What did you accomplish today?

made it with a butter machine my wife purchase for me for my birthday. (Not sure as to what the rules are for naming actual iveproducts.)

Used over an ounce of virvana White Widow, 2 cups of olive oil, 2 tsp of a binding agent powder, and it cooked for a little over 2 hours or, however long I wish. That simple. Works for me.


Something like this?: https://magicalbutter.com/
I have no clue what a butter machine is. I've always butted manually.

I am very curious about the nature of, and need for, a binder powder.

I grew Nirvana White Widow 6 years ago. Very wide variation in phenos; hope you got a winner.
It's a self contained cooker at w*w_magicalbutter_*om
I ran out to get a new watering wand this morning, the valve on mine stuck open last night when I was watering the flowering tent, it got water everywhere, just what I needed with the spike in humidity we're getting. I tried fixing it, but it doesn't come apart cause everything's disposable now:dunce: ,so i soaked it in vinegar but it didn't work. While I was at the store I grabbed another 55 gal tote, that makes six, and when I got back I mixed more soil to cook. I kinda want to go to a no till bed and be done with the perpetual harvests, It's too much fucking work and I'm getting lazier. I just ate a big plate of shepherds pie and drank a bottle of wine. I haven't drank in something like 3 months and it's hitting me pretty good. Bottle #2 is on ice. I think I can confidently say I'm not gonna be very accomplished the rest of the day.
That is why I went medialess. I just gotta do the water twice a week and we are golden.
I'm scaling back and thought about going back to hydro. I still have my aero/ nft rails, a dozen or more dwc buckets and a few 20+gal dwc totes in storage. The dirt is just so much cheaper.