji OG jus dumping frost out early in flower. Debating on swapping out the CNC to the other tent. And putting this pink pheno under the samsungs. They make the plants out out alot more frost. And seeing this one frost up under a shitty light gives me hope for this pheno.
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Dude! She is leaning very heavily towards the blueberry, you can see it in the structure! Loving that the terps are coming through too!!
Dude! She is leaning very heavily towards the blueberry, you can see it in the structure! Loving that the terps are coming through too!!
Yeah she looks immaculate. Not a single burnt tip, no yellowing of her. I have clones in solos of her that are jus gorgeous. Rooted super fast. She will def be kept around for quite awhile. Especially if the blueberry comes in, in the flavor too.
stupid chucking question? Is it better to chuck worked parents or just f1's of stuff you like? like would strainbx2 x strainf2bx(made up and diff strains of course) make a more stable strain, albeit possible loss of vigor, than just strain x strain, aka f1 hybrid. I know what they say bout what you get in the f1's, f2's etc. Not a botanist. Just wondering whether to chuck the better worked stuff if I wasa goin to, or just chuck what I like and see and gas it. Thanks in advance