Quiet exhaust fans?

imo fans are a lot like tents.. My first tent and fan were high ticket items... Yet Im pretty much just as happy with the cheaper ones Ive gotten since.. 4x2 I'd get a 6er and turn it down a bit if you worried about sound

this. CFM matters.

Here's some truth:

-you can build a box, put the fan and filter in the box and attach inlets to make it quieter
-fan controllers may degrade the inline fan and shorten it's lifespan. use a fan controller meant for your fan.
-inline fans not specifically labeled as "quiet" can be made to be next to silent
-the inline fan makes the most noise where the air hits the ducting
-even cheap home depot insulated ducting WILL give you the results you are looking for
-4" is a bit louder
-people like to go 8" because you can move the same amount of air with at a lower RPM
-I hated how loud my 6" was until I used insulated ducting. A small fan in the tent is now significantly louder than the inline.

edit: I use a 6" Can Fan Max Fan. 334CFM I believe. I was using it on 1 tent, still it works just fine on 3. I use both 4' and 6" ducting. My system is absolutely silent, even on high.
Hey Cob, I had to leave my house because of carbon monoxide on Friday night. I've been at a hotel since then. I'm not sure about skamatics right off my head. I should be able to go home today and when I do, I'll give you the info and snap a few pics of the fan next to something of scale for you to get an idea. Its bigger than a standard inline but not by much. I think the hyper fan is bigger and has more weight than the sline. It was also a bit louder and pricier than the sline. I've been told you're the man to talk too about led'. I'm glad you posted because I couldn't figure out your name here lol I was told there is a guy here who knows alot about led' but that was all the info I got lol. I'm thinking about the hlg 4000k cob. What are your thoughts on that unit and is 4000k good for veg and flower from your opinion? I've read a bit about Kelvin but I'm having troubles understanding things:dunce:. My brain is overloaded with info and it's getting a bit overwhelming and hard to focus lol

Haha, I WISH I was than man to talk to about LEDs. You are thinking about @CobKits. He's the man.
Lol...I would like a pic of the fans for scale tho. Thanks.
Haha, I WISH I was than man to talk to about LEDs. You are thinking about @CobKits. He's the man.
Lol...I would like a pic of the fans for scale tho. Thanks.

O I thought it was you lol. Well I just got home and I'm beat. I did want to apologize for not sending the picture and give you my word I will tomorrow when I get home! Have a great night!
Haha, I WISH I was than man to talk to about LEDs. You are thinking about @CobKits. He's the man.
Lol...I would like a pic of the fans for scale tho. Thanks.

Here you go CoB_nUt. (Or anyone else who's interested in this fan)

The motor provides 2720 Rpm'
6.2 Lbs
Rated at 72 Volts
Max amps 0.68
Its rated at 347 cmf
Static pressure at 0" is 340


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Here you go CoB_nUt. (Or anyone else who's interested in this fan)

The motor provides 2720 Rpm'
Rated at 72 Volts
Max amps 0.68
Its rated at 347 cmf
Static pressure at 0" is 340

Thanks@ SoMe_EfFin. That is an 8" correct? Now that I am replying I can't go back and look or else I'll lose my text. I'm lookin for a 6"
Thanks yo, that clears some things up for me.

No problem brother! I was looking into the hyper fan but it only has one flange. I like the sleek design the higher cmf rating and duel flanges on the sline. Even though they will be running 24/7 I like that it has a removable damper built in (last picture). Guess it will be good forbid the power go's out! I have a small handheld generator should that happen. I'm hoping I dont need it lol. That's one thing that actually makes me nervous with the winter coming. I had no outage last winter but in 16 it went out three times. In 15 it went out 5. I live in the sticks and if you're not worrying about the trees falling. you're worrying about the power lines freezing and snapping in half. Even though I get raped on kwh charge. The linemen are awesome! I've not had to wait more than 12 hours for power to come back in the last 6 going on 7 years here! I would love one of those natural gas generators that automatically turn on, those things are the bees knees!
Hyper fan is more powerful back to back

Obviously that hyper fan you posted is more powerful it's an 8"
6" hyper fan is 315 cfm
6" vortex is 347 cfm
So actually the vortex if you are comparing the 6" models is stronger. The hyper fan is still not as quiet as the vortex and again only has one flange!

8" hyper fan is 710 cfm
8" vortex is 728 cfm

So in reality it's not more powerful back to back! The only benefit I see out of the hyperfan is the lower rated wattage. Other than that it's still louder then the vortex from reviews I've read and things people have told me about it. It also does not carry a 10 year warranty like the vortex line. And, if it's already rated at a lower cfm how good does it really do if its dialed down. Probably not as good considering it has less air exchange capability to begin with. Also with one flange it makes it look like a pain in the ass to have to ducttape duckting or a carbon filter to the other side. It makes it look sloppy as well. Most people wont care about that, but one day when you check on your fan and find your filter all dented up on the floor because you had to use ducttape, that lost its adhesive properties due to heat and moisture. You're probably not going to be happy about that. especially if the filter is dented and you have to buy a new one. Say you have the side with no flange taped too a cooltube or coolhood. You check on your grow and realize all the girls are dead because the duckttape gave way and you couldn't get the heat out for a few hours. How are you going to feel about that? You guys do you, I'm not here to make up your mind about what fan to use. I dont get paid to promote vortex. I'm just simply trying to give skamatics on the fan and possibly save someone a headache by helping them realize, that a fan with one flange, that Is louder and has a lower cfm rating is just not worth it in regards to the application setting it's going to be used for.

I mean that's why we are all here right? We all enjoy one common thing, which over the years has brought a certain type of camadery between folks that I share and believe in. I'm just simply trying to help! Dont shoot the messenger yo! It's not like I'm pulling this shit out of my ass! I'm going off of what the manufacturer has written in regards to their products. This is not directed at you and if you take it as such then that's on you. To be honest I frankly dont give a fuck if you do. People tend to turn something into being all about them in today's world even though nothing was directed at them. It amazes me how so many people in one place get into pissing matches over the stupidest shit! Or ask for advice but dont follow it or want to hear a yes answer for a no answer, even though they know it's a no answer to begin with. People also like to post shit they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. They read a few things now somehow they are all of a sudden experts. Also, people cant even take a simple 2 minutes to read something before they decide to put their 2 cents into it. For instance, I've noticed on the in it to win it fourm. People have entered a contest that was over months ago. Why, because their mind is so occupied on getting free shit they cant even take a minute to read the fucking post!
I'm not trying to start an internet fight with anyone, I'm sure your keyboard warrior skills are far superior to the ones I have any way. on a serious note, everyone that I've talked too has been really kind and extremely helpful! I've gotten to speak to some very knowledgeable people with years of experience. I've also talked to a few others with no experience at all. The one thing they have in common is they take the time to educate them selves about something before just throwing out their invalid dumb as fuck opinion or asking a fucking question that's already been answered a million times! I'm not saying such the case here. People really need to smarten up and if you cant. get off of the fucking internet for a few days because its obviously dumbing you down. Like I said, this is not directed at anyone here personally! However they are things that need to be said!
I see no concern with/without flanges, especially since the flange is on the output on the standard Hyper. If you have a duct pop off on the inlet, you did something very wrong in the first place. Since you did mention duct tape in ducting, I already know you’re confused - anyone who’s ever worked with ducting knows that duct tape is complete shit for ducting. Regardless, I have the Stealth model which has no flanges at all but since I know how to turn a screw driver, the ducting is going nowhere.

Regarding sound, dig deeper, the S-line is louder in every size. Plenty of videos showcase this fact.

Regarding power/CFM rating, I can’t find a 6” to 6” comparison unfortunately but consider that the CFM is rated lower for the 8” and 10” Hyper fans while it still manages to pull more pressure than the Vortex in every test I found. Perhaps it’s by virtue of design, the whole EC vs AC motor thing. AC motors have a considerable efficiency drop past their peak where EC fans have an almost flat efficiency curve. This likely explains why the Hyperfan takes a moment to “catch up” and beat out the Vortex fans in pressure pull comparisons.

Here’s a great video of the Vortex s-line being louder and weaker than a standard issue inline fan which is about half the price too

I see no concern with/without flanges, especially since the flange is on the output on the standard Hyper. If you have a duct pop off on the inlet, you did something very wrong in the first place. Since you did mention duct tape in ducting, I already know you’re confused - anyone who’s ever worked with ducting knows that duct tape is complete shit for ducting. Regardless, I have the Stealth model which has no flanges at all but since I know how to turn a screw driver, the ducting is going nowhere.

Regarding sound, dig deeper, the S-line is louder in every size. Plenty of videos showcase this fact.

Regarding power/CFM rating, I can’t find a 6” to 6” comparison unfortunately but consider that the CFM is rated lower for the 8” and 10” Hyper fans while it still manages to pull more pressure than the Vortex in every test I found. Perhaps it’s by virtue of design, the whole EC vs AC motor thing. AC motors have a considerable efficiency drop past their peak where EC fans have an almost flat efficiency curve. This likely explains why the Hyperfan takes a moment to “catch up” and beat out the Vortex fans in pressure pull comparisons.

Here’s a great video of the Vortex s-line being louder and weaker than a standard issue inline fan which is about half the price too


Actually I have alot of experience with duct work & hvac in general and you're right, duct tape is shit compared to a duct clamp! However flanges do have an impact on proper securing, air movement and pressure, that's how I know you're extremely confused. I'm not confused in any way, if I was, I would have said I was and not have posted about something I have no idea about. That being said, not everyone will use only the side with the flange in their application! If they are going to need to use both intake and exhaust ports then there really is no benefit to having one flange. I'm happy that you know how to use a basic screwdriver to tighten things. Most people dont so kudos too you. I'm also not going to go by a video of a place that is going to sell a product that they are making money off of. Obviously they are going to say anything to sell that specific product. Also you're the one who seems to be a bit confused! Your saying outtake when its exhaust. You're talking about an 8" fan and a 10" fan when no one said anything about either. You're also showing a video side by side of a rebel fan. So really the confusion is on you.

You seem to have all of these valid points on inline fans that we are not talking about to begin with. We are talking about 6" fans and 6" fans only. Not 8" or 10" but for some reason your feeble mind keeps wanting to compare a 6" fan too 8 & 10 " fans. I dont care about what you think you know from what you have read. I'm telling you that we are talking about 6" fans. yet you're still trying to put all of your opinions that you have on 8 and 10" fans. Opinions are like assholes everyone's got one but the only thing they are usually good for is shit! But hey, what do I know? I only come from a family that has owned an engineering firm for a few decades. I also didnt go to school for engineering my self nor do I work in the trades. I've also not done any research or talked to people. I only have based what I'm saying on things I've read off of the internet, you know, because everything you read or see on the internet is valid and truthful. I also didnt buy two of those fans and plug them in and gage the noise level for my self! I didnt notice how quiet they both are compared to one of your queef'! You caught me, I'm actually a vendor for vortex fans and will do or say anything to have someone buy one of my fans.

Also you should probably read exactly what I wrote. I didnt even set the fan up to use in my space, somehow you got that misconstrued into me using duct tape to connect things . Although if you have no flange to properly secure something to the intake or exhaust ports I'm wondering what you would use, maybe you jizzed in your hand and used it for glue? From every video I've watched it seems like people are using duct tape to secure things to their intake or exhaust ports! You must have some type of nano jizz glue that you're using. Also, you stated you could not find any videos or info to do a side by side comparison yet you some how managed to contradict your self by saying from everything you have found the vortex fans are louder then any other fan you have info on. You make no fucking sense in the slightest bit, you say one thing then contradict your self and back peddle to another to try to make your point valid and seem like you know what you're talking about! The guy asked me for info on a fan that I bought two of and have plugged into to see if they are loud which they are not. He also asked me to send him some pictures and info which I did. I dont think he asked you for info on a product that you dont own nor have any fucking knowledge about. Then you want to chime in and put your half ass biased 2 cent uneducated knowledge into! You also sat there and contradicted what you wrote, I've already explained to you how and will not do so again. If you can not figure it out for your self then you really are a special kind of fucking moron. You might ask your self why I'm acting like this? Its because at one point or another you get sick of people chiming in on something they have no fucking idea what they are talking about. I've only been a member here for a few weeks but before I decided to join. I read this website for months. I did not realize how many people here have no idea what the fuck they are actually talking about but now I do!

I came here to learn how to grow better because i only did three runs over 10 years ago. I didnt have all the bells and whistles that I do now and wanted to talk to like minded people, to become the best cultivator I could possibly become for my self. I know I'll never be a grow master but I did want to learn as much as I could for me. I didnt come here to fight, or listen to nonsense or shit information. I dont know everything there is to know, nor do I act like I do, like alot of others. However if there is something that I do know. I'm going to help someone if they need it. I'm not going to give them info on what I think is right, I'm not going to throw my opinions out there because i want to seem like i know what I'm talking about for the fuck of it. If someone asks something that i know something about I'm going to tell them but I'm only going to tell them if it's the right thing regardless if they like the answer or not. I might not know alot about cultivation regardless of the time I've spent doing research. I'm a very smart person and if I can help someone I will.

Obviously you and I are going to agree to disagree! That's fine, it's not a big deal. Before you go blabbing your mouth just make sure you read and understand what someone is saying before you start running your goo catcher buy trying to act like you know what you're talking about. Especially if you're going to contradict your self. I know you have been here for a while and growing for a while and I respect that but that in no way fucking means you know everything. I've also noticed that here as well. I have been warned by some very established members. that there are a few people who think because they have been growing a few years that they somehow think they are some growing god and act like they know everything there is to know about everything, seems like you're one of them. Its false, so dont let your ego get in the way of things you dont know what you're saying or implying. I'm not going to apologize either as I've done nothing wrong. I'm also not going to go back and forth with you.

Next time, Insted of just jumping into the convo basically inadvertently accusing someone of being wrong, then saying they are confused. especially when you start talking about shit that we are not even talking about. Why dont you start with a "hey guys from what I've read or seen, this is what I think. I could be wrong but figured ide share to maybe learn as well" but no, you were so determined to put your two cents into a convo about fan sizes that we are not even talking about into the mix, just to try and make me look like I have no idea what I'm talking about, when I do, because you have more experience than me. I dont know everything there is to know and I'll admit that like I have, no problem!

I'm done with this here with you! I'm not going back and forth nor am I trying to fight. If you have something to say than just keep it too your self because I'm really not interested in hearing it.
I'm over it and hope you are as well. If in the future you want to talk and not come across as a condescending prick then let me know. I dont hold a grudge against people, especially people I share the same interests with. Who knows we could end up becoming best internet buds.

However if youre just going to have negative comments and let your ego get into the mix than save it. If you want to talk in the future I'm all for it homie. If however you are felling butt hurt and cant get over it and still feel the need to run your mouth. then slide into the pm' homie and when ever you want to come and pay a visit too Massachusetts and feel like you have something to say we can have a nice long conversation about it. Any time. I'll even burn a few with you after!
I hope you find peace in life.

I actually have/live a very peaceful, happy, wonderful life! Thanks for the kind wishes, I appreciate that! I hope the same for you as well, I wish you nothing but the best and hope you have many fruitful grows!

I figure you're being sarcastic, either way i do wish you the best! :joint: :peace:
Disagre with what? Ive got a hydrofarm.. paid right around $70 a few years back.. that was one of the cheaper fans I was talking about. Folks are talking about vortex fans etc.. go check the price on those joints and tell me if you think the hydrofarm counts as a high ticket item

So would you recommend the vortex s line 6” or 8” for a 4x2x6?

Or the hyper fan?

I guess if I’m dropping 150 on a in-line fan itself might as well get a good one. Glad I waited.
AC Infinity Cloudline T6
They haven't come out with the 8" yet, but only 32db for the 6"
Comes with thermostat speed controller

That’s what I was going to buy but someone said it’s a booster fan. Would it still work fine for a 4x2 and as far as air circulation.
Just finished my popcorn

I myself am probably gonna go with an 8" Hyperfan for my 5x5, probably have it running on low but I live in a hot, humid climate and like the idea of being able to crank it up if need be. Plus they've got cool videos on YouTube