Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Drain the swamp is open to interpretation. Cuck.
So what was your interpretation which included trump having to pardon his own retard child?

You’ve been desperately trying to sidetrack this conversation Ben Shapiro style to avoid giving an answe you pedophile supporter
I never claimed Trump would preemptively pardon his own son, cuck. One of your friends did. I bet him his account that Trump would not preemptively pardon his son or anyone, cuck. I never brought it up, white.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! !!!
So by what interpretation would draining the swamp mean pardoning your own retard son of serious criminal charges?

Or trump pardoning himself for that matter?
I'm pretty certain you're angry. You mad that a fellow pedophile ran for office and didn't invite you?
You supporting serial pedophile Roy Moore was indeed pretty upsetting

But I understand the desperation you nazis have to gain power, and that it means you’ll support pedophiles just to get that power

And let’s face it, Roy Moore was racist as fuck so no wonder you’d be ok with serial fucking little girls in the woods if it meant an extra nazi vote in the senate

You Nazis are depraved and shameless but really transparent

You supporting serial pedophile Roy Moore was indeed pretty upsetting

But I understand the desperation you nazis have to gain power, and that it means you’ll support pedophiles just to get that power

And let’s face it, Roy Moore was racist as fuck so no wonder you’d be ok with serial fucking little girls in the woods if it meant an extra nazi vote in the senate

You Nazis are depraved and shameless but really transparent

Yes, you appear to be angry. Angry white bigoted racist pedo is angry.
What is the interpretation by which draining the swamp means debating whether or not trump will have to pardon himself and his retard son?
wasn't my idea, dumb dumb lol. Your buddy said that would happen, not me.

Let's make a wager: if Trump preemptively pardons anyone . . . or if he pardons himself, at any point . . . I'll apologize and leave forever. If he doesnt, you simply stop being a bigoted racist homophobic pedophile. Deal, cuck?
wasn't my idea, dumb dumb lol. Your buddy said that would happen, not me.

Let's make a wager: if Trump preemptively pardons anyone . . . or if he pardons himself, at any point . . . I'll apologize and leave forever. If he doesnt, you simply stop being a bigoted racist homophobic pedophile. Deal, cuck?
Worthless bet since you’ll be banned shortly

You said drain the swamp meant different things to different people. To whom did drain the swamp mean a national conversation about whether the illegitimate president can pardon himself of serious crimes?