Open Show & Tell 2018

Why do you have them so spread out?

Mostly because I can. I view it as a precaution when it comes to pests and molds so not having any real restrictions and plenty of space I tried to keep them as far apart as I could. The original plan was to run just the six pots but by the time planting time came the town had sent around notices saying no more than 12. So no permits for more than 12 are good inside of town. Having back ups and revegging issues at the time this is how they ended up. There are 8 plus some small scragglers that may do a few z a piece. I'm quite happy I rode out the ones that went into flower early. I'm sure the mass trimming cut down the stall time by weeks maybe more. One of the scragglers got left behind on the trimming and sat planted for a few weeks doing nothing. After I finally got around to trimming hundreds of tops out leaving six- eight per original top she fired right up. It's a pheno I kept I'm calling Pink Lemonade. Super citrus sweet with strong hash taste and she turns light purple.
Looking really good! Your skepticism early on seems unfounded as your skills are really shining through

Thanks man, that's very kind. I would put it more like, staying on top of the worries is paying off. :) I've learned and reinforced some knowledge along the way for sure. There is no way to know what happens had I not worried about the reveg stall or the PM.

I have Ladybugs and Green Lacewing eggs on the way, as mites are picking up steam now. Ladybugs reappeared soon after but a few thousand more can't hurt. :) I also ordered some Greencure as a preventative against PM and bud rot.