Ripper duty...whose standing guard?

Except the caveat to that scenario is the fucker youd want to be and get away likely has a gun or knife. Canadians are not able to defend themselves and thats pretty fucking pathetic.
I've managed all my life. How many RANDOM attacks and murders happen in your neighbourhood every year? T laws aren't perfect, but it beats the alternative in the States. We see the results of their gun culture every day - three mass shootings at workplaces in two days last week. How'd the lax gun laws work in helping those folks protect themselves? If having a gun in everyones pocket would eliminate gun deaths, then why are there so many innocent dead people in the US?
It is very basic fight or flight stress response. When attacked people do only a few things, they comply (if it is a situation such as a robbery where this is an option), they resist, they freeze, they run. You are bound to that fight or flight response unless you have trained to overcome it (such as with military training etc). Spend time envisioning hero shit, you will likely end up finding it and getting hurt in the process.
I survived the Vietnam war and I'm no hero....but I refuse to be a victim. It wouldn't be the first man I killed & I'll die with my Crocks on....
I'm in Canada myself, but we have a pretty strong block here, someone goes through cars looking for shit to steal and the next week he's locked in someones garage being beaten through out the day to pantera 5 minutes alone by everyone on the block who's car he went through. We all look out for each other and we pretty much know everyone around so if it's someone local we'll find them.
I survived the Vietnam war and I'm no hero....but I refuse to be a victim. It wouldn't be the first man I killed & I'll die with my Crocks on....
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I'll likely die of health related illness or old age, it's the Canadian way to die. I have never in my life viewed myself as a victim because I refuse to be, and I don't need a gun to feel that way. If someone comes at you with gun drawn willing to do you harm you will likely die before your gun leaves your side, your gun is a false sense of security, it's like a child's comfort blanket only it is more likely to harm you.

I am not by any means anti-gun (I live in a city with plenty of hunters and lots of guns), I just look to you guys and see what happens when gun laws are shit and human life is considered less valuable than possessions, and I realize that I am happy to live in a country where I never have to worry "are my kids going to die in a shooting at school today".

You do you though, you feel the way you feel because you are shaped by the society you were raised in, much as I feel the way I do for the same reason. I wish you all the best and hope you die of old age rather than a bullet.

Those are some great looking plants btw, if there was one thing I could steal from you guys down south it would be Cali's weather.
Even in Cali, you will spend life in prison for the combination of drug manufacture and firearm. Federal law is what it is.
Not necessarily. My attorney recently defended a guy who shot someone in his pot garden, no feds were involved. His big mistake was not killing the perp, he lived. The guy never went to trial though, the attorney got all charges dropped....
I'll likely die of health related illness or old age, it's the Canadian way to die. I have never in my life viewed myself as a victim because I refuse to be, and I don't need a gun to feel that way. If someone comes at you with gun drawn willing to do you harm you will likely die before your gun leaves your side, your gun is a false sense of security, it's like a child's comfort blanket only it is more likely to harm you.

I am not by any means anti-gun (I live in a city with plenty of hunters and lots of guns), I just look to you guys and see what happens when gun laws are shit and human life is considered less valuable than possessions, and I realize that I am happy to live in a country where I never have to worry "are my kids going to die in a shooting at school today".

You do you though, you feel the way you feel because you are shaped by the society you were raised in, much as I feel the way I do for the same reason. I wish you all the best and hope you die of old age rather than a bullet.

Those are some great looking plants btw, if there was one thing I could steal from you guys down south it would be Cali's weather.

Lately in Toronto a lot of gun violence. It is mostly a psyop to get us to relinquish our rights. As long as our democracy does not overly value cities in terms of geographic vote, they will never steal our gun rights. The UN and other chartered organizations have a mandate to disarm us. In China if you are a Muslim in the Uyghur region of China and you buy a kitchen knife, your name is stamped on the blade. Everything they do is recorded and monitored by AI algorithms and government. Give up your arms. Welcome your future.
Lately in Toronto a lot of gun violence. It is mostly a psyop to get us to relinquish our rights. As long as our democracy does not overly value cities in terms of geographic vote, they will never steal our gun rights. The UN and other chartered organizations have a mandate to disarm us. In China if you are a Muslim in the Uyghur region of China and you buy a kitchen knife, your name is stamped on the blade. Everything they do is recorded and monitored by AI algorithms and government. Give up your arms. Welcome your future.

Toronto has always had gun problems, it was just quieter in the past media wise. Windsor also had gun problems for a large period of time, it didn't make the news really until Nik killed a cop, even when the lumberjack got sprayed and dude got his abdomen tore up with a Tec 9 I saw no mention of it in news outlets outside of Windsor really. Still wasn't as bad as across the river in Detroit where even being famous wasn't enough to stop you from catching a bullet in the head. Bigger cities are always going to have a slightly higher violence rate, just seems to be the nature of cramming so many people into one area, that said I have never felt in danger walking in Toronto but I was petrified getting out of my car on Gratiot for gas in Detroit (even the fast food in that area had bullet proof glass, it was fucking unnerving).
But i can still have a gun and defend myself with it.....California really doesn't belong in the USA, we are an animal of our own.
Oh i get that. Admittedly some of the states decisions these past couple of years are completely out to lunch when it comes to common sense. Specifically:

- Not having to disclose if you have HIV when donating blood
-Not having to disclose if you have HIV when having sex.
-Servers faces fines of $1000 and up to 3 months in jail for giving a patron a plastic straw if it wasn't asked for. Fines and jail times are for EACH individual offense.
-Sanctuary state
-People being paid $170k+ a year to pressure wash homeless peoples shit off the sidewalks in San Diego or San Francisco (forget which city)
- People being paid $100k+ a year for needle pick up.

A lot of these decisions seem to stem from political correctness run amok. Glad to hear you can own a gun for self defense. Not sure if California is a concealed carry state, but thatd be a bonus.
I've managed all my life. How many RANDOM attacks and murders happen in your neighbourhood every year? T laws aren't perfect, but it beats the alternative in the States. We see the results of their gun culture every day - three mass shootings at workplaces in two days last week. How'd the lax gun laws work in helping those folks protect themselves? If having a gun in everyones pocket would eliminate gun deaths, then why are there so many innocent dead people in the US?
My city is seeing a rise in gang related shootings actually. Lots of swarming related robberies too. So good luck fighting 10+ people at once....

Lol anybody use to play Warhammer? Especially 40K? That Logo at the bottom, the eye of terror aka chaos forces?

The rest of this thread is weird. Yeah I understand standing guard out in large scale grows back in the day. But are rippers that big of a problem nowadays? Especially guys growing in their backyards?

Lots of gun related posts seem to be old middle age white guys playing army/soldier. I live in Chicago and its these guys in Indiana and Wisconsin that are feeding the firearms sales into the city as well. It sucks. My friends and relatives that actually served want nothing to do with guns and camo nowadays.
Lol anybody use to play Warhammer? Especially 40K? That Logo at the bottom, the eye of terror aka chaos forces?

The rest of this thread is weird. Yeah I understand standing guard out in large scale grows back in the day. But are rippers that big of a problem nowadays? Especially guys growing in their backyards?

Lots of gun related posts seem to be old middle age white guys playing army/soldier. I live in Chicago and its these guys in Indiana and Wisconsin that are feeding the firearms sales into the city as well. It sucks. My friends and relatives that actually served want nothing to do with guns and camo nowadays.

It's mostly punk ass kids looking for a free score, at least in southern Ontario that is who is ripping crops, literally the last people anyone should want to shoot.
One of my good buddies is from the Chicago area, served and moved away but still says it is the best city in the world despite its problems.
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My city is seeing a rise in gang related shootings actually. Lots of swarming related robberies too. So good luck fighting 10+ people at once....
That's not my reality. We've had one shooting on this island in the past 80 years. That was a domestic incident. Gang shootings are a part of every major city and very seldom results in violence to the public.They shoot each other. A few innocents get caught up, but it is rare. IMHO it does not justify arming the masses.
My life is very different from yours, it appears, and I don't understand everything about city living, but city dwellers seem to forget that 90% of this country does not have these issues. Either elect more competent politicians who can perform their responsibilities of keeping the communities safe, or move. I don't know how anyone could enjoy city living anyway - the few times I ended up in Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary for jobs, the only thing that I thought about was getting out of the city. lol. I have never had to fight more than two cowards at once - and that was in high school in Ontario. I lost that battle, but I never thought about using a gun even if I had one.
Veteran, owned plenty of guns
Never felt the need to post them on-line especially with a constant grow for decades
These threads always end up with someone thinking they get to be vigilantes
I would never shoot someone for attempting to rip my pot but I do understand, as a couple Morel mushroom thieves were considered prime targets over the years:peace:
I moved from Toronto to Vancouver Island on a Greyhound bus in 1986 with $75 and a 7g of hash in my pocket. I had no job to go to and no where to live when I got here - I just knew Toronto was not where I wanted to live. Same when I ended up in Edmonton, I had two young kids and didn't want them around the violence of a city - so I moved. It took a little more effort to have a job and home in place for the family first. It can be done, it's how much one wants it. A little short term pain led to this island life I enjoy now. I know it's not that easy for others - family, jobs, houses. etc. - but if it is too dangerous to live where you are, you need to weigh your evils. I think a lot of it comes down to 'what you know'. A lot of city folks would go nuts here just like I would in a city.
Oh i get that. Admittedly some of the states decisions these past couple of years are completely out to lunch when it comes to common sense. Specifically:

- Not having to disclose if you have HIV when donating blood
-Not having to disclose if you have HIV when having sex.
-Servers faces fines of $1000 and up to 3 months in jail for giving a patron a plastic straw if it wasn't asked for. Fines and jail times are for EACH individual offense.
-Sanctuary state
-People being paid $170k+ a year to pressure wash homeless peoples shit off the sidewalks in San Diego or San Francisco (forget which city)
- People being paid $100k+ a year for needle pick up.

A lot of these decisions seem to stem from political correctness run amok. Glad to hear you can own a gun for self defense. Not sure if California is a concealed carry state, but thatd be a bonus.
Yes freedoms can carry a lot of baggage. California culture is not for everyone, we're a tough breed.