Mate, let me tell you now. If i were the father, and she told me this i wouldn't be as civil as them.
Maybe rape, and abuse hasn't effected you. I hope for yours, and your loved ones it hasn't.
But don't take away a persons right to make accusations.
Rape allegations are taken very serously, for myself personally.
I know if it were my daughter, i'd do everything in my power to kill them dead. Especially is society didn't believe her.
But would be so worth it. Just to know, she knows they'll never do it again.
The police are there to cart me away.
In my opinion, her parents are being a lot more civil than gey should be.
Someone i know was called a liar by her own mum, when she was 9.
Who you calling a liar?
Especially when it's absolutely none of your business to say.