Anita Hill 2.0

I guess it comes down to credibility. Do we trust the federal Judge that is about to become a supreme court justice. Or do we trust the college professor that waited 35 years and can't remember where it happened but does remember she only had 1 beer. pretty tough choice to be made here.
What if it was your own child?
Can you accept the same logic?
Who you out to "fuck"? No offense.

The distraught parents, or "MacRapey"

You know that what is being said is offensive. So why say it?

If it turned out to be true, you'd be guilty of going to this extent to defend, the act.

Making you, one giant piece of social excrement.

If it's defending the victum, that was also possibly raped, then i can absolutely understand.
I was just reading some articles and it seems like SCJ MacRapeys mom foreclosed on that girls families house. It's like the whole Macrapey family is out to fuck her family and has been for decades or at least since decades ago.
Maybe I misinterpreted your message. The triple negative is tricky.

If you didn't get raped by kavanaugh you have no reason to believe he wasn't raping her.

Did you mean:

Unless Kavanaugh raped you, you have no reason to believe he raped her.

or do you mean

You don't need to be raped by Kavanaugh to have reason to believe he raped her.
I was just reading some articles and it seems like SCJ MacRapeys mom foreclosed on that girls families house. It's like the whole Macrapey family is out to fuck her family and has been for decades or at least since decades ago.
Sounds like fake news.
I guess it comes down to credibility. Do we trust the federal Judge that is about to become a supreme court justice. Or do we trust the college professor that waited 35 years and can't remember where it happened but does remember she only had 1 beer. pretty tough choice to be made here.
She came out about the assault a couple of times beforehand. Once to her husband during a couples counseling session and another time to some friends. Long before Kavity was nominated to the SCOTUS. So, no. She's not to be dismissed. Her statements today are validate by her earlier statements.

It's pretty common for men to deny an accusation of sexual misconduct, especially in the "he-said-she-said" or a rape trial. By your post, one could are basically say that when Clinton said "I have not had sex with that woman, Monical Lewinsky", we should have just believed Clinton. After all, Clinton was prez at the time and she was just a scheming hormonal girl.
She came out about the assault a couple of times. Once to her husband during a couples counseling session and another time to some friends. Long before Kavity was nominated to the SCOTUS. So, no. Her statements are valid.

It's pretty common for men to deny an accusation of sexual misconduct, especially in the "he-said-she-said" or a rape trial. By your post, one could are basically say that when Clinton said "I have not had sex with that woman, Monical Lewinsky", we should have just believed Clinton. After all, Clinton was prez at the time and she was just a scheming hormonal girl.
Well if KavanoIdontwantit was paying off multiple women that accused him of this type of thing over a couple decades maybe that could be an equivalent argument.
It seems like politics at play. maybe she should go to the police about this,

Mate, let me tell you now. If i were the father, and she told me this i wouldn't be as civil as them.

Maybe rape, and abuse hasn't effected you. I hope for yours, and your loved ones it hasn't.
But don't take away a persons right to make accusations.

Rape allegations are taken very serously, for myself personally.

I know if it were my daughter, i'd do everything in my power to kill them dead. Especially if society didn't believe her.
But would be so worth it. Just to know, she knows they'll never do it again.

The police are there to cart me away.
In my opinion, her parents are being a lot more civil than they should be. They need to be commended.

Someone i know was called a liar by her own mum, when she was 9.

Who you calling a liar?
Especially when it's absolutely none of your business to say.

Mate, let me tell you now. If i were the father, and she told me this i wouldn't be as civil as them.

Maybe rape, and abuse hasn't effected you. I hope for yours, and your loved ones it hasn't.
But don't take away a persons right to make accusations.

Rape allegations are taken very serously, for myself personally.

I know if it were my daughter, i'd do everything in my power to kill them dead. Especially is society didn't believe her.
But would be so worth it. Just to know, she knows they'll never do it again.

The police are there to cart me away.
In my opinion, her parents are being a lot more civil than gey should be.

Someone i know was called a liar by her own mum, when she was 9.

Who you calling a liar?
Especially when it's absolutely none of your business to say.
So you blindly support anyone who accuses any other person of rape. You have no reason to believe or not believe her. she has no evidence.
So you blindly support anyone who accuses any other person of rape. You have no reason to believe or not believe her. she has no evidence.
Have i accused him arsehole?
Don't you dare accuse me of suggesting something i haven't.
You tell me what you'd do if your daughter was breaking down, while telling you someone raped her.

Where do you stand? You just gonna accept it as bullshit without a jury, and proof?

Innocent until proven guilty, is meant to be for both sides.
Ran out of denials, I see.

To reiterate:
She came out about the assault a couple of times beforehand. Once to her husband during a couples counseling session and another time to some friends. Long before Kavity was nominated to the SCOTUS. So, no. She's not to be dismissed. Her statements today are validated by her earlier statements.
Have i accused him arsehole?
Don't you dare accuse me of suggesting something i haven't.
You tell me what you'd do if your daughter was breaking down, while telling you someone raped her.

Where do you stand? You just gonna accept it as bullshit without a jury, and proof?

Innocent until proven guilty, is meant to be for both sides.
I'd tell her to wait multiple decades before bringing it up with anybody.