Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
You getting the patch set up this season?
I'm trying to decide what I'm doing this season but I can't make my mind up.i have a few beans from a guy who personally knew kangativa so I'm really excited about that.but it's hard to hide a monster in a vege patch haha.ive also continued on with the seeds I accidentally made with the blue dream I acquired from you that crossed with my skunk and so far no Hermes what so ever .Ive done 3 crosses and this shit is so frosty and stinks like hell


Well-Known Member
Trimming when it's half dry is the hardest way it can be done I reckon.

I like to get into a system when I'm trimming,by the time I actually start I've cut all the branches of the main stem then they are cut back to lengths about 300mm long and rough trimmed then they get boxed up then once I start the final trim I just take 1stem out to trim at a time till I do a box then buck that lot down and bag it and seal it up.
Yes well you’ve got a point there. I actually try and do most of it as I clip each branch off. But because there’s been so much I’ve hung it first and yes it’s like right in the middle now ..


Well-Known Member
My dad is half Koori me one third so I’m Scottish Irish and aboriginal and welsh idk I: fuken birapi or as my old man says beer n pie my Kerri fam is from arou;d tarred n bulladeela wrong spelling lol my mum dad is a Murphy’s s9 that’s the Irish but idk I’m Scottish aboriganol irish n welsh I’m so fuken drunk
Sounds like a bad joke.haha