Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Nike sales surge 31% in days after Colin Kaepernick ad unveiled
Sales bested 2017’s 17% increase over Labor Day, according to Edison Trends, despite Trump’s protests of the campaign

According to Edison Trends, a digital commerce research company: “Nike sales grew 31% from Sunday through Tuesday over Labor Day this year, besting 2017’s comparative 17% increase.”

The sportswear giant released the first version of its ad on Monday, the Labor Day holiday. It featured the quarterback and the slogan: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it.”

Donald Trump has made the protests a key part of his appeal to his base, arguing that the players are disrespecting the anthem, the US flag and the military.

On Tuesday, the president told the rightwing website Daily Caller: “I think it’s a terrible message that [Nike] are sending and the purpose of them doing it, maybe there’s a reason for them doing it. But I think as far as sending a message, I think it’s a terrible message and a message that shouldn’t be sent. There’s no reason for it.”

In the following days, the president pursued the issue via Twitter. On Wednesday, he wrote: “Just like the NFL, whose ratings have gone WAY DOWN, Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way? As far as the NFL is concerned, I just find it hard to watch, and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!”

@relaxinginUSA @Stink Bug @Buddha2525 are relics of an earlier time when the antibellum plantation era was viewed by southern whites as a golden age. I guess when you grow up believing a lie, it makes one susceptible to lying leaders and the lying liars that profit from them.

This country and the direction we are headed makes you guys feel isolated and left behind. The Trump recession that will certainly occur in the next couple of years will hopefully be your last legacy.

Online sales

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Watch it buddy a lot of Trump supporters resemble that remark

What should I care about them? The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend. If you guys keep this up, you're only going to end up with the Democrat version of Trump who uses feel good language to support the same, blaming others who have nothing to do with it, like his(the mythical next liberal faux savior) followers already do.
nope. Not even close.
Let's look at your people's argument.

Here's a hint, he fails the moment he mentions the words "not racist" and the rest of his diatribe is "making up my own shit which has no basis is reality." Also notice he admits HE is defining new words. This guy is the only one telling the truth behind your whole faux movement.

"On discrimination based on one’s colour, I can only concur that blacks can be prejudicial towards whites - but not racist. What do I mean? Before I attempt to give an explanation of my argument, I first have to define words that serve as the premises: prejudice and racism. Prejudice refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their perceived group membership. Racism on the other hand refers to social actions, practices or beliefs or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other. Furthermore, racism is socio-economic, with systemic structures which promote one race’s powers over another. Socio-economic being the operative word, I am certain you will agree that black people do not have the resources to impose such oppressive structures which enforce their superiority. White people on the other hand have, and had imposed them on blacks for over four centuries of slavery and colonialism. Black people can be prejudiced, but not racist."’t-be-racist
Let's look at your people's argument.

Here's a hint, he fails the moment he mentions the words "not racist" and the rest of his diatribe is "making up my own shit which has no basis is reality." Also notice he admits HE is defining new words. This guy is the only one telling the truth behind your whole faux movement.

"On discrimination based on one’s colour, I can only concur that blacks can be prejudicial towards whites - but not racist. What do I mean? Before I attempt to give an explanation of my argument, I first have to define words that serve as the premises: prejudice and racism. Prejudice refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their perceived group membership. Racism on the other hand refers to social actions, practices or beliefs or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other. Furthermore, racism is socio-economic, with systemic structures which promote one race’s powers over another. Socio-economic being the operative word, I am certain you will agree that black people do not have the resources to impose such oppressive structures which enforce their superiority. White people on the other hand have, and had imposed them on blacks for over four centuries of slavery and colonialism. Black people can be prejudiced, but not racist."’t-be-racist
Let's look at your people's argument.

Here's a hint, he fails the moment he mentions the words "not racist" and the rest of his diatribe is "making up my own shit which has no basis is reality." Also notice he admits HE is defining new words. This guy is the only one telling the truth behind your whole faux movement.

"On discrimination based on one’s colour, I can only concur that blacks can be prejudicial towards whites - but not racist. What do I mean? Before I attempt to give an explanation of my argument, I first have to define words that serve as the premises: prejudice and racism. Prejudice refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their perceived group membership. Racism on the other hand refers to social actions, practices or beliefs or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other. Furthermore, racism is socio-economic, with systemic structures which promote one race’s powers over another. Socio-economic being the operative word, I am certain you will agree that black people do not have the resources to impose such oppressive structures which enforce their superiority. White people on the other hand have, and had imposed them on blacks for over four centuries of slavery and colonialism. Black people can be prejudiced, but not racist."’t-be-racist
How interesting that you picked a foolish argument. Not my reasoning.
Love it or hate it its fantastic marketing. Social media explosion of Nike material.

Its amazing that racist's seem to make it about a flag. Which it never was. It was about police brutality to black Americans. Kneeling before a flag or a ruler or a religious purpose is not insulting. Its total devotion putting yourself in a vulnerable position. It shows fealty.
Its a persons right in a democracy to protest peacefully, especially so were social injustice is concerned. People have died to help countries have and keep that simple right. Freedom is something solders believe they are fighting for- even if its not usually the case.

Why Trump is getting involved shows how far America has declined in politics and policy.