Will Texas please secede from the USA

I've been at the rallies in Portland this summer where fascists flew in from all over the country just so they could confront our liberal city and project white power on our streets. They are in fact fearsome thugs and goons. They show up and number 400 all serious and wearing battle gear. We show up and number 3000. We have clowns, a band and we aren't really prepared for a fight. Don't want to really. They stay behind police barricades for protection because large crowds intimidate them. The few that break out, are confronted by Antifa. The goons are pretty good, I'll give them that. They have broken a few skulls this summer. But the numbers scare them back. Once they start scuffling, police break up the rally. So far, it's working. The key is numbers. We outnumber them 4 or 5 to one. We shout them down and make them look ridiculous. More importantly, we are the locals they are not. We show up in the thousands not just to resist fascists but to send local politicians a message that they had better change their permitting policy or face consequences at the ballot box.

The thing is, we won't let them march in our streets. We surround them and keep them contained then blast them with counter messages. . After seeing the large crowds, they moved their demonstrations to non-federal sites where concealed carry is allowed with a permit and they put the city on notice through the press. Our next step is to convince our city government to disallow their protests. I hope it doesn't take shooting deaths but it looks like that's the only way to force city hall's hand, just like it did in Charlottesville.

Pricks like tty haven't a clue what's going on.

Tty isn't a prick. He just has the delusion if you only were to give, without even analyzing the problem, instantly they go away. Which is why he favors unions that are fake. Unions are a mask of equality, where if we pretend about an every pony life style it'll produce a Friendship is Magic form of Brave New World.

Just like your wet dream of exterminating all the light complexion folks will magically lead to Wakanda utopia instead of Oceania.

North Carolina has the right approach to Science; if you don't like what it says about something, like sea level rise, just legislate it away!

The expected results of generations of school funding cuts.

Much irony.

Sort of like how government school functionaries blithely ignore how they acquire funding thru the threat of using guns against unwilling "donors" .

Being soft on people who want you dead or to suffer or anything other than let you be, is not the right approach. Being soft on people like that has worked literally zero times in history.

How does killing a bunch of Nazi directly lead to authoritarianism?

Wait...did you say you're afraid of "being soft" on people ?

Now they have decided to remove Hellen Keller and Hillary Clinton from their history books
Moses made the cut though :fire:

No word if Trump will be in the curriculum , maybe they are waiting on Mueller's report:bigjoint:

Hellen Keller? WTF? Now they're not liking blind people that can't hear? I didn't see that coming. Fucking Texas again... something about barb-o-ques?
Being soft on people who want you dead or to suffer or anything other than let you be, is not the right approach. Being soft on people like that has worked literally zero times in history.

How does killing a bunch of Nazi directly lead to authoritarianism?
Violence gives the authorities the excuse to crack down. They used this anti constitutional tactic against protesters during the Occupy movement and during WTO gatherings in Seattle, Denver and elsewhere.

It's time you woke up to the fact that if our Federal government won't respect our civil rights, WE DON'T HAVE THEM.
I've been at the rallies in Portland this summer where fascists flew in from all over the country just so they could confront our liberal city and project white power on our streets. They are in fact fearsome thugs and goons. They show up and number 400 all serious and wearing battle gear. We show up and number 3000. We have clowns, a band and we aren't really prepared for a fight. Don't want to really. They stay behind police barricades for protection because large crowds intimidate them. The few that break out, are confronted by Antifa. The goons are pretty good, I'll give them that. They have broken a few skulls this summer. But the numbers scare them back. Once they start scuffling, police break up the rally. So far, it's working. The key is numbers. We outnumber them 4 or 5 to one. We shout them down and make them look ridiculous. More importantly, we are the locals they are not. We show up in the thousands not just to resist fascists but to send local politicians a message that they had better change their permitting policy or face consequences at the ballot box.

The thing is, we won't let them march in our streets. We surround them and keep them contained then blast them with counter messages. . After seeing the large crowds, they moved their demonstrations to non-federal sites where concealed carry is allowed with a permit and they put the city on notice through the press. Our next step is to convince our city government to disallow their protests. I hope it doesn't take shooting deaths but it looks like that's the only way to force city hall's hand, just like it did in Charlottesville.

Pricks like tty haven't a clue what's going on.
You have me all wrong; I'm all for counter protest and holding local politicians accountable.

Violence for it's own sake is a mistake.
Tty isn't a prick. He just has the delusion if you only were to give, without even analyzing the problem, instantly they go away. Which is why he favors unions that are fake. Unions are a mask of equality, where if we pretend about an every pony life style it'll produce a Friendship is Magic form of Brave New World.

Just like your wet dream of exterminating all the light complexion folks will magically lead to Wakanda utopia instead of Oceania.
Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?
Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?
The most concerning thing about his posts is that his vote counts as much as anyone else's.
The most concerning thing about his posts is that his vote counts as much as anyone else's.

Last time I endorsed Jill Stein. But keep it up funny guy and I just might convince my wife, family, friends, and Buddhist community to go for Trump out of spite and that's part of my sense of humor. Oh and any of the rest of my Asian brethren who I help sponsor into America from my church. How's that for any "one" vote?
Last time I endorsed Jill Stein. But keep it up funny guy and I just might convince my wife, family, friends, and Buddhist community to go for Trump out of spite and that's part of my sense of humor. Oh and any of the rest of my Asian brethren who I help sponsor into America from my church. How's that for any "one" vote?
Do people in insane asylums even get to vote?
Tell me again how equally funding schools, affirmative action and civil rights laws is going to bring about a war. You keep raising the subject but it makes no sense to me. Explain plz.

While you are at it, explain to me how an individual worker can negotiate with a powerful and connected wealthy person to effect positive change in the workplace? The coal industry for example. How does a miner on his own get the mine owner to make the work place safer?

#1 racism is racism. My ancestors already played the game of being the lapdog by doing your laundry, cook, and human chattel who blew themselves up building a railroad for the good of others. We're not falling for it again.

#2 Unions are rape by a colluding third party be it government, another private company, "non-profit", or corporation. You pay for the right to be exploited by union leaders who continue to get paid during a strike along with the company who hires scabs to work less wages from before the strike.

When your reward isn't really worth it because you lost all that time striking without pay.

The solution is worker cooperatives, not bullshit unions.

Have a blessed Buddha day.

Do people in insane asylums even get to vote?

Asylums don't exist anymore and why our homeless problem is out of control. Blame your Democrat heroes like John F. Kennedy for that.

"Forty years ago yesterday, President John F. Kennedy signed the Community Mental Health Centers Act, under which large state hospitals for the mentally ill would give way to small community clinics. He said of the law that the ''reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolation will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability.''"

i'll blame reagan

You should.

One month before Reagan was elected, President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program.

The republicans repealed it and replaced it with fucking block grants, cut funding by one-third, and nobody ever picked up the slack.
Between 1963 and 1980, 70% of mental assylum patients were set loose to fend for themselves on the streets as a result of Kennedy's Community Mental Health Centers Act. Woops. There blows that theory of yours.

The law that Reagan signed was the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS), passed by the legislature & signed into law in 1967 by Governor Ronald Reagan. The idea was to "stem entry into the state hospital by encouraging the community system to accept more patients, hopefully improving quality of care while allowing state expense to be alleviated by the newly available federal funds." It also was designed to protect the rights of mental patients. It was considered a landmark of its time--a change in the attitude toward mental illness and its treatment.

The law restricted involuntary commitment, among other things. It allows people to refuse treatment for mental illness, unless they are clearly a danger to someone else or themselves. It facilitated release of many patients---supposedly to go to community mental health treatment programs.

Reagan's role, besides signing the bill, was using it as a reason to cut his budget. What Reagan did was, at the same time the bill was passed, to reduce the budget for state mental hospitals. His budget bill "abolished 1700 hospital staff positions and closed several of the state-operated aftercare facilities. Reagan promised to eliminate even more hospitals if the patient population continued to decline. Year-end population counts for the state hospitals had been declining by approximately 2000 people per year since 1960."
Prevention and restraint are the answer, not trying to actively kill them. It's like putting a rope on a elephant as a baby. Even though later on in life the adult elephant can break free of the rope, you can still use it to lead.

But if you antagonize the elephant it will break free realizing it's true strength and trample you to death out of fear and hatred.

Hatred met with hatred doesn't lead to kindness like you seem to think. All it leads to is more hate by which they'll double down upon you. Both sides then lose.

Getting rid of the friction produces peace. More violence produces it's own just as equally fucked version of alt-hate.

I don't mean to be rude, but did you graduate high school?
The law that Reagan signed was the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS), passed by the legislature & signed into law in 1967 by Governor Ronald Reagan. The idea was to "stem entry into the state hospital by encouraging the community system to accept more patients, hopefully improving quality of care while allowing state expense to be alleviated by the newly available federal funds." It also was designed to protect the rights of mental patients. It was considered a landmark of its time--a change in the attitude toward mental illness and its treatment.

The law restricted involuntary commitment, among other things. It allows people to refuse treatment for mental illness, unless they are clearly a danger to someone else or themselves. It facilitated release of many patients---supposedly to go to community mental health treatment programs.

Reagan's role, besides signing the bill, was using it as a reason to cut his budget. What Reagan did was, at the same time the bill was passed, to reduce the budget for state mental hospitals. His budget bill "abolished 1700 hospital staff positions and closed several of the state-operated aftercare facilities. Reagan promised to eliminate even more hospitals if the patient population continued to decline. Year-end population counts for the state hospitals had been declining by approximately 2000 people per year since 1960."

But none of that would've been possible without Kennedy which was based on a lie he was being kind to the abused in mental assylums. The truth is he was the good cop to Reagan's bad cop. They colluded together to reach their mutual goal The only difference is Republicans embrace their shitty behavior to entice evil while Democrats prey upon gullible idiots who believe their bullshit lies.
Violence gives the authorities the excuse to crack down. They used this anti constitutional tactic against protesters during the Occupy movement and during WTO gatherings in Seattle, Denver and elsewhere.

It's time you woke up to the fact that if our Federal government won't respect our civil rights, WE DON'T HAVE THEM.

I hear what you are saying, but your dot connecting skills are a stretch.

The law enforcement that cracked down on the Occupy Movement and other such events were certainly an overreach in authority and enforcement, but by no means could a direct inference be made that such events would, nor will lead to an Authoritarian government.

But then again I wasn't the one who voted for Bernie because I was mad at the DNC. Ya know... cutting off your nose to spite your face syndrome.