Well-Known Member
Real talk. I have a 180°,100%, completely opposite political opinion from you
But as weird as it sounds. It's quite refreshing we share the same out look on religion
Sophia's all tugging on my heart strings and shit.

Sorry, I call bullshit. Jesus is like a cross between a succubus and a mob boss. You don't offer protection or the result is locking you up and destroying your shop. Yahweh has all the characteristics of the Babylonian, Anu. Later Greeks adopted him as Kronos, the god of chaos, and Roman Saturn.
Jesus' birth couldn't have been in December. There has NEVER been a Roman census in that month because it was so cold. Shepards wouldn't have tended their flocks in the cold and instead kept them warm under a covering.
December 25th is the last day of the Saturnalia, where you have parties and exchange gifts. So the whole worshiping someone other than Saturn is a fraud.
Kronus made his children and ate them. Jesus said you're a child of god and through him you'll return to him, meaning get eaten.
You're being tricked into worhiping Saturn who will eat you. Any ordained Christian pastor with an actual degree in divinity will admit the date of December 25th was chosen to "appease" the "pagans" or as Jesus called them "the mystery religions" so they could trick the locals to adopt Christianity.
You should read the book of Enoch which is an old Essene tradition and what the early Roman Catholic church used to steal from the gnostics the real message, that Jesus came as a prophet only, to warn us of the vile things which go on, because of the false Demiurge who purports he is the true God, wants to enslave you from dwelling with the Infinite Light and Infinite Life.