What did you accomplish today?

I'm soooo excited after a long wait, our local version of amazonish online store advised they are delivering the thermometers I ordered... Got some candy thermometers and one for our cheap arse oven. Then I'll be ready to step up me edibles and extract game. I have a shitload of material to play with.
Newbie question here, how does one store infused olive oil? I only ask, because I just made a batch, and have no clue as to how one stores it for long term use?


Refrigerate, longer term freeze it. Olive oil oxidizes over time, develops off tastesand properties. This is accelerated by temp, light and oxygen.
I'd store in at least 2 containers; one as the main batch and second as the "using" batch. As it will solidify when cold, the "using" batch should be smaller to warm up quicker.
I miss good alkyd-based paint. Long open time, excellent conformity, wore like iron. The new "green" formulations are an insult.

Yeah this urethane paint is sticky af, short pot life, long cure time, and I seem to be the only one that understands how to cut it to make it lay down. Damn my extensive construction knowledge.

Also just to keep me on my toes , they're is fire ants and large black ants about every 5' . The temperature and the humidity is over 90 . At least the senary is nice ( about 18,000 girls on this campus )
Pics or.... well you know ;)
sure...guy working on campus, taking pictures of chicks walking around....no one will notice that....

Yeah..... about that.....if you get reported for being creepy, it goes in your file, you have to answer to a review board, attend anger management classes ( we don't really have sexual misconduct classes ) and this is only the first offense. Best not to have a second offense.

But if I can I'll get some pics for you Jerry..... ( fapable of course ).

Ohh just as a disclaimer I try not to stare at girls younger than my daughter, it's just creepy.
My recommendation is: refrigerated batch use within 6 months ... freezer as long as 5 years.

Did you make or purchase the infused oil?
made it with a butter machine my wife purchase for me for my birthday. (Not sure as to what the rules are for naming actual iveproducts.)

Used over an ounce of virvana White Widow, 2 cups of olive oil, 2 tsp of a binding agent powder, and it cooked for a little over 2 hours or, however long I wish. That simple. Works for me.


made it with a butter machine my wife purchase for me for my birthday. (Not sure as to what the rules are for naming actual iveproducts.)

Used over an ounce of virvana White Widow, 2 cups of olive oil, 2 tsp of a binding agent powder, and it cooked for a little over 2 hours or, however long I wish. That simple. Works for me.


I have no clue what a butter machine is. I've always butted manually.

I am very curious about the nature of, and need for, a binder powder.

I grew Nirvana White Widow 6 years ago. Very wide variation in phenos; hope you got a winner.