Homemade oil for my vape pen

You want to look for a Quick Wash Ethanol extraction (QWET) method. skunkpharms research has a good TEK that many are following with success. I've just done a run to make into ejuice.

You want to get all your materials extremely cold--freeze everything at least 24 hours, or even better, pack everything into a small cooler with dry ice (put your herb in a ziploc, but your ethanol in a jar, and place them in the small cooler with dry ice for 2 hours or so, coffee filters or mesh strainer. i use a 25 micron extract bag). put an empty jar with lid in there too.

once everything is cold as balls, put your herb in the cold empty jar and then pour your cold ethanol over it. seal it up and give it a shake. If you're using bud, you can give it an aggressive shake, if trim it can be gentler. For dry ice, because it gets everything so cold, you can do a 20 minute wash (agitate every 2-5 minutes) without too much concern about chlorophyll and fats. For a freezer, keep it to a 3-4 minute wash with agitation every minute.

If you went with the dry ice, just strain through your strainer into a pyrex or silicon dish that is as wide and flat as you can get. cover with micron mesh, a splatter guard or a light piece of wax paper. sit it on a seedling mat with a gentle fan blowing on it. the ethanol will evaporate in 24-36 hours (if you're doing a quart to half gallon amount). scrape up your remains with a razor blade and put into your preferred blend of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin--i've used 50:50 PG:VG successfully.

If you're going with the freezer method, you'll want to strain the mixture after the 3 minute wash into a jar and place that jar in the freezer overnight to winterize the solution. this will bind up some of the chlorophyll and fats. strain this through a coffee filter into your dish and evaporate, again with seedling mat underneath the dish, a screen to prevent dust etc. getting in there, and a small fan to help it along. scrape up the hash and mix it into your PG:VG mix.

To help the PG:VG mix dissolve the hash, you will want to put your vessel into a double boiler and stir until dissolved. After it's mostly dissolved, whip the mixture to emulsify it. I use a rotary tool with a nylon buffing disc to stir the mixture at ultrahigh speed so as to create an emulsion that won't separate in your tank.

5-7g QWET/ 30mL PG:VG is pretty good strength for me.

how much bud do you start with? I pressed some rosin to make e juice and I’d like to try the qwet method to compare yield and effort spent
I improved my press procedure.
I turned the PIDto 240*f and press for 3 minutes. I didn’t weigh the outcome but it was much better. The .22micron filters consume .5 ml of product to get 1.0 ml of useable juice. The filters seem to be a one time use kinda of thing...... after filtering about 1 ml they become plugged with the wax. I hope to experiment with the filters to see how they can be used in a more efficient manor. You can see the wax being caught by the filter it is pretty cool.
mabye soak them in isopropyl alcohol overnight? I use that to clean out all my stuff. also, glad to see this worked out for you! do you happen to have on hand the links for the carts you use (if you like them)? I just cant make up my mind. I plan to use waxliquidizer too, and use some shatter that I bought. Thanks!
mabye soak them in isopropyl alcohol overnight? I use that to clean out all my stuff. also, glad to see this worked out for you! do you happen to have on hand the links for the carts you use (if you like them)? I just cant make up my mind. I plan to use waxliquidizer too, and use some shatter that I bought. Thanks!
I bought an EVOD pen and a cheap 2ml tank from the local vape shop. It’s got some throat hit and will send you to the moon. I literally bought the cheapest carts on Ebay. Can’t post a link, boss says no. I just loaded them.... I’ll see if the leak. I mixed the Liquidizer / extract 3/1 and it’s still very potent... it’s been sitting for a week and it is gorgeous! No separation at ALL. I do have to clean my coil regularly
mabye soak them in isopropyl alcohol overnight? I use that to clean out all my stuff. also, glad to see this worked out for you! do you happen to have on hand the links for the carts you use (if you like them)? I just cant make up my mind. I plan to use waxliquidizer too, and use some shatter that I bought. Thanks!
I’m trying to find .22 micron filter media... so I can make my on filter with a syringe... I’ll post pics when I make it.... it’s gonna work real well on a small scale I hope
ah I found your link, i was actually looking at those carts before. cool, so they're not terrible? also, same with the wax liquidizer? I know you said it smells gawdawful, but thats fine as long as it smokes ok, which it seems like you're okay with?
If I do fresh frozen (I have quite a bit) ethanol wash, with vacuum defatting, can I decarb by simply heating the container of oil in some heated oil?
OH, a question for anybody who may answer it. Do these carts work on both button-press and buttonless vape pens? I was looking at that square ccell battery, do most 510 carts work with it, or do i need ccell specific carts for them? thanks. If so, does anybody reccomend one of those inset square batteries? they look super sleek and sly.
OH, a question for anybody who may answer it. Do these carts work on both button-press and buttonless vape pens? I was looking at that square ccell battery, do most 510 carts work with it, or do i need ccell specific carts for them? thanks. If so, does anybody reccomend one of those inset square batteries? they look super sleek and sly.

The c cell cartridges are 510 threaded so will work on any battery that is 510 threaded. And the palm battery that c cell has is a 510 thread so any 510 threaded cart will work on it.