What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
But, there's a 99% chance it's the weed.
I'm going with the weed save me a hit. It will make that Ruben once in a lifetime memorable.

Edit: PS I'll bring a hit of the SSH concentrate Bear made. LOL I wanna see you speak after 1 hit of that. But whatever you do never EVER take a dab from anything @Metasynth made. If you do I'll remove the Ruben sandwich from your mouth to save you.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with the weed save me a hit. It will make that Ruben once in a lifetime memorable.

Edit: PS I'll bring a hit of the SSH concentrate Bear made. LOL I wanna see you speak after 1 hit of that. But whatever you do never EVER take a dab from anything @Metasynth made. If you do I'll remove the Ruben sandwich from your mouth to save you.
how you doing @curious2garden I've been laying low for a bit.


Well-Known Member
I've watched the first few episodes. It's pretty good.

I like Tom Clancy.
I like Tom's writing.
It's intriguing but I do think
he could get distracted and carry on
to long about sideline content.

1/2 way through a book I would start wondering WTF does this have to do with the story line. Then after finishing the book wondering WTF did that chapter have to do with the story?



Well-Known Member
I like him as a writer and I liked some of the games that carry his name though I doubt he had very much to do with them.

I've read a lot of his books over the years.

I'm not sure how much he has to do with the show. I like it so far.
Watching 1st episode, just paused it. One of the bodies, isn't dead and he assembled the gun in the other body lol