Donating marijuana to people who need it in uk

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
ive done a lot of bad shit in my life and have now turned a page. I want to help peOple.

Here in the uk there are millions of people who given the option could massively improve their health using cannabis, but the government don’t seem to be taking this seriously

I’m in rehab now for a pretty bad coke and oramorph addiction, but when I get out and set up again I want to start donating my crop to people who are being failed by the nhs, And make a tutorial on this next grow for people who want to grow it themselves for medical reasons.

I don’t want to make any money off this beautiful plant anymore as I consider this negative energy.

I would however accept donatiOns which would pay my electricity bills and pay for the day to day upkeep of the grow (nutrients, media, meter maintenance etc).

I’ve profited from other people’s misery as a career criminal for too long and it has eventually destroyed everything I stood for.

Any one got any tips, ideas, advice for me about my plans.

Anyone who would like to team up or help anyway they can in order to get more people the medicine they need are massively welcome to post here with their own ideas.

I’d also like to hear advice or stories from people around the world who have had success doing this so il also post this in the main forum

Thanks guys look forward to you’re responses
No it’s me blue brother. Same guy, new mind lol.

Doing this is no different from the crazy stuff you were doing.

A different outlook dosent mean you have actually changed, on the contrary your actually exhibiting the same behaviour just justifying it by calling free weed good.

The short of it is that even with all the will in the world our actual nature is very hard to change, at best we may strughle till the day we die to become the person we want.

A better bet would be to ditch all ties with drugs and alcohol and get some serious help at being a decent person not some crazy scheme which will re-enact a viscuous circle.

Namaste :-)
Doing this is no different from the crazy stuff you were doing.

A different outlook dosent mean you have actually changed, on the contrary your actually exhibiting the same behaviour just justifying it by calling free weed good.

The short of it is that even with all the will in the world our actual nature is very hard to change, at best we may strughle till the day we die to become the person we want.

A better bet would be to ditch all ties with drugs and alcohol and get some serious help at being a decent person not some crazy scheme which will re-enact a viscuous circle.

Namaste :-)

I’ve smoked occasionally and grown for a long time. Allways obsessed with what material possessions this beautiful plant can give me. Right now I want to help others, I’ve changed so much about my life so far and this is the next logical step. Giving out positive energy and love is what I’m about now. If you actually whole heartedly meant the namaste then you frequent this site and read my thread for The right reasons. Practise some empathy for me and the people I intend to help and you may just have an awakening to this cause.

Maybe I am crazy, maybe I allways have been and allways will be, if one person can benefit in a positive way from this “craziness” then that’s the first step to me becoming the person I want to be.

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No offence mate but it's misguided bs. Just about everything you do in day to day life is contributing to people dying from pollution. Giving away some green that created more pollution to grow is not going to put you in the black with karma, oblivious to the fact or not.

Cannabis is a medicine and that medicine requires labour to produce. Since the beginning of trade, goods of labour have a price. It's not your fault some people have addiction or priority issues. Better for them if it's cannabis rather than coke, crack, smack, booze, spice or endless types of ''legal'' pain killers. All those when wrongly abused socially or literally end lives within 10 year, optimistically. All of those put massive resource strain (more pollution) on a country's care system, including police force.

Cannabis is a huge exception to all of that, but not exclusively. For all it creates X amount of pollution to grow it has a calming effect that doesn't often see violent outbursts, murders and a long list of other social/infrastructural or financial burdens.

If you feel guilty with what you acquire from it, then change what you buy, own and how you wastefully live, use it to reduce your pollution and then use it to reduce your familys. You'll be doing far better that way than 99% of other people working ''legal'' jobs. Most of the food industry is killing people with obesity for example.
I’ve smoked occasionally and grown for a long time. Allways obsessed with what material possessions this beautiful plant can give me. Right now I want to help others, I’ve changed so much about my life so far and this is the next logical step. Giving out positive energy and love is what I’m about now. If you actually whole heartedly meant the namaste then you frequent this site and read my thread for The right reasons. Practise some empathy for me and the people I intend to help and you may just have an awakening to this cause.

Maybe I am crazy, maybe I allways have been and allways will be, if one person can benefit in a positive way from this “craziness” then that’s the first step to me becoming the person I want to be.


Many paths may lead to the true path but many lead just as far away.

If your path is true only joy and happiness, namaste is not anything but life, may your life be blessed :-)
Realistically doing something like this publicly is just going to have you end up with a long prison sentence. Please start to think logically and do things that will not harm yourself long-term.
I'm very familiar with rehab, and there's a major component of the 12-step program, but you don't have to be in the 12-step program to emphatically agree with this: you are absolutely incapable of making major life decisions right now. In your current state of being, you are incapable of making even minor decisions. You should not be making any major decisions for yourself within the next year. You should defer to someone who is not fresh into recovery to make decisions for you.
Most of the food industry is killing people with obesity for example.

Nope, can't agree with that. The food industry may have some obvious flaws in regard to sugar, salt and the "throw any old crap in, they'll never know when it's seasoned" attitude, but, ultimately, it's human stupidity and not knowing when to say "stop" that is killing people via obesity.

You could ensure that the entirety of, say, the UK was fed only local, bio, "healthy", whatever, produce, put the whole country vegan and destroy the ozone layer if you wished, and there would STILL be an ever increasing number of heifers and supermegaplumpers as these same people would still eat WAY more than they needed to and would still lead the same sedentary lifestyle.

People buying and eating crap because they can't be arsed figuring out how to cook properly, that's an issue, and the "food industry" plays it's part by producing such crap. But blaming them for the choices made by the plumpers is like blaming the alcohol industry for drink driving deaths. Point the finger where it deserves to be pointed, for I'm old and decrepit enough to know that even before the days of ready meals, kebab houses, curry houses and fried chicken joints on every city street corner, the days when IF you found a Wimpy you had waitress service, when take out food was a choice of fries or "Chinese" only, when people would actually grow veggies in the garden, the numbers of bat fastards was still rising as they shovelled ever-increasing amounts of food down their gizzards as they sat in front of the gogglebox and took the car to go a quarter of a mile to buy a pack of cigarettes. And when you have had "more than one" generation who have been raised to eat nothing but shit and sit on their backsides all day, the demise of sports and "home economics" in schools played a part there too, then it takes "more than one" generation to re-educate and reverse the damage caused.
Nope, can't agree with that. The food industry may have some obvious flaws in regard to sugar, salt and the "throw any old crap in, they'll never know when it's seasoned" attitude, but, ultimately, it's human stupidity and not knowing when to say "stop" that is killing people via obesity.

You could ensure that the entirety of, say, the UK was fed only local, bio, "healthy", whatever, produce, put the whole country vegan and destroy the ozone layer if you wished, and there would STILL be an ever increasing number of heifers and supermegaplumpers as these same people would still eat WAY more than they needed to and would still lead the same sedentary lifestyle.

People buying and eating crap because they can't be arsed figuring out how to cook properly, that's an issue, and the "food industry" plays it's part by producing such crap. But blaming them for the choices made by the plumpers is like blaming the alcohol industry for drink driving deaths. Point the finger where it deserves to be pointed, for I'm old and decrepit enough to know that even before the days of ready meals, kebab houses, curry houses and fried chicken joints on every city street corner, the days when IF you found a Wimpy you had waitress service, when take out food was a choice of fries or "Chinese" only, when people would actually grow veggies in the garden, the numbers of bat fastards was still rising as they shovelled ever-increasing amounts of food down their gizzards as they sat in front of the gogglebox and took the car to go a quarter of a mile to buy a pack of cigarettes. And when you have had "more than one" generation who have been raised to eat nothing but shit and sit on their backsides all day, the demise of sports and "home economics" in schools played a part there too, then it takes "more than one" generation to re-educate and reverse the damage caused.

I'd agree with that if the statistics didn't say otherwise. The % of people convicted for drink driving vs normal drivers is nothing compared to the rising obesity problem, it has been at epidemic level for a while now. At that point it's more than just ''individual'' fault. What about all the spice in jail, is that the individuals fault?, partly yes. A lot of blame also lies on the government for allowing standards to horrendously slip. That is why the government is trying to stem the flow of drugs into jail and also why they are trying to stem the flow of cheap sugar/bad fats and ofc, cheap booze.

Cars are adding a lot to urban pollution and that kills a lot more people every year than the statistics let on. Individuals are partly to blame but only partly, the same with above. It is up to the government to identify such national problems and then clamp down regulations on the company's that sell unhealthy products. Realistically a lot of people need cars to get to work, if the only cars they can buy are petrol/diesel then that's the option.

Eating healthy is increasingly difficult because a lot of people don't have a great deal of time. Have you worked 12 hour shifts 5/7 days a week?. Maybe a single mother having to work all day then try and tend to children when done. These are some of the reasons people fall on to ''quick food'' and that would be ok if that food was a lot less unhealthy. It isn't a coincidence that the rise of single parents also seen the rise of obesity. Depends how deep into sociology you want to get with that, but it does lead back to the government.
72 and 84 hour weeks used to be normal for me, same as suddenly pulling double shifts with no warning. A bit of common sense and preparation meant there was always something in the freezer that could be reheated because of cooking enough for 4 and portioning it so three meals were put in the freezer ready for when time was limited. Let's face it, cooking for one is not fun which is a reason people eat crap but it's not any real extra cost to make a big pot of stew instead of a small one, and that's all down to people deciding they can't be bothered.

Anyone can do that, it was the way I was brought up as both parents had it so they worked different shifts in a factory so, effectively, there was only one parent at home when I was a kid. Same as I know plenty single mothers who worked full time but still cooked proper food no matter what. Doesn't have to be fancy meals, basics you can knock up in half an hour or so do the job, but people, even without long work hours or kids are incapable of that and you cannot blame Government for that.

You mention cars, yet ignore how governments are FINALLY doing something about diesels which have been a major cause of health issues for years. Of course, the people don't like that because of previous policies but the fact is they are finally doing what should have been done a long time ago.

Prisons? That's a discussion I'd rather not get into because I know I'll be accused of many a thing but let's say it was nice of IDS to make me laugh with his proposals regarding gangs.

And I wouldn't say the trail always leads to government either, but in many cases it does lead to a certain political demographic who have instilled the notion that personal responsibility no longer exists, it's always "someone else's fault" and that's the Mammoth in the room that everyone ignores...
72 and 84 hour weeks used to be normal for me, same as suddenly pulling double shifts with no warning. A bit of common sense and preparation meant there was always something in the freezer that could be reheated because of cooking enough for 4 and portioning it so three meals were put in the freezer ready for when time was limited. Let's face it, cooking for one is not fun which is a reason people eat crap but it's not any real extra cost to make a big pot of stew instead of a small one, and that's all down to people deciding they can't be bothered.

That's the same principle as ''just leave home an hour earlier and ride a bike to work''. Is it the right thing to do? sure, is it done by a nation, fuck no. An easier option exists (the engine) and it is in human nature to lean toward the easiest route.

Anyone can do that, it was the way I was brought up as both parents had it so they worked different shifts in a factory so, effectively, there was only one parent at home when I was a kid. Same as I know plenty single mothers who worked full time but still cooked proper food no matter what. Doesn't have to be fancy meals, basics you can knock up in half an hour or so do the job, but people, even without long work hours or kids are incapable of that and you cannot blame Government for that.

This is where you are hitting into sociological changes that have trampled those traditions. If you care to check, most of it boils down to changes in industry that in tern change how society works. It isn't easy at all to ''pick shifts'' just so one can cook good meals. It's a valid reason to want to do it but it isn't plausible for many today. Most mothers back then stayed at home and didn't have to work, that was in part due to a more lenient system and a better cultural ethic that did not pressure parents to spend mind blowing amounts of money on commodity's for children. That is down to big company's using advertising and using very real psychological manipulation to shift an entire nation into over consuming for validation or fear of social rejection. We have little to fear in society on a nature level, but that fear exists ever more in the social network, the fear of image being bad = life over.

You mention cars, yet ignore how governments are FINALLY doing something about diesels which have been a major cause of health issues for years. Of course, the people don't like that because of previous policies but the fact is they are finally doing what should have been done a long time ago.

Same with the food industry..

Prisons? That's a discussion I'd rather not get into because I know I'll be accused of many a thing but let's say it was nice of IDS to make me laugh with his proposals regarding gangs.

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky

At-least at current this could not be more true. Corporate cuts and profit margins leading to abysmal jail conditions > collapse of order in jail. This is also reflected in housing, schooling, police force, nhs and so on. It's the criminals fault for taking drugs in a 23 hour lock up with nothing else to do, it's the tenants fault for falling behind on extortionate renting. It's the low IQ kids fault the local school closed, the police officers fault he didn't attend a crime scene on an understaffed zone. And we know what it's like waiting in A&E for 3+ hours.. for those over worked under staffed idiots to get something done.

And I wouldn't say the trail always leads to government either, but in many cases it does lead to a certain political demographic who have instilled the notion that personal responsibility no longer exists, it's always "someone else's fault" and that's the Mammoth in the room that everyone ignores...

We don't have as much power as we like to think. Governments and corporations set trends directly or indirectly. The last time I seen anything close to national power was the EU vote.. but look at the mess that's in as they try to revert our ''choice''. We send our kids to school and we give the government free reign to teach them what they want.. in-fact it's law and is made extremely difficult to do your own way. That in itself is indoctrination to ''their way of life''.

Personal responsibility, when you route it to the core consists of ''be good'' ''work hard'' ''pay taxes''. That isn't responsibility, it's conformity.
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That's the same principle as ''just leave home an hour earlier and ride a bike to work''. Is it the right thing to do? sure, is it done by a nation, fuck no. An easier option exists (the engine) and it is in human nature to lean toward the easiest route.

This is where you are hitting into sociological changes that have trampled those traditions. If you care to check, most of it boils down to changes in industry that in tern change how society works. It isn't easy at all to ''pick shifts'' just so one can cook good meals. It's a valid reason to want to do it but it isn't plausible for many today. Most mothers back then stayed at home and didn't have to work, that was in part due to a more lenient system and a better cultural ethic that did not pressure parents to spend mind blowing amounts of money on commodity's for children. That is down to big company's using advertising and using very real psychological manipulation to shift an entire nation into over consuming for validation or fear of social rejection. We have little to fear in society on a nature level, but that fear exists ever more in the social network, the fear of image being bad = life over.

Same with the food industry..

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky

At-least at current this could not be more true. Corporate cuts and profit margins leading to abysmal jail conditions > collapse of order in jail. This is also reflected in housing, schooling, police force, nhs and so on. It's the criminals fault for taking drugs in a 23 hour lock up with nothing else to do, it's the tenants fault for falling behind on extortionate renting. It's the low IQ kids fault the local school closed, the police officers fault he didn't attend a crime scene on an understaffed zone. And we know what it's like waiting in A&E for 3+ hours.. for those over worked under staffed idiots to get something done.

We don't have as much power as we like to think. Governments and corporations set trends directly or indirectly. The last time I seen anything close to national power was the EU vote.. but look at the mess that's in as they try to revert our ''choice''. We send our kids to school and we give the government free reign to teach them what they want.. in-fact it's law and is made extremely difficult to do your own way. That in itself is indoctrination to ''their way of life''.

Personal responsibility, when you route it to the core consists of ''be good'' ''work hard'' ''pay taxes''. That isn't responsibility, it's conformity.

Now you're taking things well beyond the original point, off on several tangents, so you can have a pseudo poIitical rant whilst ensuring you do ignore the herd of mammoths in the room.

As was expected. The bottom line is people CHOOSE their lifestyle, yet there you are using lots of words to deny that and try to blame everyone else apart from those who make these choices, whereas some brutal honesty regarding these choices and the consequences thereof would do more to cure various ills in society.

Same as many who whine that they can't lose weight when the reality is it's a hell of a lot easier than they think provided they WANT to make the necessary changes. I dropped over a quarter of my my body weight in a mere 8 months despite being unable to exercise, a friend of mine with thyroid issues dropped a similar amount by diet, exercise and sheer bloody mindedness, and another female I know here has dropped several kilos in a matter of weeks because she got a warning of what it would be like for her daughters if she didn't because she was heading into heart attack territory. But the obesity crisis in the UK? That's 100% the fault of the plumpers, for they do not WANT to change, they think someone else should do everything for them, and when people like you are blaming everyone else for the moronic choices people make then there will be no change.

You reap what you sow, and now you're harvesting the result of two generations who have been told that everything is "someone else's fault" and it's little wonder the country is in the state it's in when people like you keep peddling the same bullshit and lies.