Gorilla Glue, G.S.C, Haze, Sour OG, Freebies

Went around to multiple sites and forums and the general consensus is that they are indeed male. So we lost 2 auroras and 1 freebie. The 3rd aurora is female. Since the GSC and GG#4 Are femenized, that leaves a haze and a freebie. I think they are males to but fingers crossed.
Transplanted everything except the 2 im unsure about. Don't want to be transplanting males.. Im sure ill know within 10 days. Unfortunately I didn't have the funds for more fabric pots, so i got 10 3 gallon Polly grow bags. Pretty much very sturdy garbage bag material with drain holes. Here's a comparison pic
20180812_114342.jpgI should be able to get a full flower out of these. There's plenty of room for new root root growth. I watered everything, giving a good amount of high nitrogen nutes for the coming stretch. A week or two in we taper down the nitro, and up the bloom nutes with a small amount of nitro to prevent lockouts . Last 4 weeks ill do a few flora kleen treatments followed by a flush.. then well add RO water and blackstrap molasses and finish out with plain water.. I may build up molass use up until the last 2 weeks. Anyway i installed a scrog net and it looks weak as hell right now but stretch is coming and it should fill in nicely. I broke a gorilla glue branch and also took one off of the bottom that won't really become much and now im trying to clone them.. any ( inexpensive ) advice on cloning would help.. I have no rooting hormone. I have them in cups of damp coco in a huge jar with a top for humidity.. I open in now and again for fresh air exchange . Here's a before and after of the scrog. This whole process was alot of work. I never had this many plants but im going to go in every other day and keep weaving branches..

Before the net


NOt a huge difference now but it'll help later and i can also lower my lights a few inches for now
Nice grow mate when thinking of flipping to 12/12? or maybe I missed it when you said so... I’m growing some pineapple chunk, Bruce banner, purple haze and Girl Scout cookies kinda all at different stages but after this grow I’ll be going a Texas butter, gorilla bomb and bubble bomb run here’s my tent a few days agoBA33F354-552D-471A-BA04-F1DFBDC0405A.jpeg
Check my journal bongs 420 rotation room it’s in grow journals forum
Nice grow mate when thinking of flipping to 12/12? or maybe I missed it when you said so... I’m growing some pineapple chunk, Bruce banner, purple haze and Girl Scout cookies kinda all at different stages but after this grow I’ll be going a Texas butter, gorilla bomb and bubble bomb run here’s my tent a few days agoView attachment 4180183
Check my journal bongs 420 rotation room it’s in grow journals forum
Just switched about 2 days ago, chucked 3 males. Your plants look awesome btw
Looks like the 2 I didn't transplant are males.. taking them out of the tent for now.. i think i might want some of the haze pollen but idk if I'm willing to put in the effort of keeping it separated and alive long enough to get pollen.. which realistically, will be weeks.
So can you see those ball sacs? Lol

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Freebie20180813_081423.jpg 20180813_081252.jpg
Going to inspect the last 5 now and see what i can find.. So out of 4 fems and 6 reg, we're down to the 4 fem. I already saw hairs on the Aurora . I pray to the weed gods these 4 fems are stable. I've already lost half of the potential crop.
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Out of the remaining 5, I found that 3 were female ( GG#4, GG#4, Aurora Indica ). The two GSC seem to be taking longer to show, but i do see what looks like female calyxs on both. They have that pear/teardrop shape which leads me to believe they are females.
Gorilla Glue #4 [ Hard to see the hairs but they're there ]
2nd Gorilla Glue #4 [ I saw hairs but they were to small to get a good pic ] 20180813_091037.jpg
Aurora indica X ? Indica [ Much easier to see here ]20180813_090425.jpg
Going to be doing a little more lollipopping later and im going to attempt to take some clones using a aloe Vera leaf thing.. The goo inside works very well as rooting gel. I don't really have a place to put the possible clones But if i can get 5 or more to root then ill have plants to throw in the tent immediately after this harvest. It's a goal, but a tough one without a second veg room.. I suppose I could rig something up with cfls
Just did the lollipopping i said i was going to do in the previous post got about 15 clones and chose 10 good ones. I actually used honey instead of aloe Vera gel ( in the raw) but i plan on trying it in the future. I had honey on hand and i use what i have. I used plastic bags as "dome" covers for humidity purposes. I plan on leaving the bags on for 7 to 10 days

The 3 to the left are aurora
The 3 in the middle are GSC
4 on the right are GG#4

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I think i just saw a ball with a hair coming out.. it pisses me off so i plucked it off. Possible hermy.. Im not happy about how many plants in losing.. this grow is actually going well but its like the luck of the draw isnt im my favor thia go round.. I havnt had heat issued.. could be stress from being topped too much. Who knows.. guess time will tell .bummer
Wait, does that mean the clones from said plant will be hermy to? Oh man, all this work, and my plants are dropping like flies.. not happy!!
Nice grow mate when thinking of flipping to 12/12? or maybe I missed it when you said so... I’m growing some pineapple chunk, Bruce banner, purple haze and Girl Scout cookies kinda all at different stages but after this grow I’ll be going a Texas butter, gorilla bomb and bubble bomb run here’s my tent a few days agoView attachment 4180183
Check my journal bongs 420 rotation room it’s in grow journals forum

If u dont mind leaving a link to your journal ill definitely sub
Looking good I have 35 seedling about week old FEMS and regs I got pugs breath,Sophie's breath,the white LA confidential, grape inferno x beast of burden,elephant bud,Sour patch kids bunch of stuff going can't wait till they get bigger
Do u have a journal going? If so, please do drop a link!
I havnt seen anymore balls (Thank you weed gods) . Im still keeping a close eye on everything.. one of the gorilla glue plants is popping pistils left n right. The aurora is as well. The other three seem to just have a few pre flowers still. Im not counting this week and part of next week as flowering time. This is the transition and it's also the reason many growers find the need an extra 2 weeks when they reach, what they thought to be, harvest time. It's because they counted the transitioning week or 2 as "flowering" time she the plant is in fact NOT yet flowering but transitioning into flower. That's just my opinion.
Now the clones. Firsty, The medium was to wet, my bad. I probably shouldn't be messing with them but i did see some roots on some of the ones I checked. Im guessing ill have a 60% to 80% success rate. And comparing the price of honey and clonex , im going honey every time. In the future i plan on testing honey vs aloe vs honey AND aloe to see what gets better results..
So i have no home for my clones. Good thing I have a week or more of letting them root because I'm going to build a small grow "tent".

3 10ft 3/4 inch pvc pipes cut into 2 1/2 ft pieces. And 8, 3/4 inch 3way elbow outlets will allow me to build a 2.5x2.5×2.5 frame to work with. I might use panda film to put around the cube/frame .
That's all for now
I think what i saw wasn't a sac at all. I now think it was new leaves forming. I had just got 5 males out of 6 reg seeds, so naturally, i panicked haha. All 4 femenized plants seem to be stable.
The net is filling up quickly and i might need to add a second layer. The 2 GG4s are not stretching like the aurora and the GSCs so the canopy falls short up front. Im thinking of putting something under them as a quick fix. No pics of the canopy just yet but next update ill be sure to snap some
1st Gorilla Glue #4

2nd GG#420180818_150026.jpg
1st Girls Scout Cookies 20180818_150206.jpg

2nd GSC20180818_150540.jpg

Aurora indica X Unknown 20180818_151401.jpg
A Look Under The canopy ( Defoliate? )20180818_152117.jpg