I'll likely die of health related illness or old age, it's the Canadian way to die. I have never in my life viewed myself as a victim because I refuse to be, and I don't need a gun to feel that way. If someone comes at you with gun drawn willing to do you harm you will likely die before your gun leaves your side, your gun is a false sense of security, it's like a child's comfort blanket only it is more likely to harm you.
I am not by any means anti-gun (I live in a city with plenty of hunters and lots of guns), I just look to you guys and see what happens when gun laws are shit and human life is considered less valuable than possessions, and I realize that I am happy to live in a country where I never have to worry "are my kids going to die in a shooting at school today".
You do you though, you feel the way you feel because you are shaped by the society you were raised in, much as I feel the way I do for the same reason. I wish you all the best and hope you die of old age rather than a bullet.
Those are some great looking plants btw, if there was one thing I could steal from you guys down south it would be Cali's weather.