Brett Support Therad.

Oh, now it's rape? I thought it was sexual assualt. Dems moving the goalposts yet again.
That's why nobody takes you crying leftists seriously except other crying leftists. You're ALWAYS lying. It's almost like you can't help yourself.
is there a huge difference between the two? must be one of those variable definitions that only apply to republican. if you did it, it's not as bad, if it happened to you, it's somehow worse.
How can you, a white man, call me, a woman of color dumb? That's sexist and racist! You as a white man can't have any opinion on this subject and by sjw laws you must defer to me!
I'm incredibly triggered and must now launch a campaign to get you fired!
You micro-aggressed me!!!
i had no idea you were a woman of color, i just thought you were a dumbass......
is there a huge difference between the two? must be one of those variable definitions that only apply to republican. if you did it, it's not as bad, if it happened to you, it's somehow worse.
Holding up Donald's as a model for the typical Republican,


They think penetration is a necessary component of rape, of course they would deny doing it.
I'd just like to take this opportunity to welcome justice kavanaugh to the supreme court.

Don't y'all just LOVE that there is a solid constitutionalist supreme court? I love it.