I don’t believe in god!

that's why the Gospel is also called the Good News. that's what John 3:16 is talking about when it says that whosoever believes has everlasting life: anyone that believes in Jesus doesn't face the second death - which is hell.

Any god who demands obedience or punishes you with eternal torment isn't the real God. That god has ulterior motives. Sorry to break the Bad News.

Any god who demands obedience or punishes you with eternal torment isn't the real God. That god has ulterior motives. Sorry to break the Bad News.

The obedience you reference is only the law that is used to show the individual he/she cannot meet the requirements of a Holy God and is in need of help. Repentance is a change of mind that one agrees with what the Bible says about the individual state they're in (sinful nature: Romans 3:23 Galations 5:17 1 John 1:8 Jeremiah 17:9) and then can Accept, Believe, and Confess (the ABCs of salvation) in Jesus (John 3:16). His ulterior motive was love to send His Son to take your place (Romans 5:8 ) so you wouldn't have to be punished with eternal torment in a place that was not made for humans but for Satan and his followers. You're under a curse of death and you will die; after that, Judgment. But you and anyone who will accept the gift of life and believes in Jesus will not face that Judgment - that's the Good News.
Search for Gay Byrne interviewing Stephen Fry about God, his reply is very interesting
The obedience you reference is only the law that is used to show the individual he/she cannot meet the requirements of a Holy God and is in need of help. Repentance is a change of mind that one agrees with what the Bible says about the individual state they're in (sinful nature: Romans 3:23 Galations 5:17 1 John 1:8 Jeremiah 17:9) and then can Accept, Believe, and Confess (the ABCs of salvation) in Jesus (John 3:16). His ulterior motive was love to send His Son to take your place (Romans 5:8 ) so you wouldn't have to be punished with eternal torment in a place that was not made for humans but for Satan and his followers. You're under a curse of death and you will die; after that, Judgment. But you and anyone who will accept the gift of life and believes in Jesus will not face that Judgment - that's the Good News.

Sorry, I call bullshit. Jesus is like a cross between a succubus and a mob boss. You don't offer protection or the result is locking you up and destroying your shop. Yahweh has all the characteristics of the Babylonian, Anu. Later Greeks adopted him as Kronos, the god of chaos, and Roman Saturn.

Jesus' birth couldn't have been in December. There has NEVER been a Roman census in that month because it was so cold. Shepards wouldn't have tended their flocks in the cold and instead kept them warm under a covering.

December 25th is the last day of the Saturnalia, where you have parties and exchange gifts. So the whole worshiping someone other than Saturn is a fraud.

Kronus made his children and ate them. Jesus said you're a child of god and through him you'll return to him, meaning get eaten.

You're being tricked into worhiping Saturn who will eat you. Any ordained Christian pastor with an actual degree in divinity will admit the date of December 25th was chosen to "appease" the "pagans" or as Jesus called them "the mystery religions" so they could trick the locals to adopt Christianity.

You should read the book of Enoch which is an old Essene tradition and what the early Roman Catholic church used to steal from the gnostics the real message, that Jesus came as a prophet only, to warn us of the vile things which go on, because of the false Demiurge who purports he is the true God, wants to enslave you from dwelling with the Infinite Light and Infinite Life.

Sorry, I call bullshit. Jesus is like a cross between a succubus and a mob boss. You don't offer protection or the result is locking you up and destroying your shop. Yahweh has all the characteristics of the Babylonian, Anu. Later Greeks adopted him as Kronos, the god of chaos, and Roman Saturn.

Jesus' birth couldn't have been in December. There has NEVER been a Roman census in that month because it was so cold. Shepards wouldn't have tended their flocks in the cold and instead kept them warm under a covering.

December 25th is the last day of the Saturnalia, where you have parties and exchange gifts. So the whole worshiping someone other than Saturn is a fraud.

Kronus made his children and ate them. Jesus said you're a child of god and through him you'll return to him, meaning get eaten.

You're being tricked into worhiping Saturn who will eat you. Any ordained Christian pastor with an actual degree in divinity will admit the date of December 25th was chosen to "appease" the "pagans" or as Jesus called them "the mystery religions" so they could trick the locals to adopt Christianity.

You should read the book of Enoch which is an old Essene tradition and what the early Roman Catholic church used to steal from the gnostics the real message, that Jesus came as a prophet only, to warn us of the vile things which go on, because of the false Demiurge who purports he is the true God, wants to enslave you from dwelling with the Infinite Light and Infinite Life.


I don't recall mentioning December 25 is Christ's birthday - it is just when the secular world has decided to celebrate His birth. I do know the date has an association with other gods. Christ was born more than likely in September if you research it.

There is a true God -a Creator of the universe. I understand there are a lot of different theories on who is The One that created everything. I think you're looking at it wrong - God is like a parent that must punish for sin. A parent that has found a way to take the punishment upon Himself so that He doesn't have to punish us individually and yet still satisfy His Law. All other "religions" either have a view of annihilation or one that involves man reaching God through good deeds. Only Christianity offers salvation as a free gift that isn't based upon anything we do but what He did. What we believe is very important.
I don't recall mentioning December 25 is Christ's birthday - it is just when the secular world has decided to celebrate His birth. I do know the date has an association with other gods. Christ was born more than likely in September if you research it.

There is a true God -a Creator of the universe. I understand there are a lot of different theories on who is The One that created everything. I think you're looking at it wrong - God is like a parent that must punish for sin. A parent that has found a way to take the punishment upon Himself so that He doesn't have to punish us individually and yet still satisfy His Law. All other "religions" either have a view of annihilation or one that involves man reaching God through good deeds. Only Christianity offers salvation as a free gift that isn't based upon anything we do but what He did. What we believe is very important.
Mental Gymnastics and special pleading.
I don't recall mentioning December 25 is Christ's birthday - it is just when the secular world has decided to celebrate His birth. I do know the date has an association with other gods. Christ was born more than likely in September if you research it.

There is a true God -a Creator of the universe. I understand there are a lot of different theories on who is The One that created everything. I think you're looking at it wrong - God is like a parent that must punish for sin. A parent that has found a way to take the punishment upon Himself so that He doesn't have to punish us individually and yet still satisfy His Law. All other "religions" either have a view of annihilation or one that involves man reaching God through good deeds. Only Christianity offers salvation as a free gift that isn't based upon anything we do but what He did. What we believe is very important.
faith without actions is dead. a true spiritual journey frees us from our destructive passions. it does not appeal to fear or greed like Christianity.
faith without actions is dead. a true spiritual journey frees us from our destructive passions. it does not appeal to fear or greed like Christianity.
What if we could actually walk the path of righteousness, what if we could return to grace, return to the garden, dine in Paradise? It does not require action but Being, simply Being. Just Be, resist nothing, your resistance is causing unnecessary suffering humanity, surrender, just Be
i disagree Christianity appeals to fear and greed. define spiritual journey and destructive passions please
I see no disagreement here. fear and greed are the most destructive passions. a spiritual journey is a life lived mindful of the fact that we are spirits inhabiting these bodies and we are here to learn and evolve from our experiences guided buy our instinctive knowledge of natural law. most ancient religions from predinastic egypt thru Christianity are mans attempts to understand what nature is revealing about it's creator.even the evolution of common law is guided by the preferences found in this body of natural law. if we show compassion to our fellow man and trust god then we will master our destructive passions and evolve into what we are meant by our creator to become good and evil exist in all of us. but we chose witch instinct to follow
Pantheism: the belief that "god" , or a higher power, is present all around us, in everything in the physical world. Kinda like the Force.

No magical sky wizard creator, per se.
Wow.. Don't know what to say.... Guess I can only share what works for me .

I personally find profound contentment in nothing. This occurred when I stopped questioning. When I stopped beliving, and just as importantly stopped disbelieving!

So many traps which all lead to the same place. A place where deep in ones mind, one feels one is right and others are wrong.

Instead, I strive to see the Rat as equal to the Raven. To see the plight of all life forms, as no different than my own. To rid myself of the burdens of justification and judgement.

Indeed I am just a critter on the planet Earth. I alphabetically fit in somewhere between Aomeba and Zebra. I thank the beauty and diversity of nature, for sending me on the journey of learning to observe without justification and judgement. Indeed a livelong "work in progress"!
My view is that everyone is free to believe or disbelieve in anything of their choosing.

I go by 1 simple rule

Do as you please long as it doesn't cause/bring harm to your fellow human being
I'm currently watching Jordan Petersons biblical series. As someone who is "spititual"(whatever the hell that means) but not religious I'm finding it very interesting. His take is they're all stories compiled up to tell a greater truth.

I.e. you can tell the exact story that happened or you can rewrite it to teach the same lesson that was taught to you, but teach it to the masses, or something close to that at least

Interesting view
I can't believe people still actually believe in god. People need to travel abroad more I guess. It sickens me how Catholics priests take advantage of a imaginary friend to molest children. Oh, but it's ok as long as they ask for forgiveness.

Agreed. Yet, I feel like those Catholic Priests are sick to begin with and yes, confess and be cleansed of your sins...
It’s more politics then anything I feel like.