I think you can get by with 3 gallon pots. I know you said you had 7 gallon pots too. Repot everything into 3 gallon pots with FFOF. Get some cal-mag to add with your water and wait 4-5 weeks to feed.
I literally just dropped a germinated seed into my 3 gallon grow bag. Final home. Less stress = bigger yield
Right on. I actually up-pot them this afternoon into 1 gallon or 2 trade gallon (which is actually just over 1.5 gallons) pots. I was super clumsy and crushed several pots by knocking something heavy on them, so I ended up using a mix of two different size pots. Their next homes will be the 3 gallon fabric pots, which will be their final containers.
Next run, I’m going to experiment with one or two seedlings going straight from the cups into either a 3 gallon or 7 gallon
fabric pot. Due to my current condition, potting seven plants was a surprisingly large effort...would be ideal to not have to do that so often...
What will youre final size be? For soil i wouldn't want less than 5 gal for minimum size. In soil they really need room to grow. Coco not so much because it drys out so much faster you can water more often to get oxygen to roots. Soil you cant water as often and therfore need more room for the roots to grow in. If you plan to flower the photos small than 2 gal will work but you will have the same problem if you try to grow big in 2 gal of soil.9/13 - Day 19
7pm - seedlings were transplanted to larger containers, and seem to be doing just fine so far. The root systems were more developed than I thought, as they all were looping multiple times around the perlite at the bottom. Definitely spot on advice from @MATTYMATT726 that they needed new homes!
Due to a clumsy accident, I broke several of the 2 trade gallon pots after starting transplanting, so I ended up finishing the rest of the seedlings with 1 gallon pots. It’s not what I was planning on, but such is life and I can adjust. I’m still optimistic on having 3-4 solid females for flowering stage.
Back row in the larger trade gallons, left to right: Sour Kosher 1 (regular seed), Cannalope Haze 1 (feminized), Sour Kosher 3 (regular)
Front row in the 1 gallons, left to right: Kushberry 2 (feminized), Kushberry 1 (feminized), Cannalope Haze 2 (feminized), Sour Kosher 2 (regular)
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7 plants is A LOT! My 2 plant grow was stressful enough, lol...
Maybe that's the key. Grow 2 and get down your environment and setup. Nail it all down and then up the plant count. Just a thought.
What will youre final size be? For soil i wouldn't want less than 5 gal for minimum size. In soil they really need room to grow. Coco not so much because it drys out so much faster you can water more often to get oxygen to roots. Soil you cant water as often and therfore need more room for the roots to grow in. If you plan to flower the photos small than 2 gal will work but you will have the same problem if you try to grow big in 2 gal of soil.
They’ll be fine, I can’t believe mine are still alive after what i put them through lol.
Be careful with them being so small in big pots, water sparingly gl they’ll be monsters soon
hey CAS these are in soil or coco? couldnt tell if that is FFOF you said..i think i wanna grow some bonsai moms in soil and looking at that stuff. how ya like it? see any bugs?
from what ive read its very rich mix, and may stress your seedling abit for awhile, but they will pull through, after that the soil is excellent for growing, only adding fertilzers sparingly in flower...lemme know how you like it-woot, peace
FFOF is a little hot for seedlings. It has 4 weeks of nutrients in the soil
Problem becomes with seedlings.
1 - overwater and it will burn the plant
2 - overfeed and it will burn the plant
If you do either of those things, look out.
I didn't mix perilite with my FFOF. I've heard to mix even up to 50/50 FFOF/perilite.
I like that you are serious about overwater and overfeed. If you can avoid doing those two things + do not harvest early, the rest is easy. Here, 3 more things I have in my notes.
1) Keep temperature at 82 F or below
2) Cal-mag from the beginning. 1tsp per gallon of water from seed.
3) FFOF feeds for 4 weeks. Don't add any nutrients (except cal-mag) for at least 4 weeks.