Has anyone purchase seeds from seedsman

I'm still a newbie to all this and there's probably better ways to germinate, but I just used Jiffy peet pellets - soaked them in warm water til they expanded, dug a little hole in the peet, and popped the seed in. All four seeds germinated, although one of them was lagging several days behind and I didn't think was going to pop. I'm only on my second grow though, and first was from clones.
Been using Jiffy Pellets for years to pop my seeds and NEVER had a problem with them. If it works do it!
i've had problems with pm in jiffy pellets. probably just me keeping them a little too wet, but w/e works for you
I saw someone else mention they didn't like them in one of the long threads that started a bunch of years ago: "Things I've Learned" or something like that was the title of the thread. I was going to ask what they didn't like about them, but I think the person who said it made the post in 2013. Nothing happened for four days so I was starting to get nervous, but them 3 of them popped and the fourth popped a day later. Good to know a specific problem to look out for.
I soaked mine overnight and then just put them into my rooters the next morning and let them be. To sum up what Shrubber said, I think less is best but that is just what seems to have worked best for me. If you can put them right into medium you will have less room for error. I had a little OG seed that took a full week to pop. The others done the same way popped in two or three days.
Yeah I think sometimes the best thing to do is do nothing, if you get to impatient you just make things worse. I mean these seeds somehow manage to grow in the wild out doors with no thermometers, lights, correct soil etc etc. I just popped 10 in jiffy's on Tuesday and didn't see any break the surface so went in and digged around and disturbed them, sure enough they were only just cracking and rooting but I think now I've killed them by disturbing them :( ah well we live and we learn
Nah as long as you did not break the root they should be ok. I was worried about the OG seed after a bit so I jostled it with a pair of tweezers, before I saw that the hull had split. At that moment I was like...damnit...lol...lesson learned.
I got my first ever seeds from Seedsman a few weeks ago. Arrived quickly and they all popped. My first real attempt at popping seeds btw. I would recommend them.

Also ordered my first ever seeds (all feminized) for my first ever grow from Seedsman.com. with a regular credit card. Total cost, including special stealth shipping and tracking, was about $155 USD. Rec'd their email follow-up within 24 hrs, with tracking info. My order arrived in Calif. in less than two weeks. All the seeds I chose to plant germinated, except one, mostly because of my inexperience. Ordered far too many (22 seeds): Kaya Gold, Mama Mia, White Widow. Jack Herer, CBD Critical Mass, and Auto Northern Lights. With that order, I received 12 free feminzed seeds: one AK 48, two Jack Herer, two Critical, two Blueberry, two White Widow, one Neville's Haze, and two Auto White Widow. I want to try seeds from Mandala (feminized Fruitilicious) and am looking for one of Mandala's listed authorized sellers who will accept credit card payments. Most authorized sellers of Mandala seeds in the UK use bitcoin, which I want to avoid.
Also ordered my first ever seeds (all feminized) for my first ever grow from Seedsman.com. with a regular credit card. Total cost, including special stealth shipping and tracking, was about $155 USD. Rec'd their email follow-up within 24 hrs, with tracking info. My order arrived in Calif. in less than two weeks. All the seeds I chose to plant germinated, except one, mostly because of my inexperience. Ordered far too many (22 seeds): Kaya Gold, Mama Mia, White Widow. Jack Herer, CBD Critical Mass, and Auto Northern Lights. With that order, I received 12 free feminzed seeds: one AK 48, two Jack Herer, two Critical, two Blueberry, two White Widow, one Neville's Haze, and two Auto White Widow. I want to try seeds from Mandala (feminized Fruitilicious) and am looking for one of Mandala's listed authorized sellers who will accept credit card payments. Most authorized sellers of Mandala seeds in the UK use bitcoin, which I want to avoid.
AK 48 from seedsman is the bomb
not worth making a new thread for this one question so ill just ask here

if you order seeds to a sate what dose not allow them and they are found in post what will the outcome be
will cops come to your door or just get a letter in the male saying item seized through customs
Bro, too many people stress over this, the seed company's will only send to your area if they know they can, most times they come thou, and if they don't most times they wont even send a letter, it's not worth sending cop theres over a few seeds you DIDNT even have, they will just let the seed bank know they stuff wont make it, seeds are easy to sneak in mate, iv not had problems and my customs are notoriously strict as,
Bro, too many people stress over this, the seed company's will only send to your area if they know they can, most times they come thou, and if they don't most times they wont even send a letter, it's not worth sending cop theres over a few seeds you DIDNT even have, they will just let the seed bank know they stuff wont make it, seeds are easy to sneak in mate, iv not had problems and my customs are notoriously strict as,
not stressed yet i do know what you mean. so they just keep your money and don't send the seeds if they feel they wont go though
not stressed yet i do know what you mean. so they just keep your money and don't send the seeds if they feel they wont go though
No, they just wont make the transaction, you have to remember if they do that, people leave bad reviews and then people don't go though there site, before long no ones using there site and then out of business, plus you can check on them with the tracking number, the postage company will be able to tell you if they even posted anything,
No, they just wont make the transaction, you have to remember if they do that, people leave bad reviews and then people don't go though there site, before long no ones using there site and then out of business, plus you can check on them with the tracking number, the postage company will be able to tell you if they even posted anything,
ok thanks for the feedback when i shut down my current grow ill grow balls and suck it up and attempt to buy some