Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a bit tired of these brain dead fucks and their half arsed shit talk,ffs at least put a slight amount of effort in and actually quote me don't just dribble garbage it's getting boring.
If you want to have a sook because I point out that you don't know what the fuck you are on about go right ahead it doesn't bother me especially when you 2 geniuses bring out your primary school level insults.


Well-Known Member
Morning all,
Anyone using cannaboost? Is it worth the pricetag?
I have run it before it’s expensive but I think it’s worth the tag.... you can run it all the way to harvest when You are tapering down on nutes, i am using bio diesel atm which is half the price basically the same thing but you can’t run it after week 6 makes your buds plenty frosty


Well-Known Member
Where did I say use an airstone ? If you're going to pipe up maybe take a second to think about what you are going to write don't just dribble shit like you normally do.
I use an airlift manifold,you should know what one of those are seems as your such a smart cunt.
Maybe you should go crawl back into your little hiding place for another couple of weeks like the last time you made yourself look like a dickhead ?
Think you're the one that needs to let go,everytime you think you've got a chance to put the boot in on me you try and fail miserably you sad fuck.
Fuck off wanker you singlehandedly ruin this thread. I actually have been holding my tongue on a lot of shit. Plenty of oppurtunities to put the boot into you. Fuck i never even mentioned that dissapointing yield you got from that last grow and those tiny little crumbs you keep posting like they are half decent buds. Your a joke. Thats why you try to scare off any one who can actually grow so it doesnt threaten your precious little position here. Your life must be pretty sad.

I fucked off so i didnt have to listen to your shit anymore. I actually remember talking to you back in 2016 and you didnt seem like a total fuckwit back then im not sure what happened that made you think your gods gift to cannabis mate but i can assure you your not.

I might even dissapear again mate so i dont have to listen to your toxic shit. But i will be back in a few years to see if your gone yet. I was here in this thread long before you and i will still be here long after you are gone buttercup


Well-Known Member
I’m not positive how kids were going to school on it ffs. If we’re talking 90’s ecstasy come on u couldn’t see for one and barely talk your jaw was rattling that hard. School!? You’d be sent home in an instant.
I took far too much of the shit in 99 but I never craved it as such or needed that “one more hit” like he’s trying to say.
Yep there’s been deaths for sure with dodgy pills sold at raves etc and od’s with too much water or alcohol, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen a news report of someone skitzing out at ambulance offers or robbing some old granny and the list goes on for their next MDMA hit.
That’s the point he’s making...
No way on the old face melt pingers you could spot em a mile off! LOL

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I'm getting a bit tired of these brain dead fucks and their half arsed shit talk,ffs at least put a slight amount of effort in and actually quote me don't just dribble garbage it's getting boring.
If you want to have a sook because I point out that you don't know what the fuck you are on about go right ahead it doesn't bother me especially when you 2 geniuses bring out your primary school level insults.
Why are u saying that about bob and gigs ?


Well-Known Member
Fuck off wanker you singlehandedly ruin this thread. I actually have been holding my tongue on a lot of shit. Plenty of oppurtunities to put the boot into you. Fuck i never even mentioned that dissapointing yield you got from that last grow and those tiny little crumbs you keep posting like they are half decent buds. Your a joke. Thats why you try to scare off any one who can actually grow so it doesnt threaten your precious little position here. Your life must be pretty sad.

I fucked off so i didnt have to listen to your shit anymore. I actually remember talking to you back in 2016 and you didnt seem like a total fuckwit back then im not sure what happened that made you think your gods gift to cannabis mate but i can assure you your not.

I might even dissapear again mate so i dont have to listen to your toxic shit. But i will be back in a few years to see if your gone yet. I was here in this thread long before you and i will still be here long after you are gone buttercup
More shit talk,that's all you have isn't it ?
You fucked off because you were on here mouthing off when you had a gutfull of piss in you and you were sitting at home lonely feeling sorry for yourself on Father's day and you got laughed at so don't go fooling yourself.
I agree the yield was shit but it was still higher than what you pull in a cycle and I just sold half a P for $2800 so I'm happy enough with that.


Well-Known Member
If people have shit thay wanna say cuse enough is enough have it out iv sensed for ages people have a problem stop acting like u don’t I’m not having a dig I’m just asking no more like just say it work it out or move on