I don’t believe in god!

All I can say is you are going there...ba ha ha ha

And just random chance for all life is impossible to comprehend. Look at the color and beauty of nature...have a giant bong hit and ponder....

I will in about 5 minutes..
I personal do not choose to believe in a higher being, I respect those that do because I think it helps give them closure in their lives.The concept of religion is so universal, that it can be interpreted in multiple fashions and I think this just leaves a opportunity for exploitation of those that are vulnerable.However it has positives to it, such as the community building aspects,solidarity.But I must agree with gwheels here it is wonderful to indulge in thoughts over such complicated concepts and ideas such as the prospect of a higher being while high.

Hope this sparked some food for thought and Happy toking.:bigjoint:
We all have our own beliefs and I do not judge anyone on theirs. That is as long as you're not hurting anyone. I personally never believed either for most my life. Until a couple events happened in my life that changed me and my beliefs forever. I am now a believer, but I do not preach or like to talk about it all that much. I do not label my beliefs on a certain religion which pisses my parents off but thats ok. For me, I'd rather believe in a higher power than believe in nothing.
I can't believe people still actually believe in god. People need to travel abroad more I guess. It sickens me how Catholics priests take advantage of a imaginary friend to molest children. Oh, but it's ok as long as they ask for forgiveness.
I don’t believe in god for the simple fact that if I did I would have to live with the fact that I’m going to hell!

well there's plenty of hidden evidence that the so-called god of all religions is in fact not the god we think of. This god is a warring and vengeful god

there is also a strong theory that earth is a hologram

Now, whomever created is no god I would consider as such. More likely a diabolical AI. Remember they have no soul or feelings and we are more like a virus to it
I don’t believe in god for the simple fact that if I did I would have to live with the fact that I’m going to hell!

Believing or not believing in something because you do not like the implications is always a terrible idea. If I decide that gravity won't pull me down when I walk off a cliff because I don't like the idea of breaking my leg, it's not going to affect gravity or actually keep me from breaking my leg.

It's also a bit ironic that the one way to not go to hell, according to Christian doctrine, is to believe in Jesus. You are choosing to withhold the one thing that would get you out of hell because you don't want to go there...

I think there are much better reasons to withhold belief in a God. In particular, the fact that there is no evidence and believers are not able to supply any convincing arguments.
I choose to believe in myself. I respect those who differ. What if all that effort over the centuries was put into curing disease instead of... whatever it is they do with all that time and money.
Believing or not believing in something because you do not like the implications is always a terrible idea. If I decide that gravity won't pull me down when I walk off a cliff because I don't like the idea of breaking my leg, it's not going to affect gravity or actually keep me from breaking my leg.

It's also a bit ironic that the one way to not go to hell, according to Christian doctrine, is to believe in Jesus. You are choosing to withhold the one thing that would get you out of hell because you don't want to go there...

I think there are much better reasons to withhold belief in a God. In particular, the fact that there is no evidence and believers are not able to supply any convincing arguments.

Heisenberg... your signature quote ROCKS!
that's why the Gospel is also called the Good News. that's what John 3:16 is talking about when it says that whosoever believes has everlasting life: anyone that believes in Jesus doesn't face the second death - which is hell.
I don’t believe in god for the simple fact that if I did I would have to live with the fact that I’m going to hell!
You can't disbelieve in something because you want to avoid the consequences. There has to be something that convinces you it's not true.

Just like I can't beleive in god because the prospect of heaven seems "nice" to me, I need to actually be convinced it's true which requires meeting a certain set of standards for evidence.