Aussie Growers Thread

fuck mate you just cant let shit go can you. is it really that important for you to be number one dick on a fucking internet forum?

and for what its worth airstones are fucking shit for doing AACT a flume or a waterfall is actually way better
Where did I say use an airstone ? If you're going to pipe up maybe take a second to think about what you are going to write don't just dribble shit like you normally do.
I use an airlift manifold,you should know what one of those are seems as your such a smart cunt.
Maybe you should go crawl back into your little hiding place for another couple of weeks like the last time you made yourself look like a dickhead ?
Think you're the one that needs to let go,everytime you think you've got a chance to put the boot in on me you try and fail miserably you sad fuck.