Smoking leaves / drying leaves

noun: bowel; plural noun: bowels
the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine.
synonyms: intestine(s), entrails, innards, small intestine, large intestine, colon;More
informalguts, insides, viscera
"a disorder of the bowels"
the parts deep inside something large.
noun: the bowels of ——
"the train picks up speed for its final plunge into the subterranean bowels of Manhattan"
synonyms: interior, inside, core, belly;More

intestine(s), entrails, innards, small intestine, large intestine, colon;
Sorry about the misspelling. I must have had my head in my ass.

BTW, I did make butter and made brownies. They came out good. I still want to make dry ice hash. I was thinking about using it in whatever I am making at the time. Question: Is the stuff left after making the hash good for anything?
Sorry about the misspelling. I must have had my head in my ass.

BTW, I did make butter and made brownies. They came out good. I still want to make dry ice hash. I was thinking about using it in whatever I am making at the time. Question: Is the stuff left after making the hash good for anything?
i throw it in the compost heap. it's broken down almost to powder after shaking the shit out of it for 15 -20 minutes total.
some people might suggest using it like parsley, i guess it couldn't hurt you, but it makes good compost.

Cannabis resin is produced by the glandular hairs (trichomes, here yellow) on the leaves of the plantCannabis sativa, the green cells in this image.

You can also make bubble hash out of stems that have been softened in water until they won;t tear your bags.
i've got a set of bubble bags, and have never used them. i ought to, just to have a valid opinion. it just seems like such a pain in the ass compared to dry ice hash, but, it is supposed to produce a very good product, in different grades.
Which would be considered best, hash or oil?
What does "best" mean?
Possibly, the best is not hash or oil. Possibly the best is pressed rosin.

While hash has the lowest THC, and the most impurities of the three,. I personally find making and pressing dry sift hash to be pleasurable. And for me it has the best flavor smoked, best narcotic buzz and best terpine profile for medicinal qualities (I personally feel their is more to it than the highest THC level obtaiable.)

I have never had pressed rosin, it does sound good, with terpines intact.

Then again oil/chemical extraction, may be a quickest efficient way to concentrates for making edibles.

So their! Full circle. Best is a personal and subjective word.
Possibly, the best is not hash or oil.
OK. Maybe I should get more into what I an really after.

I not am looking for the wipeout type of being stoned. I used to really enjoyed getting almost to the point of catatonic. Now all I want is a little buzz and to help keep the arthritis and some other issues down. I have smoked pot for nearly 50 years but never noticed any improvement the arthritis until last July. I bought a vaporizer and CBD oil. Almost immediately my hips quit hurting an through the rest of the bottle almost all the other joints were feeling good . I ran out of that oil and got another. It had to be from a different batch because it doesn't work. I did find that one of the strains I grew this year, Gold Leaf, works. White Widow did nothing but git me very high (seeds were supposed to be 26% THC). I really don't think THC (alone) is whats doing the job.

After never having enough to work with I can now grow all I can use. I just want to get the best bang for my buck. So far dry ice hash sounds the best for easy but doesn't the plant have oils in the stalks and leaves. It seems like you would have to get them out for maximum use of the plant. I did see that the leafs come out as mush with dry ice after shaking.
it actually is a pretty fine "shake" consistency if you let it dry out.
i'm not sure about how they extract cbd, they may use the whole plant, stalk and all. but if they do, they would have to chop the plant up pretty good before the extraction process.
One of the demos on making oil was from a company that makes a closed alcohol distilling. They draw a vacuum to make the alcohol boil at a low temp and distill it to what looked like a sealed container inside the unit. That one cost about $600. It looks good but that's a little steep for me. There are probably a lot of the out there.

The demo did spend a lot of time on the medical side. Put the stuff in alcohol, strain it, and run it. It appears that it gets everything from the bud. You just scrape it from the bottom.
look up Qwiso, Qwet, Dry Sift, Bubble Extraction, Live Rosin, and BHO (Butane Hash Oil)....those are the basic forms made easily at home. if you want good "dabs" you need one of the rigs you were looking at. dabs are too strong for some people, and require a dab rig.
Will CBD oil help get rid of the pain
I think there is something else in the oil that works on pain other than THC or CBD. My sister says she thinks it's THCa. This is what I've found. High THC/high CBD gets me stoned and sometimes eases pain. Low THC/low CBD probably won't me stoned and sometimes eases pain. I think that both THC and CBD help and are necessary, but there is something else that's doing most of the work.

Back to your question. First bottle of CBD oil from a local store literally stopped my pain, second did nothing. They probably use all their scraps and trimmings (otherwise waste products) to make most of the over the counter oils. If they sell CBD oil it could also have other oils and turpins.
THCa isn't psychoactive, it has to be decarbed (broken free of the carboxyl group it's naturally bonded to)
there are over 150 cannabinoids in weed, and they have no idea what most of them do. along with the multiple terpenes in each strain, it can be very hard to get a consistent effect. you would have to grow clones of a strain you knew was effective for your issues to be able to be sure you had the "medication" you needed
Shit, wished I had an answer for you DWW.

Stains, technique of processing, method of ingestion, all are so so personal.

I really respect many med growers. Me, just trying to figure out medicating myself!

Me if I wanted more concentrated than drysift (or dry ice) I would go for a ethonol wash oil with everclear. I can dream about a rosin press...
It hard to find just the right combo. Me I take my CBD/THC edibles AM and PM, smoke CBD/THC joints, and indulge in high THC a few hours before bed.

Read the Frenchy's thread on hash some good tips should you go that way.

Peace.and love at ya!
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As a retired toolmaker and backroom amateur engineer I looked at the extractor, or whatever it's called, and knew exactly how it worked. You could make one from stuff around your house, or pick it up at a second hand store, and maybe about $50 or $100 to buy a small vacuum pump and some fittings. I have been thinking about it for a winter project.

1: You need a low pressure chamber: One small stainless steel bowl (not bowel, as I spelled it before. Thanks, Roger A.) with a larger bowl setting on top with a seal around the edges.

2: The larger bowl on top is the condenser. It is filled with ice and has a tube running through it. If it's made from stainless then the bottom bowl has to be made of glass so you can see the in to watch the process. It would be easier, but not necessary if you can see what's happening.

3. The condensing tube would be connected to the fairly low vacuum pump and into a closed collection container.

This may look a little complex, but after everything is gathered up you are looking at about two hours work.

If people are interested I will l do a concept drawing and post it.

I'll not delete this, but while writing I think solved the design. I think I'll make one and post the results, with pictures, whether it works or not.