Greenpoint seeds!!

Seeds have been getting seized for 25+ years from overseas, US seedbanks haven't been around that long...
Your fooling yourself if you think they can't get warrants for sending illegal items across state lines.
Live plants/Flower/Concentrates/Seeds any of it can be used for a warrant.

They can get warrants through customs/PI.. similar process either way but they pay a little closer attention to incoming mail than domestic.. Hell, GPS just got a bunch of packs caught up about a month ago.. nothing came from it but a couple love letters
They can get warrants through customs/PI.. similar process either way but they pay a little closer attention to incoming mail than domestic.. Hell, GPS just got a bunch of packs caught up about a month ago.. nothing came from it but a couple love letters

I'm sure they realize the seeds aren't being sent to active grows, most likely why they just send letters.
If they didn't pay attention to domestic mail, people wouldn't have gotten those letters.;-)
Midwest black market right now and has been for a minute, around 300 oz and its coming from CO and points west I hear, but mainly CO. I bet the CO locals ain't makin 4800 a lb, lol.but somebody is. No brick around much anymore but its around for the cheapskates.
Yea I seen some brick here not to long ago , a buddy was trying to move an O for 50 then tried putting it off on me for 40, theres still some old school guys that buy those 25-40 dollar quarters of mex and crap homegrown. I had done forgot how small those compressed onions were, chunk about the diameter of a silver dollar. lol
250 a zip here would fly off the shelves. 1 zip of seedless dank is 480-520 here depending on strain.
holy fuck thats insane prices bro, they are selling 1$ grams here in colorado, 30$ for an ounce lol check this shit out

the prices you quoted are crazy, do they give you the death sentence if you're caught growing there?
Its roughly $20 a gram $60 an 8th and about $180 half an Oz in Alaska at the dispensary.
Its taxed to the point of making it hard to profit.
Midwest black market right now and has been for a minute, around 300 oz and its coming from CO and points west I hear, but mainly CO. I bet the CO locals ain't makin 4800 a lb, lol.but somebody is. No brick around much anymore but its around for the cheapskates.
lbs going for 1k and under, it's also about to be croptober so the market is gonna be flooded with cheap outdoor usually that stuff goes for around 800 an lb
holy fuck thats insane prices bro, they are selling 1$ grams here in colorado, 30$ for an ounce lol check this shit out

the prices you quoted are crazy, do they give you the death sentence if you're caught growing there?
It's crazy but that's going rate. 13 grams and over is possession felony, 12.99 grams and under is still misdemeanor. 1k fine and 6 months jail possible. First offense usually get probation for a year. Cultivation usually gets turned into manufacturing a controlled substance. If your plants are in more than one stage at a time. 1 to 5 for cultivation 2-10 for manufacturing.
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