pH swings are tied to extremes of weather as well as they are over handed growers.
The harvest that we are talking about was actually from Febuary, but I agree that weather extremes had an affect. It was very cold last winter, but I also didn't understand what I was doing at the time either. I spent the time to build a well insulated 6'x24' section in my garage but I didn't run a heater last year. It would have been a easy fix.
Anyways, I think that low Mn and Zn are a reoccurring problem for me and it don't matter if I made the compost myself, bought compost, bought bag soil, or make a low P mix w/o compost. I always come back low in trace minerals.
I have a few more of these tests that I didn't take pics of. These are Mehlich 3 tests and they will not account for nutrient lock-out, such as high phosphorus locking out micros. That is why I don't like the Mehlich 3, its hard to understand what is going on.
Then, I witched testing services to a company that did test for nutrient lock-out and my problem was plain as day.
2yr old rabbit manure/oak leaf compost... This was my main source of compost for a long time and I still have rabbits, but I think that basalt and GRD are going in next time. Also, I have been feeding the rabbits a wider variety of food. They like things that I didn't think that they would like bananas, apples, and bread... The P is 15x too high!
60% peat and 40% perlite. I didn't have compost at the time.
Oyster shell flour
dolomite lime
I was running low on basalt and glacial rock dust
I used a LOT of kelp
easy on the fish meal
generous amount of alfalfa
neem/karanja meal
barley ^ ^ ^ ^
This is the recipe that I am currently following but I substituted crustacean meal for fish meal and I used Mn and Zn sulfate. I have been waiting on the latest test results and they should be here any day. I'm not going to plant until I feel like I have this under control. I've used Fertilome's "Fe and Micro" for a soil drench(foliar 1x) and then I mixed Mn and Zn sulfate for a couple more foliar sprays. I'm sorry, but nobody is going to convince me that I am on the right path right now.
This was compost from a landscaping store. I bought a whole trailer load and it wasn't any better than my own.