Ph or deficiency

If you have no idea what it is, how can you say what it isn't?

I stated that I believe an abundance phosphorus is locking calcium out.
We checked the ph of the soil, to see if an abundance of phosphorus didn't cause a low ph, from the extra phosphoric acid. Ph was not low.
Phosphorus is at its highest availability around that 6.5 - 7.5 mark. So is calcium.
But calcium is being locked out. Giving the symptoms of blossom end rot.
The phosphorus is what's antagonizing the calcium Imo. The phosphoric acid, is in excess, and really available at this ph. So is the calcium. So they are binding into calcium phosphate.
We are trying to counter this possible phosphorus excess. This is why, I suggested gypsum. It's also why I suggested potassium. Besides the potassium being apparently low.
PH was the last solution. Because dropping it a little will suppress the phosphorus uptake a little. Allowing the other nutrients to bind with calcium too.

If you can't believe that I searched google for you, since you have been hassling, and already thought it was calcium deficiency in the first place. Then that is your own problem.
If you can't agree with the marijuana specific information I supplied you, after you requested it. Then that is your own problem. If you can't agree with the information I supplied about blossom end rot to you, from 2 PhD's. Then that is your own problem.
If you can't make sense of this following link about phosphorus. Then that is your own problem. If you can't realize that I am answering the points to your questions, to help express my point of view. Then that is your own problem.
If you can't read this chart either. Then that is your own problem.

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What is your explanation, and solution to fix this issue polishpollack?
If you don't know, then please let someone else have a turn.
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cbd, that's very interesting. So you just use promix for 5 weeks with no fertilizer? If so, you might want to help others here when they say they've been adding ferts to promix from day one. I've tried to tell people there's nutrients in promix, but they don't want to listen.
If blossom end rot refers to damage of fruit (and it does), then blossom end rot doesn't apply to this plant or the OP's problem because this kind of plant doesn't make fruit. It's that simple. All Tim does is confuse people. If you don't know the problem, you don't know what the solution is either. And clearly, Tim doesn't know the problem. He's just guessing, but types words like he knows what he's talking about. There's nothing wrong with top dressing with gypsum or what have you; it's such a benign solution that at least it won't make the problem worse. So Tim gets away with giving advice that won't do much. Kudos Tim for safety.
6514C6CC-AFFC-4EF4-9B82-EC4397D96C38.jpeg These are my seedlings from March. Not one was fed yet with any ferts. The bigger ones on the far left we’re ACdc clones I fed something they didn’t like and I had to flush. Took about a week and they cleared up but those are much bigger plants compared to the seedlings in the pic. I’ve tried to put seeds in soil with organics and they sprouted just like vinnys plants are. Everywhere you read seedlings have enough food in them to last about 4 weeks. So I’ve never gone wrong with no food for 4-5 weeks but have gone wrong with food from the beginning.
View attachment 4187213 These are my seedlings from March. Not one was fed yet with any ferts. The bigger ones on the far left we’re ACdc clones I fed something they didn’t like and I had to flush. Took about a week and they cleared up but those are much bigger plants compared to the seedlings in the pic. I’ve tried to put seeds in soil with organics and they sprouted just like vinnys plants are. Everywhere you read seedlings have enough food in them to last about 4 weeks. So I’ve never gone wrong with no food for 4-5 weeks but have gone wrong with food from the beginning.
They look mint..I wish mine was like them! Biobizz don't know what they're on about..told me to give my plants 3 litre of water with 6ml of grow in..this was when they was only 14 days old..they said I can start from day 14.. since that had nothing but problems
They look mint..I wish mine was like them! Biobizz don't know what they're on about..told me to give my plants 3 litre of water with 6ml of grow in..this was when they was only 14 days old..they said I can start from day 14.. since that had nothing but problems
I’m no expert but I try to stick with what works for me is all. But try it next time no food up to 4 weeks and see if it works for you.
I’m no expert but I try to stick with what works for me is all. But try it next time no food up to 4 weeks and see if it works for you.
Yeah I'm definatly going to mate..proves it's best to do it like that cause there's a massive difference compared to mine. This is my first I've gotta expect to have the odd hick up..
Cbd, I don't think it's the seedling having food for 4 weeks so much as it is the soil you're using. Promix has a charge of fertilizer in it from the factory. I know this is the case because I asked a rep if any fert is in promix soil and they said yes. This is why you can grow in promix for 4 weeks without adding anything. You could probably do an entire grow in FFOF provided you put plants in lots of it in large enough containers.
Tim, I'm not really trying to hassle you, however, when you make statements like no one knows what the problem is unless samples are sent to a lab and yet also assert that you know it's a calcium/phosphorus/pH/calcium phosphate kind of problem, you are all over the map with your explanation. When you say samples need to go to a lab, obviously you don't know what the problem is and therefore, don't know what the solution is either. You keep guessing and qualifying your understandings with IMO, and maybe, and could be and things like it. You don't really know what you're saying. And that's all I'm saying. I don't want you confusing people by suggesting to throw solutions at a problem when you can't determine what the problem is. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Cbd, I don't think it's the seedling having food for 4 weeks so much as it is the soil you're using. Promix has a charge of fertilizer in it from the factory. I know this is the case because I asked a rep if any fert is in promix soil and they said yes. This is why you can grow in promix for 4 weeks without adding anything. You could probably do an entire grow in FFOF provided you put plants in lots of it in large enough containers.
Tim, I'm not really trying to hassle you, however, when you make statements like no one knows what the problem is unless samples are sent to a lab and yet also assert that you know it's a calcium/phosphorus/pH/calcium phosphate kind of problem, you are all over the map with your explanation. When you say samples need to go to a lab, obviously you don't know what the problem is and therefore, don't know what the solution is either. You keep guessing and qualifying your understandings with IMO, and maybe, and could be and things like it. You don't really know what you're saying. And that's all I'm saying. I don't want you confusing people by suggesting to throw solutions at a problem when you can't determine what the problem is. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
I know what you’re saying about promix. I can Germ my seeds in peat pellets and I can achieve the same thing for 4 weeks.
@polishpollack just do a quick google search man. All it took was 2 minutes out of my day and not only did i learn some things but now everything tim said earlier makes perfect sense. You coming in here arguing with everything he's saying with nothing to back you up is just making you look bad man. And besides everyone around here knows tim gives good advice.
I'm sorry but that's not correct.
Tim plainly admitted that he didn't know what the problem was and samples should be sent to a lab for analysis. Despite this, he also gives a bunch of info and directions as if he does know what the problem is. Like I said earlier, Tim's posts are all over the place. He contradicts himself and it's only because his info seems reasonable that you think he's right. How can anyone view him as right when he plainly admits that in order to understand the problem, samples need to be sent to a lab? Tim isn't the only one to do this. I've been reading these online grow forums since 1999 when Overgrow was up and running (prior to getting shut down by the Canadian Police). Back then things were actually worse as people focused too much on pH. These days it's usually calcium and magnesium, which is exactly what Tim is saying. He understands some stuff, but the part Tim is missing is you have to diagnose the problem properly before you go throwing solutions at the plant. What Tim writes sounds good and gets Tim a bunch of kudos but will not solve any problems if he is actually wrong. Getting the kudos is really all Tim is interested in. This isn't about arguing and to say that it is, is just silly. It's about stopping the internet b.s. rumors that spread like wildfire. But then it's an uphill battle. As long as things sound good, people will prefer the b.s. and fail to understand what's going on with their plants. I don't know what is causing the discoloration and never claimed I did, nor did I offer solutions for a problem which I don't understand. This is the difference between Tim and myself. I don't go out of my way to win you over with a bunch of b.s.
I've seen calcium and magnesium problems and they don't look anything like what's been shown in this thread. But since I don't know what the problem actually is, I can't help. Therefore, I have nothing to back me up and you're saying I should do so doesn't make any sense.
I'm sorry but that's not correct.
Tim plainly admitted that he didn't know what the problem was and samples should be sent to a lab for analysis. Despite this, he also gives a bunch of info and directions as if he does know what the problem is. Like I said earlier, Tim's posts are all over the place. He contradicts himself and it's only because his info seems reasonable that you think he's right. How can anyone view him as right when he plainly admits that in order to understand the problem, samples need to be sent to a lab? Tim isn't the only one to do this. I've been reading these online grow forums since 1999 when Overgrow was up and running (prior to getting shut down by the Canadian Police). Back then things were actually worse as people focused too much on pH. These days it's usually calcium and magnesium, which is exactly what Tim is saying. He understands some stuff, but the part Tim is missing is you have to diagnose the problem properly before you go throwing solutions at the plant. What Tim writes sounds good and gets Tim a bunch of kudos but will not solve any problems if he is actually wrong. Getting the kudos is really all Tim is interested in. This isn't about arguing and to say that it is, is just silly. It's about stopping the internet b.s. rumors that spread like wildfire. But then it's an uphill battle. As long as things sound good, people will prefer the b.s. and fail to understand what's going on with their plants. I don't know what is causing the discoloration and never claimed I did, nor did I offer solutions for a problem which I don't understand. This is the difference between Tim and myself. I don't go out of my way to win you over with a bunch of b.s.
I've seen calcium and magnesium problems and they don't look anything like what's been shown in this thread. But since I don't know what the problem actually is, I can't help. Therefore, I have nothing to back me up and you're saying I should do so doesn't make any sense.
Look im not trying to hijack the ops thread with a petty argument here. But in reality, tims educated guess matches the problem pretty fucking well. And since you admitted you have no clue what the problem is how can you know if tim is wrong? Only the op can truly know if tim was right or wrong, once he identifies and fixes the problem. And since tim has correctly identified 3 of my past problems, thus saving my garden 3 times, im inclined to listen to the guy.
I'm sorry but that's not correct.
Tim plainly admitted that he didn't know what the problem was and samples should be sent to a lab for analysis. Despite this, he also gives a bunch of info and directions as if he does know what the problem is. Like I said earlier, Tim's posts are all over the place. He contradicts himself and it's only because his info seems reasonable that you think he's right. How can anyone view him as right when he plainly admits that in order to understand the problem, samples need to be sent to a lab? Tim isn't the only one to do this. I've been reading these online grow forums since 1999 when Overgrow was up and running (prior to getting shut down by the Canadian Police). Back then things were actually worse as people focused too much on pH. These days it's usually calcium and magnesium, which is exactly what Tim is saying. He understands some stuff, but the part Tim is missing is you have to diagnose the problem properly before you go throwing solutions at the plant. What Tim writes sounds good and gets Tim a bunch of kudos but will not solve any problems if he is actually wrong. Getting the kudos is really all Tim is interested in. This isn't about arguing and to say that it is, is just silly. It's about stopping the internet b.s. rumors that spread like wildfire. But then it's an uphill battle. As long as things sound good, people will prefer the b.s. and fail to understand what's going on with their plants. I don't know what is causing the discoloration and never claimed I did, nor did I offer solutions for a problem which I don't understand. This is the difference between Tim and myself. I don't go out of my way to win you over with a bunch of b.s.
I've seen calcium and magnesium problems and they don't look anything like what's been shown in this thread. But since I don't know what the problem actually is, I can't help. Therefore, I have nothing to back me up and you're saying I should do so doesn't make any sense.
And im really not trying to start shit with you here man. I totally respect you trying to stop the spread of misinformation, because yes there is a whole lot of misinformation on these threads. But we dont know tim is wrong. And even if he is wrong, you saying tim is wrong but you dont know what the problem is just puts you right into that category.
C275EC16-BC59-4210-BA38-11147E3939F5.jpeg D7D151F6-3348-4833-A1B5-DC91740AAC64.jpeg 842951D5-F7D1-4307-9644-6F469E61DEA0.jpeg Here’s an update... I started to ph my water nothing else. The close ups of the buds is the plant that had the purplish issue the worst. Grew out of it and does show signs of it inside the buds but as the buds developed it slowly cleared up.
Og grumble, I disagree with you. I'm not in the same category. If someone comes here telling a grower what to do and they are wrong, the plants won't get better. They will get worse. But then no one here is perfect. That's why people come here for help. It would be better if this forum were titled "How to avoid plant problems." Then give the info necessary for a great grow.
Considering the plants are outside, have had a history of showing this same issue in the past (albeit at a lesser rate), the days are growing shorter, the nights are growing colder, chlorophyll is being broken down, etc...the purple is most likely the Anthocyanins showing through. This is the same phenomena that makes all those beautiful fall colors. Nothing in the pics would denote a deficiency or lockout. I think the only help the poster of this thread needs is someone to help him trim those ginormous plants. I wouldn't sweat the colors and I certainly wouldn't go throwing the kitchen sink at your grow. Oh how I'd pray for a calcium deficiency if it equated to those monsters.