I been giving weed away too for years if you count throwing seeds on the ground out in the wild/public places, free the weedI've been giving weed away for yrs, pay it forward.
You all need to smoke a bowl, i nearly died reading this bullcrap, can't imagine typing all dat
I been giving weed away too for years if you count throwing seeds on the ground out in the wild/public places, free the weed
Now you're taking things well beyond the original point, off on several tangents, so you can have a pseudo poIitical rant whilst ensuring you do ignore the herd of mammoths in the room.
As was expected. The bottom line is people CHOOSE their lifestyle, yet there you are using lots of words to deny that and try to blame everyone else apart from those who make these choices, whereas some brutal honesty regarding these choices and the consequences thereof would do more to cure various ills in society.
Same as many who whine that they can't lose weight when the reality is it's a hell of a lot easier than they think provided they WANT to make the necessary changes. I dropped over a quarter of my my body weight in a mere 8 months despite being unable to exercise, a friend of mine with thyroid issues dropped a similar amount by diet, exercise and sheer bloody mindedness, and another female I know here has dropped several kilos in a matter of weeks because she got a warning of what it would be like for her daughters if she didn't because she was heading into heart attack territory. But the obesity crisis in the UK? That's 100% the fault of the plumpers, for they do not WANT to change, they think someone else should do everything for them, and when people like you are blaming everyone else for the moronic choices people make then there will be no change.
You reap what you sow, and now you're harvesting the result of two generations who have been told that everything is "someone else's fault" and it's little wonder the country is in the state it's in when people like you keep peddling the same bullshit and lies.
You sound like one of those people who have made very few mistakes in life due to a modest upbringing, and, because you've had some successes due to that head start you project it to be that easy for everybody.. so they must be terrible people for not morally succeeding like you.
What you say does apply to some people, ofc it does, but you are blissfully ignorant to apply it to an entire nation.
The government (or eu) set the laws in this country, that includes what corps can and can't do. This directly effects what choices we have, that isn't a denial of responsibility, it is an awareness of the truth. For 2 decades people have been able to sit on the dole/sick and rake in enough money to fund a lifestyle of lazy bad choices. Those lazy bad choices that also degrade our quality of society would not be so prominent if the government made it more rewarding to work low paid jobs and less rewarding to sit on the sick (as in easy to cheat the system). For many people that is a literal choice, work a low paid job where you only just manage to pay the bills or fake the dole/sick so the bills are sorted and you have all your time to yourself. Add into this that the government stopped building houses and allowed the private sector to ramp up rent costs. Do you really want to question why many people have chose the latter?. At that point it isn't even morally wrong to cheat the system since the government has put people like that in a very unfair position. Yet, idle hands..
Undermining the laws of your country and encouraging others to do sove done a lot of bad shit in my life and have now turned a page. I want to help peOple.
Here in the uk there are millions of people who given the option could massively improve their health using cannabis, but the government don’t seem to be taking this seriously
I’m in rehab now for a pretty bad coke and oramorph addiction, but when I get out and set up again I want to start donating my crop to people who are being failed by the nhs, And make a tutorial on this next grow for people who want to grow it themselves for medical reasons.
I don’t want to make any money off this beautiful plant anymore as I consider this negative energy.
I would however accept donatiOns which would pay my electricity bills and pay for the day to day upkeep of the grow (nutrients, media, meter maintenance etc).
I’ve profited from other people’s misery as a career criminal for too long and it has eventually destroyed everything I stood for.
Any one got any tips, ideas, advice for me about my plans.
Anyone who would like to team up or help anyway they can in order to get more people the medicine they need are massively welcome to post here with their own ideas.
I’d also like to hear advice or stories from people around the world who have had success doing this so il also post this in the main forum
Thanks guys look forward to you’re responses
More assumptions, more "blame everyone else", more bullshit.
Unlike you I've worked myself to destruction to get what I have, I don't sit there blaming others for my failures.
You, otoh, clearly wouldn't know a hard day's work if it jumped up and bit you on the micropenis
Undermining the laws of your country and encouraging others to do so
is called Treason
in the UK is a short walk and still a long stretch
good luck ..lol
Check out Sofles, best graffiti artist, im pretty good with a tin tooQu
Isnt treason different here? I was wanted for treason for graffiti saying kill the queen but undermining laws could just be a crime.
Check out Sofles, best graffiti artist, im pretty good with a tin too
'Working yourself to destruction'' and ''A hard days work'' doesn't make you a good person, certainly doesn't give you a big dick ;p.
It was an amusing out burst none the less.
Undermining the laws of your country and encouraging others to do so
is called Treason
in the UK is a short walk and still a long stretch
good luck ..lol
You wouldn't know, being nothing more than an amateur politician who would whine if government actually did what you are accusing them of not doing.
And that isn't an assumption, you've made that very clear with your continual "it's someone else's fault" bollocks.
You wouldn't know, being nothing more than an amateur politician who would whine if government actually did what you are accusing them of not doing.
And that isn't an assumption, you've made that very clear with your continual "it's someone else's fault" bollocks.
It isn't ''someone else's fault'' It's ''mostly the governments fault''.
They rolled out casinos and high stake gambling across the country but were ''shocked'' at the large wave of gambling addicts. Ironically it is you who sounds like an amateur politician or corporate spinster with bs cop out strategy's ''It's the gamblers fault because we warned them to stop when the fun stops''. As if they didn't have international examples of high stake gambling ruining people..
By your simplistic values, cocaine should be legal, it's down to the individual not to get addicted.
I find your both wrong and miss the middle ground in society, that said im not one for society![]()
Yeah thanks guys. I wanna donate marijuana products to dying people to help ease the time they have left. It’s my calling, and for all the boycotting and ignorance displayed in the messages of this thread just know, if you naysayers get sick, and loose your grows and your ability to make money to buy meds then I hope I’m able to donate some cannabis to you too.
I started this thread to get advice from like minded people. Not to listen to people shoot my idea down. I mean no offence but my mind is made up about what I must do.