Hurricane Florence

how did the "ok" sign become politically charged? i'm starting to think of the word "snowflake" in response, and i hate that word.
where the fuck is it going to end? will we all have to wear gray clothes and mittens, so no one will think we're flashing some kind of politically incorrect sign?
FUCK THAT! political correctness is fascism in disguise, and i'm not fucking letting it go by.
if they investigate the guy and find out he's a proud boy, then maybe i'll accept that bullshit, but as far as i'm concerned, he made a reassuring gesture, and a bunch of politically correct snowflake sheep shit on themselves.....and i don't fucking care.
Read Travis's post.

You are getting to emotional about this. The guy who flashed the alt.right hand signal created a distraction while the Coast Guard was engaged in it's mission to save lives. He was quite rightly removed from his post.

If a customer wants to flash that sign at your local Piggly Wiggly or whatever grocery store that is nearest you, no big deal. During a time of crisis on national TV by a man in a C.G. uniform? The man should be replaced because he doesn't have his head in the game and caused others to drop what they were doing to respond to his stupid act.
Read Travis's post.

You are getting to emotional about this. The guy who flashed the alt.right hand signal created a distraction while the Coast Guard was engaged in it's mission to save lives. He was quite rightly removed from his post.

If a customer wants to flash that sign at your local Piggly Wiggly or whatever grocery store that is nearest you, no big deal. During a time of crisis on national TV by a man in a C.G. uniform? The man should be replaced because he doesn't have his head in the game and caused others to drop what they were doing to respond to his stupid act.

You seem hangry. Buddha bless.

Read Travis's post.

You are getting to emotional about this. The guy who flashed the alt.right hand signal created a distraction while the Coast Guard was engaged in it's mission to save lives. He was quite rightly removed from his post.

If a customer wants to flash that sign at your local Piggly Wiggly or whatever grocery store that is nearest you, no big deal. During a time of crisis on national TV by a man in a C.G. uniform? The man should be replaced because he doesn't have his head in the game and caused others to drop what they were doing to respond to his stupid act.
you're right, i am getting upset. i'm just watching the world crumbling while people obsess on stupid shit like this. trump is still in office, but the kid in a flannel shirt showing an honest reaction? removed. i wasn't aware that the ok sign had become some kind of conservative tool for trolling liberals. maybe this guy was, and maybe he wasn't. i would have caused the same stink if i had done it, and it would have been a genuine attempt at reassurance on my part.
i just can't believe that this is even worth noticing, much less making it some kind of political distraction.
you're right, i am getting upset. i'm just watching the world crumbling while people obsess on stupid shit like this. trump is still in office, but the kid in a flannel shirt showing an honest reaction? removed. i wasn't aware that the ok sign had become some kind of conservative tool for trolling liberals. maybe this guy was, and maybe he wasn't. i would have caused the same stink if i had done it, and it would have been a genuine attempt at reassurance on my part.
i just can't believe that this is even worth noticing, much less making it some kind of political distraction.
It doesn't matter that you think the whole thing is bullshit. For what it's worth, I think it's bullshit to get all upset over it too. What mattered was a man on duty created a distraction during a time of crisis. He was in fact flashing the alt.right trolling sign in order to make his own point at a time when the community was facing disaster. He was removed and replaced with somebody who perhaps would keep his mind on the Coast Guard's mission and not some silly attempt at creating a distracting fuss.
It doesn't matter that you think the whole thing is bullshit. For what it's worth, I think it's bullshit to get all upset over it too. What mattered was a man on duty created a distraction during a time of crisis. He was in fact flashing the alt.right trolling sign in order to make his own point at a time when the community was facing disaster. He was removed and replaced with somebody who perhaps would keep his mind on the Coast Guard's mission and not some silly attempt at creating a distracting fuss.
if it's been decided that that was what he was doing, then he does deserve to be removed, and possibly disciplined.
i just find it extremely sad that our society has reached the point where things like this even exist. our entire society is becoming a shitty meme.....
some say we'll see Armageddon soon, the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.....
you're right, i am getting upset. i'm just watching the world crumbling while people obsess on stupid shit like this. trump is still in office, but the kid in a flannel shirt showing an honest reaction? removed. i wasn't aware that the ok sign had become some kind of conservative tool for trolling liberals. maybe this guy was, and maybe he wasn't. i would have caused the same stink if i had done it, and it would have been a genuine attempt at reassurance on my part.
i just can't believe that this is even worth noticing, much less making it some kind of political distraction.
you're right, i am getting upset. i'm just watching the world crumbling while people obsess on stupid shit like this. trump is still in office, but the kid in a flannel shirt showing an honest reaction? removed. i wasn't aware that the ok sign had become some kind of conservative tool for trolling liberals. maybe this guy was, and maybe he wasn't. i would have caused the same stink if i had done it, and it would have been a genuine attempt at reassurance on my part.
i just can't believe that this is even worth noticing, much less making it some kind of political distraction.
Yep, let’s just ignore the white power fascists and see how that works instead
if it's been decided that that was what he was doing, then he does deserve to be removed, and possibly disciplined.
i just find it extremely sad that our society has reached the point where things like this even exist. our entire society is becoming a shitty meme.....
some say we'll see Armageddon soon, the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.....
I agree with fog that there was an attempt to flash a signal of something and it was not the okeedokee sign or it would have not been used by brushing his hair back. If that was the case then the guys an asshole and should be reprimanded. He looks like an incel as well, just saying lol.
if it's been decided that that was what he was doing, then he does deserve to be removed, and possibly disciplined.
i just find it extremely sad that our society has reached the point where things like this even exist. our entire society is becoming a shitty meme.....
some say we'll see Armageddon soon, the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.....
Maybe try complaining about the white power fascists instead of the good folks weeding out the human trash who would signal their support for white power