You subscribe to a program that can be had for free. I'm not saying you don't, I'm saying that I doubt he's making much from tin-cupping. Kulinski's messages align quite well with what right wing billionaire donors like to hear and it's reasonable to conclude he's using you to make a very good income from big secret donors that he has no obligation to report.
I listened to about 50 seconds of the shit he said in his propaganda on Maher. Kuliniski said that only "people drunk on MSNBC would applaud" Maher pointing out that "there is a lot to be said about rat talking Trump and saying he's a traitor, I mean he did sell this country out to another country, I would hope that one political party could make that a bit of an issue". Just before then, some Progressives(TM) were sanctimoniously saying "We get the Democrats position about Trump. We get it. We've got to start talking about what we are going to do". As if every candidate in every district isn't talking to their constituents about local issues. Kuliniski is making the false claim that Democrats only focus on Trump. If you listen to what's being said in the campaigns, Kyle's statement is blatantly false. Yet he repeats that claim over and over again.
I didn't watch past 48 seconds. If this vid follows the same format I've seen in other shows of his, after about two minutes he'll stop showing any outside information and begin telling his audience what to think. He will use every logical fallacy dodge that a good propagandist would use to influence through appeals to emotion rather than facts.
Kulinski uses propaganda tools very well. He made a false blanket statement that "Democrats are only talking about Trump". He disparaged MSNBC and Maher for even mentioning the traitorous Trump-Putin conspiracy -- an investigation into which is pretty much making that case that Trump IS a traitor. Kyle bashes anybody who even claps to that point. He's uses ad-hominems and red-herrings to distract people from the truth. You buy into it, Progressives(TM) buy into it and billionaires such as the DeVos family or the Mercers are smiling, knowing they're getting their money's worth.