Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

virtue signal some more, cuck


I might be a bit slow, but isn't that a Barack Obama quote? Also why you guys mocking Slovenians like they're Russians? Are geographically challenged? (Stupid Americans and their inability to know where anything is in the world, even in their own county) It's on the southern border of Austria, in eastern Europe!
See, that's what I'm talking about. This place, for some reason, has attracted the deepest political thinkers on the planet. It's downright uncanny. I'm going to steal that for use in a future conversation. I'm gonna impress so many people, can't wait! :rolleyes:
Ta-Nehisi Coates also speaks of the dangers of the BLM movement. And many of the numbers in the previous article I shared a link to are taken directly from his writings and/or interviews. He realizes there is a deeper underlying cause that is being completely ignored.
Go ahead and keep you minds closed. And hearts full of media fueled hate. That's a you problem.
Ta-Nehisi Coates also speaks of the dangers of the BLM movement. And many of the numbers in the previous article I shared a link to are taken directly from his writings and/or interviews. He realizes there is a deeper underlying cause that is being completely ignored.
Go ahead and keep you minds closed. And hearts full of media fueled hate. That's a you problem.


Hold on a second there Stink. You've dropped your little turd on the floor and scampered off. Who are you talking to?

You're response to all the posts about your dubious citation seems to be, Heather's claims came from a black guy, so they're okay.

Which of her numbers came from Mr. Cotes, Stink? Because again, you didn't mention anything.

You say he realizes there's a deeper underlying cause. Cause of what? Why black activism is dangerous, why Heather, a lawyer, is an expert in why black people are so dangerous?

You then say some absurd shit about keeping our minds closed and hearts full of hate. That's a you problem.

How is my mind closed? I've tried many times to engage you in conversation. You always run away the moment your ridiculous claims are challenged. If anyone has a closed mind, it's you.

As to your heart full of hate comment, you're the guy posting the dangerous black people shit. That definitely sounds like a you problem.
The nub of his argument:

The police could end all lethal uses of force tomorrow and it would have at most a trivial effect on the black death-by-homicide rate.

Yes this is true but is not the point of the Black Lives Matters movement. The Black Lives Matters movement is about protesting cop on black violence. Yes, the homcide rate for young black men is horrendously high. That's not what BLM is trying to stop.

The article you posted represents the bullshit use of logical fallacy tactic known as a red herring. It works. It's propaganda but that works too.

Here's one you might like.

It's an exhaustive analysis of data that police departments in four major cities provided to the analysts. From their data analysis, black people were less likely to be killed by police. The data is a bit dodgy because it was given to them by police. Other departments refused. One may rightly suspect the data was filtered to make the rates of homicide look better. One can't be sure.

On the other hand, the study does very conclusively show that stops, searches and escalation to violence perpetrated by cops were more likely to happen to black people than white. The very high rates of escalation to violence particularly by cops on black men is very much what BLM is all about. The stop and search rates and escalation to violence all give credence to the righteousness of the BLM movement.