EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Gillum for Governor..pass it on!!!!
If Gillum wins, I'll be glad for you and your Progressives(TM). I live in Oregon, in case you didn't know.

Kate Brown for Governor, pass it on.
Dems Reform Superdelegate Process in Olive Branch To Sanders Supporters

:clap: @Padawanbater2 @ttystikk

The Democratic National Committee passed new rules Saturday that will sideline superdelegates in the presidential selection process — a radical shift that was pushed by the party’s left-leaning Bernie Sanders wing.

The change will sharply reduce the power of party insiders in the 2020 primaries. Coming ahead of November’s crucial midterms, the move also signals the Democrats’ increasing reliance on young progressive voters who they hope will turn out in unprecedented numbers this fall.

“Today’s decision by the DNC is an important step forward in making the Democratic Party more open, democratic and responsive to the input of ordinary Americans,” Sanders said.

Under the party’s previous rules, about 15 percent of those who chose the Democratic presidential candidate at its national convention were superdelegates, free to support anyone they wished to be their standard-bearer.

All other delegates were pledged to a particular candidate, based on the results of state primaries and caucuses.

Party bigwigs — from governors and state legislators to former presidents and donors — have usually served as superdelegates. In the past, the party often relied on their influence to temper the passions of the left-leaning Democratic base.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton used that history to her advantage. As the party establishment’s favorite, she locked up the support of a majority of the superdelegates before a single primary ballot was cast — effectively barring the door for her insurgent opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In Wisconsin, for example, Sanders walloped Clinton by 14 percent, winning 57 percent of the primary vote. He gained 49 delegates with his victory — but Clinton picked up 47, thanks to her edge with the state’s superdelegates.

Ever since, the party’s progressive wing has agitated for Saturday’s change.
Imagine if Bernie actually tried to get something done in the Senate instead of being all talk.
I would also like someone to explain to me how do you get kicked out of a commune for being lazy ?
Dems Reform Superdelegate Process in Olive Branch To Sanders Supporters

:clap: @Padawanbater2 @ttystikk

The Democratic National Committee passed new rules Saturday that will sideline superdelegates in the presidential selection process — a radical shift that was pushed by the party’s left-leaning Bernie Sanders wing.

The change will sharply reduce the power of party insiders in the 2020 primaries. Coming ahead of November’s crucial midterms, the move also signals the Democrats’ increasing reliance on young progressive voters who they hope will turn out in unprecedented numbers this fall.

“Today’s decision by the DNC is an important step forward in making the Democratic Party more open, democratic and responsive to the input of ordinary Americans,” Sanders said.

Under the party’s previous rules, about 15 percent of those who chose the Democratic presidential candidate at its national convention were superdelegates, free to support anyone they wished to be their standard-bearer.

All other delegates were pledged to a particular candidate, based on the results of state primaries and caucuses.

Party bigwigs — from governors and state legislators to former presidents and donors — have usually served as superdelegates. In the past, the party often relied on their influence to temper the passions of the left-leaning Democratic base.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton used that history to her advantage. As the party establishment’s favorite, she locked up the support of a majority of the superdelegates before a single primary ballot was cast — effectively barring the door for her insurgent opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In Wisconsin, for example, Sanders walloped Clinton by 14 percent, winning 57 percent of the primary vote. He gained 49 delegates with his victory — but Clinton picked up 47, thanks to her edge with the state’s superdelegates.

Ever since, the party’s progressive wing has agitated for Saturday’s change.
Poor Hillary. Next thing you know, she won't be allowed to run the DNC anymore. Rough times for the Clintons.
Poor Hillary. Next thing you know, she won't be allowed to run the DNC anymore. Rough times for the Clintons.
You could do some introspection and figure out why you’re now some old fat white who defends nazis, get therapy, fix it, and become a decent person.
You could do some introspection and figure out why you’re now some old fat white who defends nazis, get therapy, fix it, and become a decent person.
I am white and middle aged, otherwise your characterization of me is off. I will go inward today and continue to work on being a better person. Thank you!
I am white and middle aged, otherwise your characterization of me is off. I will go inward today and continue to work on being a better person. Thank you!

Nah. You’ll just delude yourself into believing that Hillary clinton is somehow worse than the “nazis are very fine people” guy you support with a bunch of misogynistic bullshit you’ve internalized in the alternative fact world you’ve constructed to protect your delicate ego

That’s the self care routine of fragile, insecure white racists like yourself
If Ronald Reagan could be president at that age and Supreme Court justices are in their 80’s, than Bernie could still get elected and be the greatest President of all time. I’m sticking with Bernie in 2020. Hrs the only one who has common sense and never flip flopped. If you look back in this thread many many people on this forum still support him.
If Ronald Reagan could be president at that age and Supreme Court justices are in their 80’s, than Bernie could still get elected and be the greatest President of all time. I’m sticking with Bernie in 2020. Hrs the only one who has common sense and never flip flopped. If you look back in this thread many many people on this forum still support him.
Yup. He sure could. The only thing standing in the way is that he can't get enough voters to support him. Last election he got over 40% but he can't even get half of that now and his numbers are sinking despite near universal name recognition. He is clearly being conspired against by over 80% of Democratic voters.

<Insert unfounded and inane "RIGGED!!!" assertion here>
Bernie is day old bread.

then it shouldn't matter..should it? why bother commenting?

Sanders runs his own polling because he can and it's not what MSDNC is bleating..

did you know that Moscow Mitch finally passed the election security bill? it was right there on the bottom of NPR website if you scrolled all the way down- funny never mentioned anywhere and yet was the hot topic just a few short weeks ago..that's because it's not what MSDNC is bleating..
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then it shouldn't matter..should it? why bother commenting?

Sanders runs his own polling because he can and it's not what MSDNC is bleating..

did you know that Moscow Mitch finally passed the election security bill? it was right there on the bottom of NPR website if you scrolled all the way down- funny never mentioned anywhere and yet was the hot topic just a few short weeks ago..that's because it's not what MSDNC is bleating..
Does falsely attributing the hundreds of polls that show Bernie's lack of support to MSNBC make you feel better about Bernie's campaign being stillborn?