Brett Support Therad.

Oh, now it's rape? I thought it was sexual assualt. Dems moving the goalposts yet again.
That's why nobody takes you crying leftists seriously except other crying leftists. You're ALWAYS lying. It's almost like you can't help yourself.
I’d call pinning a 15 year old girl down and covering her mouth so no one can hear her scream while you try to rip off her clothes a premeditated act of rape

Are you saying dr ford lied to her therapist about this over a decade ago?
I’d call pinning a 15 year old girl down and covering her mouth so no one can hear her scream while you try to rip off her clothes a premeditated act of rape

Are you saying dr ford lied to her therapist about this over a decade ago?
Do you think Juanita Broaddrick was lying when she said bill Clinton raped her in an Arkansas motel room?
Why would someone pay hundreds of dollars to a therapist just to lie to them about how Brett kavanaugh tried to rape her when she was 15 years old?
Tisk tisk..there you go lying again.
how does a rational person think they gain any credibility when they lie constantly and it's so transparent?
Who think this spectacle the Dems created is gonna help them in November?
Everyone sees how gross they are now. Republicans probably hold the house and the Senate and Trump is a lock for 2020
All this winning must really sting
Americans believe dr ford overwhelmingly

Kavanaugh has a 31% approval before his rapey ass was confirmed

You’re not living in reality
Tisk tisk..there you go lying again.
how does a rational person think they gain any credibility when they lie constantly and it's so transparent?
Why would someone pay hundreds of dollars to a therapist just to lie to them about how Brett kavanaugh tried to rape her when she was 15 years old?
jesus christ, the fucking world we live in. enough frat boy republican senators confirmed this rapist, lying, hateful piece of shit that he got on the supreme court. this really is two countries. i say it's time for a division. let the sensible, reasonable, non hating among us have everything west of the mississippi, and the traitorous, lying, hateful, racist, misogynist, fucks can have everything east of it.
i just don't believe what has become of our country, or our government. and i can't believe there are enough hateful, evil fucks to keeps this shit happening. this country apparently is predominately fuckface assholes, and i guess we deserve what we get for letting it get this way to begin with. the fall of the American empire has begun, get your popcorn and a ringside seat, you'll never see it's like again
truth is its the same % in practically every country, the pollies here(AU) are of the same ilk as there...with plenty of supporters too, the whole of humankind is doomed to the shitheads...there's just too many of them! but human nature being what is we gotta fight it to at least try to get rid of the 'tards!
Who think this spectacle the Dems created is gonna help them in November?
Everyone sees how gross they are now. Republicans probably hold the house and the Senate and Trump is a lock for 2020
All this winning must really sting

Don't point out their folly. They double down on failed behaviour regardless. Besides, the outcome is most laughable and I enjoy a free show, just like my Bern out friends. :clap:
Do you think Juanita Broaddrick was lying when she said bill Clinton raped her in an Arkansas motel room?

After Starr granted her immunity,[23] thus assuring that she would not be prosecuted for perjury regarding her affidavit in the Jones case, Broaddrick recanted the affidavit. However, she insisted that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way, and so Starr concluded that the story was not relevant to his investigation and his report only mentioned the recanting in a footnote.[1]
After Starr granted her immunity,[23] thus assuring that she would not be prosecuted for perjury regarding her affidavit in the Jones case, Broaddrick recanted the affidavit. However, she insisted that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way, and so Starr concluded that the story was not relevant to his investigation and his report only mentioned the recanting in a footnote.[1]
Oh so now you're the one defending a rapist. How come you hate women so much? Sounds like Nazi hate speach to me...
Oh so now you're the one defending a rapist. How come you hate women so much? Sounds like Nazi hate speach to me...
I’m sorry you are too fucking stupid to know 20 year old facts, like Juanita broaddrick swearing under oath with immunity that clinton never did a thing to her, you rapey retard

You failed even at trying to deflect from kavanaughs history of serial rape

You must feel so dumb
I’m sorry you are too fucking stupid to know 20 year old facts, like Juanita broaddrick swearing under oath with immunity that clinton never did a thing to her, you rapey retard

You failed even at trying to deflect from kavanaughs history of serial rape

You must feel so dumb
Hate speech!!!
I’m sorry you are too fucking stupid to know 20 year old facts, like Juanita broaddrick swearing under oath with immunity that clinton never did a thing to her, you rapey retard

You failed even at trying to deflect from kavanaughs history of serial rape

You must feel so dumb
How can you, a white man, call me, a woman of color dumb? That's sexist and racist! You as a white man can't have any opinion on this subject and by sjw laws you must defer to me!
I'm incredibly triggered and must now launch a campaign to get you fired!
You micro-aggressed me!!!
How can you, a white man, call me, a woman of color dumb? That's sexist and racist! You as a white man can't have any opinion on this subject and by sjw laws you must defer to me!
I'm incredibly triggered and must now launch a campaign to get you fired!
You micro-aggressed me!!!
Why would someone pay hundreds of dollars to a therapist just to lie to them about how Brett kavanaugh tried to rape her when she was 15 years old?
How can you, a white man, call me, a woman of color dumb? That's sexist and racist! You as a white man can't have any opinion on this subject and by sjw laws you must defer to me!
I'm incredibly triggered and must now launch a campaign to get you fired!
You micro-aggressed me!!!
Shut up gringo.