Aussie Growers Thread

idk No offence to any one do what
Use want but I’m serious
Y doubting weed these days I don’t think it will can ever help me the way I think/want it to
Yeah cuz drug cartels make cars phones and laptops. I got no probs with drugs that dont cause personal family and social destruction like lsd mdma shrooms but cocaine, heroin, meth are all the same, they cause addiction, homelessness, crime, death and institutionalism as a rule not an exception. It's not even arguable.
You ever seen someone O.D on MDMA and flip around like a fish out of water till they have a heart attack and die ? That causes a couple of problems I'll let you know.
You don't have to like or condone any drugs that's fine by me,but please don't go spreading unfounded propaganda.
Some people just aren't fans of reality. I got mates that refuse to be sober ever, they just don't like it lol, sure they won't live a long life, but boy do some of these blokes live haha. Not my style but I get it. The lifestyle is fun, until it isn't anymore, then it's usually bad.
Like a bottled system? What sorta outlay would that be mate. Only one bloke living there so wouldn't need a huge system.

Not a lot. Like 3-5k I believe for an instant gas system. And the bonus is you only heat he hot water you use not a tank full that uses a thermostat to keep it at temp
Like a bottled system? What sorta outlay would that be mate. Only one bloke living there so wouldn't need a huge system.
You can get a small instantaneous system for a reasonable price but I'm not a plumber. If you don't mind having a ext lead running around you could just run it from a different power circuit to the one you are using now that would potentially give you 40A ?
Would I be to wire into that garage one that if I assume right doesn't get used at all, and use that breaker to put some more power points in the room?
Some people just aren't fans of reality. I got mates that refuse to be sober ever, they just don't like it lol, sure they won't live a long life, but boy do some of these blokes live haha. Not my style but I get it. The lifestyle is fun, until it isn't anymore, then it's usually bad.
As long as you dont go fucking up other peoples personal freedom I don't give a fuck what anyone else chooses to do. People need to hold themselves accountable not look to blame someone or something for their bad decisions.
Drugs aren't evil they don't have feelings,people are evil
Just you and using for a shower and washing up, something like this. Maybe not this exact thing but may be worth exploring more into camping and caravan ones.
I remember when I was a kid and first moved out to the bush we had a metal bucket with a shower head bolted on to the bottom that you'd put hot water from the kettle in and a pulley to lift it up to shower under lol
Don't get me wrong though, I have used and abused most drugs lol, never had a habit with anything though, only thing I really would chase is pot haha, but don't have that issue anymore.