MARIJUANA PRIVATE USE AND GROW LEGALIZED in South Africa 18.09.2018- History has just been made..



So today this happened:

This is the biggest news in the history of ever for South African smokers and growers.

This day has been fought for for SO long, for so hard. By so many.

Today is a beautiful day, darlings. I hug my green babies and light up smiling red lipstick smiles.

Today is a day when EVERYTHING changes.

My word....

All my Love,

DarkQueen <3


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Isn't the south African government seizing the land of white farmers? Maybe they decriminalized weed as a kind of trade off? Like hey, yeah we're taking your farms; but now you can get high.... good deal right?

Indeed, Land Grab is on the cards (go give Lauren Southern on YouTube a look).

However, it was not the Government who pushed this through, but the Constitutional Court that made it happen, to the dismay and opposition of the actual government. And not only originally wanted growing legalized, but eventually went double whammy and threw smoking in there too.. :)
The law was passed by the High Court and opposed in the Constitutional Court by the ANC Government - and the People won.

Happy day.

Fuck this legal crap, the fucking world need one veiw on it not sixteen trillion laws and by laws for every seperate state and country.

One its fucked up.
Secondly weed is just some big contoversy gay ass fad that im sure if it was gm engineered to give its own opinion would have fuck all to do with any of this homo bullcrap and rather go find a beach where we and humanity is not and blaze as many fat ones as it takes to tune out drop out mong thecfuck out.

But yay south africa, the internet brought you closer but i didnt expect you all to migrate to my country but still yay a little bit, more if a few gazillion of you leave and go back to your mud huts :-)
Fuck this legal crap, the fucking world need one veiw on it not sixteen trillion laws and by laws for every seperate state and country.

One its fucked up.
Secondly weed is just some big contoversy gay ass fad that im sure if it was gm engineered to give its own opinion would have fuck all to do with any of this homo bullcrap and rather go find a beach where we and humanity is not and blaze as many fat ones as it takes to tune out drop out mong thecfuck out.

But yay south africa, the internet brought you closer but i didnt expect you all to migrate to my country but still yay a little bit, more if a few gazillion of you leave and go back to your mud huts :-)
Total bullshit.
Tell that to the ex SA defence attorney and farmer I know who only just escaped with his life. He now lives in Australia with lots of other white SA.
Google is your friend. They can secure their homes OK using electric fencers but when you go out to actually farm your vulnerable.

Not saying they probably didn't have it coming mind you..
Tell that to the ex SA defence attorney and farmer I know who only just escaped with his life. He now lives in Australia with lots of other white SA.
Google is your friend. They can secure their homes OK using electric fencers but when you go out to actually farm your vulnerable.

Not saying they probably didn't have it coming mind you..

Bullshit. I'm sure some got run off and they're lucky they left alive.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Bullshit. I'm sure some got run off and they're lucky they left alive.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."
You may need to read all of that link you posted..Im not talking about Trumps tweets or large systematic murders nor white Genocide.

From the link you posted:
"Isolated and believed to be wealthy, South African farmers have historically been the targets of attacks in South Africa. In some cases the attacks and murders have been so brutal that many believe there is an element of race-based vengeance for apartheid. White farmers’ vulnerability has increased along with the rest of the country as South Africa struggles to contain crime, especially violent crime"

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Omg really?... if you are going to be racist get it right. South Africans live in straw huts. For the sake of balance, Americans live in McDonalds. But wait, there's more. If you really want to shit on where people live then spare a thought for the Israelis. They have to live in the past.

Ya tell me about it, some immigrant reported me to the police the other week for telling him to get back to Poland....

Lucky when my record comes up at the station it has a 'Do not fuck with this guy over petty crime' stamp in big letters on the front cover and i get a free pass.

Fucking minority races and religions....!
Omg really?... if you are going to be racist get it right. South Africans live in straw huts. For the sake of balance, Americans live in McDonalds. But wait, there's more. If you really want to shit on where people live then spare a thought for the Israelis. They have to live in the past.

Don't feed, just use "ignore".

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" -Mark Twain

The fools are floating to the top, just like with a pool, skim off the scum