Aussie Growers Thread

I need to pay a female for some more sex. Thats what i need. I never get any, because i've resented the men who raped my 9 year old mother.

Is that ok with you?

I have major anxiety because of this. Her family bashed to a pulp all the time too.
Manic my whole life. But only when victimized, because i was the mental punch bag at school. Too big, and scary to hurt me.
I have to keep her, and my family safe. I believe this to be #1 task in life. I kneel to no man.

I smoke marijuana because, it levels my head.
Growing it keeps me calm.
Is this ok with you?

I'm also extremely comfortable with who i am.
Is this ok with you?

I've since explained to my family how much i love them. Also told them how angry i was they couldn't ask me things.

So i told my mother, i'm not a virgin anymore. That i havn't been for years, but that i have to screw a few hookers from time to time, as to eleviate the stress.
I've avoided being honest with my mum. Because i couldn't be sure whether the beautiful, adult women were saying yes, because they consented. Or because their boss was forcing them to.
Is this ok with you?

Please smoke. I'm proud of my body, and my brain.
Is this ok with you?

Thanks for the kind words.

I can't work. Physically, and mentally. I sought help.

But my blood pressure is at heart attack levels. I've had hypertension since puberty.

Doctors can't figure out why. Shredded as fuck, or fat as fuck. Same blood pressure.

My anxiety 2 weeks ago made my family believe i was having a stroke. Because i wouldn't tell them i was scared, of this person, or who they are. Because i havn't a clue. Thats why i'm angry.

But i'd prefer my family to be frightened of me, than some other prick.

Please guys. I'm being as transparent as i can.

You want me on RIU or not? I will leave, out of mutual understanding.

The culprit still hasn't replied to my PM, to apologize either.
But i will put the issue to bed if you say so.

Want me gone from RIU?
Or do you still want me around?
It is a simple question. Just tell me which.

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Do you mind at all if i frequent the Marijuana Problems section?
Helping others makes me appreciate life. It is also where i have found most of my social friends here.
I'm a grower. That's all i've ever said i am.

I promise to leave. I just want to be understood. A picture can mean many things.

This is an international forum. I deserve the same rights as you.
Do you mind at all if i frequent the Marijuana Problems section?
Helping others makes me appreciate life. It is also where i have found most of my social friends here.
I'm a grower. That's all i've ever said i am.

I promise to leave. I just want to be understood. A picture can mean many things.

This is an international forum. I deserve the same rights as you.
Ive never told you to leave R.I.U so don't expect me to tell you to stay.
If the member is out there. I apologize. Really i do.
But i'm an emotional guy. So i use emoticons. When i see some emoticons, it makes me feel a particular way.
I'm sorry if you felt advanced upon, but i felt you were making a suggestion. To which i questioned your gender. Because it is something each of us have a preference to. But i only advanced on you, because you pm'd me.
I am an emotional guy. Even a peace sign means peace to me.
I do forgive you. Really, i do.

But i just can't help but feel, homophobia goes both ways.
:hump: Means :hump: to me. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I do value you as a person. Truly. I meant what i told you in my PM.

Ive never told you to leave R.I.U so don't expect me to tell you to stay.

The person has driven me mad coco. To the point i feel threatened.

If you, yourself, would like me to leave, then i promise i will.

Not out of respect for this other person, but out of respect for you. I havn't been a member here for long. It isn't a problem.

I honestly won't feel bad if you tell me go. No hard feelings at all. Never meant there to be any.

Only members i follow, can PM me.
If no one replies to this message it is simply because, i feel unaccepted as an Australian on RIU.

That is the honest truth.

I don't have a problem being told to go away. But please just say it.

The person has driven me mad coco. To the point i feel threatened.

If you, yourself, would like me to leave, then i promise i will.

Not out of respect for this other person, but out of respect for you. I havn't been a member here for long. It isn't a problem.

I honestly won't feel bad if you tell me go. No hard feelings at all. Never meant there to be any.

Only members i follow, can PM me.
If no one replies to this message it is simply because, i feel unaccepted as an Australian on RIU.

That is the honest truth.

I don't have a problem being told to go away. But please just say it.

I neither want or need your respect and won't care whether you stay or go,I've told you numerous times I don't give a fuck what you do
Been about 3 years for me. Proud of holding the urges.

I do long for one of them though. It was so consensual, and so much fun. She was so beautiful too. Grown, and eager as well.

It was her that helped me realize what i had done. Made me feel like a shit cunt.

But also makes me sad, because it was such an interment experience for both of us. First girl who openly made love to me. Openly pashed me as well.
I was wimpy, and should have told her how much i cared. Because i felt it too.
Hurts that i wasn't man enough to ask this woman on a date, because i blew as soon as she touched my dick.

It's a hard thing to understand sex sometimes, especially when we, have never had it.

I will forever be grateful to this woman.

She was the 7th girl i had sex with. The only one who appreciated me too.
I can't vouch for the others. Although they said yes, i'm really not sure if they were truthful. Though i can't prove it. So i can't say.

I'm sorry for this novel dude. But it is the honest truth. I feel like a piece of shit accepting the unknown those times.
They say they're a private worker, that was my rule. That they at least say yes, and at least say they work on their own. But after making love with one of them , i wasn't really sure anymore.

We need to level with each other coco. I don't need you as a friend, but only ask for your acceptance.
I neither want or need your respect and won't care whether you stay or go,I've told you numerous times I don't give a fuck what you do
Well thank-you AussieCocoLoco. You have my peace. Sorry if i have been rude to you in the past. I'm gonna leave this other shit alone. Some don't need to know.

I'm just gonna help in the Problems section from time to time.
I'll stay out of all the politics. Doesn't suit me. I' am an emotional guy.

Thanks again.

Just caught up and this shit is confusing iv seen the word gender mentioned a few times and feel like it looks like Tim is saying I’m that so called culprit I am not so if u are getting at that fuck off....I’m to drunk for this shit